i did have a life before now, here's what it looked like... kinda...

to be perfectly honest, the quality of these pics are horrible.  just horrible.  but you might be able to make something out of them.  you just might.

band was a blast in 7th grade.  weee!

we had a dance in 8th grade.  i went.

this is from band camp.  it was fun.

this is from my sophomore year.  that thing coming out of my mouth is a pointer my friend josh and i stole from a teacher.  don't ask.

one summer i went to a national student government conference.  these people were cool.

these are from a trip the band took my freshman year to san antonio, texas.  despite the hicks and the mexicans hitting on my, it was a really good time.

this past summer i went with some of my family to canada.  these photos here are from quebec.  as you can see, they like statues a whole lot.

this cute guy is from montreal.  he kind of looks like an ex of mine.

there it is:  the almighty CN tower of toronto.

here i am just relaxing in toronto.