hatred- a 6 letter word a feeling so absurd i don't understand how you don't understand the beauty of diversity how can you condem and hate with a passion so great a person you don't even know? how can you say the person next to you, born in the same manner as you, has eyes like you, breathes as you do, how can you say they are less than you?
what makes you so perfect? your religion? your color? your race? your sexual preference? exactly who crowned you king?
i know you have faults maybe you stutter, maybe you're dumb, maybe you can't hold an erection, believe me - you aren't perfection. do you need glasses? are you on medication? allergic to cats or dogs? do you have a problem with drinking? do you have a problem with thinking? do you smoke? do you like to do dope? have a big nose? have a small dick? all i know is you're sick.
hatred is your greatest handicap. ignorance is your fate. next time you think of turning a gun on another just because of their race, religion, or color or any other idiotic prejudice reason, do the world a favor - turn it on yourself. |