Fresh from the pad...

Well kids, it's been a long road. We havee seen Digimon come and go and well The old site is goin' away. I'm so thankfull for everyone who has donated stories and art work for the site. I'll be converting this space into something new, Right now I'm think of conveting to space into a showcase for my anime fanart(if so i hope you enjoy it). So I'd sugest if there are any stories or pictures you like I'd save them to your hard drive now. Don't worry everyone the site is going to compressed into a ZIP file for safe keeping, everything will be stored in a safe place. I've had so much fun with this site. I'm sad it's going to be gone but we all have to move on.

~Michael D. aka M61682

As of December 23, 2001
Digimon is (c) TOEI Animation, Bandai, Saban, and Fox Kids.
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