Lieutenant Commander Tuvok


The Actor
Tim Russ
Born:  June 22, 1956
Washington D.C.

Lieutenant Commander of the Starship Voyager
Prior info:  Spy on Chakotay's Maquis ship
Taught archery
Married to T'Pel (who's back on Vulcan)
Habits:  Always points out the obvious and shows no emotion

Mentionable Events

Spy on Chakotay's ship but happily returns to Janeway's side in Caretaker Part I
Becomes the drill sergent to the new Maquis members and saves the ship from cheese in Learning Curve

In Cold Fire he has his blood boiled by Miss Kes
Tuvok mind-melds with Chuky's brother in Meld
Tuvok babysits children so the boogey man won't take them away in Innocence
Neelix and Tuvok bond for a while in Tuvix
In Resolutions he becomes Captain of the ship until Harry tells him where to stick his extra pips

Tuvok becomes the New Sylvester Stallone Cliffhanger in Flashback
Tuvok steals Harry's new holodeck girlfriend in Alter Ego
Tuvok shows cops a 'tude in Rise

Tuvok helps out B'Elanna but takes a walk down the psychotic ward at the same time in Random Thoughts

Tuvok meets SheRa and runs (good husband) in Gravity

In Riddles Tuvok loses his mind so Neelix tries to help him find out where it was left

Note Worthy Tuvok Site

Tuvok Appreciation
