
by Changeling
The Temple corridors were empty except for one solitary figure striding slowly away from the Meditation Hall. His foot brushed against a small foil bag, and Qui-Gon stopped to pick it up.

"Fritos?" He murmured low, looking around cautiously, then continued on his way only to be interrupted by the clattering of an aluminum can. Someone had knocked over the recycle bin, sending soda cans of every description sliding across the floor. One Coca-Cola can clattered to a stop in front of the door to Master Yoda's study.

Qui-Gon stooped to retrieve it, and heard a strange sound coming from inside...

So he pushed open the door to find Master Yoda crushing soda cans with his ink blotter.

"Crush them, I will.... Yes...."

"You have had one too many cans of Jolt, my Master," Qui-Gon intoned solemnly, fighting the impulse to laugh.

Instead, he shook his head and put the Coke Can back into the righted recycle container thinking what a strange being Yoda is.


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