The theme from

Feeling Worthless?

Consider this ......

I have been thinkng about the depressing feeling of worthlessness.  I, too, feel that way often and I also feel that I am a burden to those around me. 
Then I think about it
~ I mean REALLY think about it ~
I realize that I am far from worthless and I may very well be a burden but I do carry my share of the load in many other ways.
I have a lot to offer and I give a lot as a wife and as a mother and as a person in general ~
the list is endless.

I may not be able to contribute financially to the household as in the past but the things I can contribute are priceless ~ the greatest of these is love.
Love cannot be assessed with a value of any sort. 
I am loved by, and give my love to, many
people every day.

I am not physically able to do what I once
was able to do but I can be here to comfort, to just be a presence that is compassionate and caring ~
I can lend an ear to someone that just
needs to say things and to ask questions
that there may not
be a definitive answer to,
but I can give them a chance to ask.

I may not be as active as I have
been in the past, but
I am here when he looks my direction and
smiles at me or when he walks in the door
from working all day ~
If I were not here for him to see or to kiss hello or to cuddle when it's time to go to sleep or to tell me'"I love you" or to hear me when I tell him I love him, he would feel emptiness and sadness and
loneliness ~ he may feel frustration and helplessness because he can't give me relief
from the pain, but at least I am still with him..

When one of the kids call just to hear my voice or to need me to be here to give a simple answer to a situation they aren't sure of, or to share an important event in their lives, I am
here to answer the phone.
If I weren't here, they couldn't call to give or get comfort or to tell me they love me or to hear me tell them I love them.
I am around when a holiday meal comes up and one of the girls has accepted the challenge to cook it and has no idea what they have
gotten themselves into.

I was here to answer the phone when each of the boys called to tell us we were going to be grandparents and then to tell us that we had been blessed because the babies had been born. 
I will be there when those grandchildren celebrate birthdays and holidays and I can give them things that will make them happy and once in a while, when they want to play or have fallen and have a boo boo that needs a healing kiss

See?  The list is endless ~ there is no possible way that any of us is worthless when we
REALLY think about it.
Right now I am thanking myself for accepting what life is handing me and realizing that no matter what happens ~ I am not worthless and never will be ~ and if you think about it, you will
realize the same thing and create a list
of your own that lets you see that you are
not, and never will be, worthless.

And please, never forget ....

I am human with frustrations and emotions and I, too, need someone to lean on or to listen to me when I ask the unanswerable questions or just
need to say what I am feeling or need a
shoulder to cry on or when I need to be
reminded that I am not worthless or a burden
or at least if I am a burden, I am one that
those that love me will gladly bear.
And  I, too, need  a healing hug and kiss
now and then ~ and that's okay.

I need understanding when I don't necessarily
feel up to communicating but at the same
time I need to know that those who care
about me are including me in their
thoughts and prayers.

That, my dear, loving friend, is where you come in.

By the way, 
Have I told you yet today that I love you?
I do, you know.
Thank you for being there for me
when I need you.

~ Sandy Lappert ~


Please name your
mail "Your HP"
Thank you

Please share this with those you care about ~
those who need
as well as those who give


Serenity Prayer


My Special

The Looking

Daughter's Speech

Number  One


Two  Days

Simple vs. Real

Believe In Yourself

and Live

When Day
Is Done

You and

You Said

Don't Let
Yourself Down

He Always Will

To Fear

If A Dog ...

Happiness Shared

My Oath


A Purple


2nd Ten Commandments

Needed One Friend

Bill of Rights

Accept Me

Interview WithGod




I Love



Of The Rose

The Man
Who Can

