I shall soon enough write a real disclaimer about my information but for now, this seems good.
I'd like to take some time to discuss a topic that some people take to
be quite important, how true information and subject matter that I present
really is. This topic comes up when two sources differ and a decision must
be made about which is correct.
Many people have tried to solve this with what they call "rules of
canon" in which they say what is more believable. This method is a
crude one and, while it sets standards, is not quite good. It allows people
to bend facts to make an arguement with no basis what so ever. Others try
to solve this just by saying everything is true, they generally lose most
arguements when given the fact that they contradict themselves.
To me this is a waste of time and brainpower as many of these details are
inconsequential in the grand scheme, yes I believe the bigger picture to
be more important, guilty as charged. We try to tell a story with our characters,
the plot is far more important then whether we flick the safety on our
guns up or down to unsafety it or whether that is a free action or not
in a battle.
I have come up with my own system for this problem, many will undoubtedly
dislike it though. When confronted with two differing sources I will spend
the time confirming them and make a decision based on my thoughts. Yes,
in the matter of SW RPG information I work on the assumption that I am
always right. This is not ego or saying others are wrong but my answer
to differing sources and it works well.
With that said, I try my best to make all of my data feasible for the SW
universe. I am sure there will be people that disagree with my data, say
so. If you disagree with me on something just show me your reasonings and
or evidence and I will look into it. If you're right I'll thank you and
change my information, if I still believe I am right then nothing will
Remember, this is not something lives depend on, the details are just supporting
material for a grand story we write in a universe given to us by one very
ingenious (and rich) man. Do you think he looked into details as crazily
as some fans do? No, that is why we have "bloopers" in SW movies,
the story is more important then anything else.
Now, I have gone through what I think, if you feel otherwise tell me what
you think. Send an e-mail if you disagree, if you want to argue a bit of
data I have or whatever. My e-mail is listed below.
David Simmons