Battle Armor

Model Regal Engineering Corps. Personal Combat Armor
{Customized Corellian Powersuit}
Type Bounty Hunter Armor
Scale Character
Skill Powersuit Operation
Cost 174,810
Description Much of the time it will be the color of the current environment, matte black for infiltration or shiny silver for royal balls, big parties and just normal showing off.
Game Notes Due to tremendous energy drains in combat, this unit must be recharged after 24 hours of use or all electronics die, -3D to Dexterity, -1D to Perception, -3D to Technical and Mechanical
On-board Weapons
Sensors and Comm
Computer systems
Survival gear
General Stuff
All Ranged Weapon Bonuses
Scale Character
Skill Armor Weapons
Ammo Double original
Range 150% original
Damage Original+1D+2
Fire control +2D+4, with smartgun-link
***weapon changes work on built-in weapons or scomp linked weapons
625 DNA Recognition Pad; Keys suit to Don Zondok only; linked to electrical output; 7D stun
+9,375 +4D to STRENGTH rolls against physical attacks
+3D to STRENGTH rolls against energy attacks
+9,375 +2D to LIFTING skill rolls
1,250 +2D to brawling damage and climbing skill rolls
15,300 Personal Defense System; Releases energy beam dispersing cloud; reduces the damage of laser bolts by 2D; Ammo: 5
8,500 Sealable Enviro-Filter; 6 hours of air; metal mesh closes over seal to prevent flak damage
1,500 Temperature Controlled
3,000 Armor reflective Coating; +1D to hide and sneak checks vs. sensors
1,000 Thermal Masking; +1D to Sneak vs. sensors checks to detect the user with heat-sensitive means
2,100 Sound Baffling System; +1D to sneak checks, Cumulative with other modifiers
1,500 Electronic Counter Measures; +1D to Sneak vs. sensors checks to detect the user by electronic means
On-board Weapons
57,389 Internal Phaser on right arm; Damage: 1D-8D+2; Ammo: 200 (infinite as long as suit is charged) ; Range: 5-15/60/210
1,000 Built in Vibro-claws on both hands; str+3D+1
200 Magnetic Holster on right leg: +2D to quick draw skill rolls
modified Heavy Blaster Pistol; Damage: 6D+2; Ammo 50; Range: 5-11/38/75; front sight filed off
200 Magnetic Holster on left leg: +2D to quick draw skill rolls
modified Blaster Carbine; Damage 6D+2; Ammo 200; Range 5-38/75/375
900 3 Syntherope Shooters on the bottom of the left arm; 25m of syntherope; rope strength: 3D, can detach from launcher and be reloaded later or detached from target and wound in again
500 Ion Flare Launcher on the inside of the left arm;; 3 flares, 3D Ion damage, 1m area of effect. Lasts for 2 minutes
19,128 Flame Projector on the inside of the right arm; Damage: 6D+2, 2m wide cone, length 4m; Ammo: 20; Range: 5-6/8/11
500 Modified Viper 2 grenade launcher on the left arm; range 1-250/350/500; 5 ammo; explode on contact; used 0 ammo
Damage: depends on grenade, grenade type changes with mission profile, usually in public Tear Gas is used and on missions fragmentation or white phosphorous grenades are used

