baby poll


The votes have been counted, the verdict is in; Lois and Clark's child has a name and a gender. While the gender vote was an extremely close race, with a final margin of one vote, the name vote was extremely varied. Just for fun, I've reproduced the results below.

Hey, the name I voted for isn't here. What gives?
Some names were mentioned with several variant spellings (for example: Katherine, Catherine, Kathryn, etc.). In those cases, all the votes are counted under the spelling that received the most votes.
Why don't the total numbers of boy and girl names match each other?
The name suggestions were all write-in votes. Some people voted for several names, some just one.
Hang on, I just noticed the baby wasn't given the winning name!  Why is that?
This is not a democracy; it's a benevolent dictatorship.  See episode #22, "It's Time" for more discussion on the name choice.

Boy's nameGirl's name
Adam2 Alexandra1
Alex(ander)11 Alexis3
Andrew3 Alisha3
Anthony1 Amanda1
Austin1 Amber1
Benjamin1 Amy3
Bob1 Anabelle1
Brandon1 Andrea1
Brendan1 Angel1
Bruce1 Angharad1
Cal1 Anna1
Caleb1 Anne3
Calum1 April1
Calvin2 Arianne3
Cameron1 Ariel3
Cary1 Ashley1
Charles1 Athena1
Chase1 Audrey2
Christian1 Beth1
Christopher7 Briar1
CJ7 Bryn1
Clark42 Calista1
Cody1 Cara1
Cole1 Caroline1
Colin1 Carrietta1
Corran1 Casey2
Daniel1 Chloe1
David1 Christine5
Davis1 Claire3
Dean3 Cynthia1
DeLane1 Danielle1
Derlon1 Dawna1
Dominic2 Elaine17
Drew2 Elise1
Earl1 Elizabeth5
Edward1 Ellen5
Elijah1 Elsa1
Elliot4 Emerson3
Emerson2 Emily4
Emrys1 Emma
Ethan1 Felicity1
Evan1 Grace1
Ezra1 Haley1
Gabriel1 Hannah2
George2 Heather1
Grant1 Jade1
Gwen1 Janet1
Henry1 Jennifer3
Herbert1 Jessamyn1
Isaijah1 Jessica3
Jack2 Joanne1
Jackson1 Jocelyn2
Jacob2 Jorella1
James5 Joria1
Jarod4 Josephine1
Jason5 Joy1
Jay1 Kaitlyn3
Jeff2 Kaleigh2
Jeremy2 Kallie1
Jerome20 Kalyn1
Jerry2 Kara2
Jesse1 Karen2
Jimmy2 Katherine8
Joel8 Kaylah1
Joey2 Kelly2
Jo(h)n3 Kerry1
Jonah1 Kimberly1
Jonathan39 Lacy1
Jordan24 Lane(y)19
Jorel10 Lara43
Jory1 Larissa1
Joshua6 Lark2
Justin2 Laura13
Kale1 Lauren1
Kevin1 Leah1
Kyle5 Leigh1
Lane15 Lisa1
Larry1 Lois3
Leonardo1 Lori3
Linus1 Louise2
Louis1 Lucy2
Lucas2 Lynn1
Luke1 Madeline1
MacLeod1 Mara5
Mark1 Marellen1
Mason1 Marie9
Matthew3 Martha13
Max1 Mary1
Maxwell1 May1
Michael4 Megan7
Nathan2 Melinda1
Nick1 Melissa1
Nicolas1 Mia1
Noah2 Michelle1
not Clark3 Molly1
Patrick1 Mona1
Paul1 Moriah3
Perry4 Nicole2
Rex1 Noel1
Riley1 Olivia1
Robert2 Parker1
Saige2 Phoebe1
Sam(uel)9 Rachel3
Scott1 Ramona1
Sean1 Renee3
Thomas1 Rose8
Thorne1 Roxy1
Timothy1 Sabrina1
Trevin1 Samantha6
Tyler2 Sarah2
Tyrone1 Saren1
Vincent1 Savannah3
Wade1 Selene1
Wells1 Serina1
Wesley1 Shannon1
William4 Sheri1
Zachary3 Simone1
Zandar2 Skye1


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