Colors are fantastic things. When I'm in different moods, I like to wear the color that best suits my mood. Mostly I like blue, but there are times when it just doesn't seem right. For instance, blue rooms are kind of depressing. Have you ever been in a place with blue walls and lots of blue furniture? I think you'll see what I mean if you spend some time there.

But when I'm wearing a blue sweater I feel good. It's kind of a relaxing feeling...very calm. Also, I love girls in blue, It brings out so much of their eyes, that is, if they have blue eyes...and I like blue-eyed girls.

The funny color is red. Too much red can really turn you off. it's a wild color, but a little bit of it goes a long way. You're always conscious of red whether it's a car or a red dress or a red shirt or anything like that.

I know it's not a color, but when I wear black, it seems to get the most reaction. I once wore a black turtleneck sweater for a photo shooting and someone put it on the cover of a magazine. That sweater gor more reaction that anything else I wear. So I guess you never can tell.

Also on the Monkee TV show, we've noticed that certain segments which are more colorful go over better with the audience. You know at the end of the show where we do a number? Well, the specialty of the lights jumping around where we all wore white pants and sweaters was very groovy. At least the letters we got said so.

And speaking of letters, it's strange how the color of stationery can affect whether or not you read a letter.. In fan mail for instance, when I get a letter written to me on dark-colored stationery like a deep rose, my eyes get tired. letters on bright yellow stationery have a glare to them and are hard to read.

Most of you have black and white sets so you probably don't see what I mean about the show, but you can look at other colors and understand. Oh, and one last thing, even colors of cars tell a lot about the people who own them. Everyone usually buys a car in the color that will be most attractive to him and you can tell a lot about his personality.

Start thinking about what effect colors have on your state of mind. I'll bet you'll be surprised.