The Beatles
Beatles for Sale
This is the least popular Beatles album. I don't know anybody that owns
it except for me and Mike, who owns every Beatles album. Anyway, "Eight
Days a Week," "No Reply," "I'm a Loser," there are some hits. But this
album isn't necessary, unless you need every Beatles album. If that is the
case, well then, it's your funeral. Now there's a creepy cryptic last
sentence to leave you with.
Rating (out of five)
Song List
No Reply
I'm a Loser
Baby's In Black
Rock and Roll Music
I'll Follow the Sun
Mr. Moonlight
a. Kansas City
b. Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey
Eight Days a Week
Words of Love
Honey Don't
Every Little Thing
I Don't Want To Spoil the Party
What You're Doing
Eveerybody's Trying To Be My Baby