Tori Amos
Little Earthquakes
This is the debut album from Tori Amos. I first noticed Ms. Amos with her
first song "Silent All These Years." Afterwards, I noticed her because she
seems to be having sex with the piano everytime she plays it. I'm not a
pervert or anything, because members of the press say the same thing. It's
just that it seems like she really enjoys playing the piano, not that it's
a bad thing. Look where sex and a piano got Holly Hunter in The
Piano. A best actress Oscar, so there must be something about pianos
and erotica. Also, ever notice how every girl you know owns a copy of this
album. I found out it's a good way to show girls that you're in touch with
your feminine side, which makes you more appealing to the female sex. Not
that it got me anywhere, I'm just saying, oh forget it.
Rating (out of five)
Song List
Silent All These Years
Precious Things
Happy Phantom
Tear in Your Hand
Me and a Gun
Little Earthquakes