Custom Sensor and Comm. unit
100 Small Lights on helmet for low light areas
100 Built-in Macro Binoculars; +1D to Perception or search from 100-200m
1,000 Corellian Technologies Scan 3000 Sensor Pod; +2D to all search attempts made within 60 meters
3,000 Infrared sensors, +2D to search for exothermic objects in normal to cold temperature situations
2,000 Expert Peripheral Sensor System: +2D to Perception checks to the sides and rear
500 Thermal Imager: +1D to Perception in darkness or near darkness
1,700 UV-night Sight: +3D to search or perception in darkness
1,500 Sound sensors: +1D to search in quiet situations
875 Image Magnification; increases the magnification of vision by up to 50 times; Add +2 to Perception totals for observing images far away; Add +5 to difficulty of attempting to use peripheral vision.
375 Light Amplification Image; +1D to Perception in near dark conditions
* Composite image that has been adjusted to provide a "real world view."
10,500* - Sensors in helmet; including MFTAS and H-47 Wrist Sensor ***
- +3D to perception or search checks at 100-500 meters Sensors
- +2D to all medium to long range perception checks
- +1D to all short range perception checks 
Passive 200m 1D (2D if set to specific item)
Scan 10km 3D
Search 20km 2D+1
Focus 50m 5D
- +2D to all medium to long range weapon skill rolls
- +1D to all short range weapon skill rolls
- reduce blaster range by 2 levels 
* Contains parts from a Stormtrooper Helmet
375 Flexi-Cam; Allows user to peer around corners, over obstacles, etc.
15,000 SmartGun Links; add +1D+2 to relevant weapon skills (added in at top)
2,000 Tactical Information Heads Up Display; 4 information slug slots
200 Heads Up Chronometer Display
500 Remote link to ship’s Bio-Scan
500 Broad Band Antenna; can intercept and decode most communications on standard frequencies
200 Multi Frequency Comlink in helmet with external speakers (Equipped with normal and increased volume public address modes.  It can be set to Stormtrooper and imperial frequencies with a switch)
2,700 Jetpack; 200m vertically or 500m horizontally per charge; 15 charges; jetpack operation skill
800 Gravboots; 20m/turn, max altitude: 150m; can be switched to reverse draw and act as terrain grip boots, when used in such a fashion they give +1D to climbing and +1D to walking on slippery surfaces (also metal)
800 100kg cargo winch; +1D to lifting with winch, can be hooked to grappling hook in one round with an easy dexterity roll
400 Turbo Projected Grappling Hook on the bottom of the right arm; 3 Ammo; 55m lanyard (you've seen the Batman cartoon right?)
Computer systems
57,500 Built-in Multi-Tasking Portable Computer (+5D to comp programming/repair rolls; 20D memory); +2D to powersuit operations; allows user to do up to 5 intra- or extra-power suit functions w/o penalties; e.i.: comp programming through scomplink, and chronometer, flexi-cam, and ships bio-scan all at once)
In pockets or hooked onto suit
10,000 Hacker Kit 1.1
(infiltrator mission) Fake bounty hunter ID papers and official hunting papers from General Krenlen "all you need will be supplied to you as if you are the Emperor"
friend Key card to a general purpose store on Outer-rim planet
500 Pocket computer(+1D to comp programming/repair)
On hard drive of computer:
Galladiniums Catalog with Inventory and Retailers prices
How to get into Exovars Emporium
List of how to get illegal and rare stuff on many common planets
List of some outlaw tech groups, how to contact them, and what they work on
* One week's worth of emergency rations
70 35m Syntherope dispenser
* 2 Glowrods
* 1 Pocket flamer
* 2 Tabs of jelled fuel
* Snare wire
* Backup comlink
* Small collection of legal drugs (analgesics, emergency pain medication, anti-pyritics, antibiotics, etc)
* 700cL filtering canteen
* Folding grapple
* 2 Mini ion flares
* 1 Mini thermal flare
* Tiny laser strobe
300 Medicine dispenser +1D to all first aid or medicine rolls
300 3 Medpacs
* Folding knife (str+2)
200 5 Hypodermic injectors 5D+2 stun damage
* 5 Power cells
250 Vibroblade; str+3D
250 2 Knives in sheaths w/ Monofilament Edge; damage: str+1D+1
270 2 Throwing knife in sheath w/ Monofilament Edge; +1 to thrown weapons skill; damage: str+1D+1
1000 Minas Cardsharp Deck (76 cards; Damage: str+1D)
Armory Raid 9 smoke pellets
25 5 Hooks for grenades on bottom edge of belt

- 2 White Phosphorous grenades; damage: 5D/4D/3D; blast radius: 0-2/4/8; 3D for every round consecutive; Cost: 300 each
- 2 Net grenades; damage: 2D, does an additional 3D Stun. Must make opposed STR roll equal to Stun damage to untangle self; Cost: 200 each
- 1 Flash-Bang grenade; Cost: 150 each