There is no question in my mind about what I regret the most! I would have liked to have my father come to America before he passed away. He was always very interested in the United States, especially when I began to make my living here.
When I first came to this country to work in "Oliver," my dad kidded me about getting over here before he had a chance to. Then when I started doing the Monkees TV series, we began to make plans for his visit. There we lots of groovy places I wanted to take him to! Would you believe that Disneyland was at the top of his list of places to see? I have made so many wonderful friends here too that I wanted him to meet.
He was excited about seeing my store, Zilch, and getting a first-hand look at my house too. Every time I made a trip back to England I'd bring along loads of photos of everything I thought you interest him. We'd sit for hours talking about the places he was going to see and I'd get excited all over again, seeing this country though his eyes.
Twice I got tickets for him to come over, and both time he became too ill at the last minute to go. It didn't stop him from making plans, though. In one of his last letters to me, he talked about his trip with great enthusiasm. "Just let me get on my feet, lad, and you'll be taking me on that Matterhorn ride at Disneyland!"
The end of my story you already know. My dad died just a few weeks before he was to come back to the States with me. I wanted to make his dream come true for him, and I'm very sad that it wasn't possible.