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I think they got a little confused

Oh! So that's why they seem confused

That's the whole caption... if you can read it. Anybody got a magnifying glass?

"I just don't have it anymore" "Come on, Lenny, she just couldn't see the trees through the fawcet"

"Andrew, you & your, uh, date, will go to the spicy city of Acapulco" "We're goin' to France!"

"Is this the Dating Game Kiss?

Whatta poster! ::sigh:: I could just stare at it all day!

Anniversary Ep Pic 1

Anniversary Ep Pic 2

Anniversary Ep Pic 3

Anniversary Ep Pic 4

"Apologize?! I can't apologize to him… it's unnatural!"

"Go get some blankets from the bedroom" "Bedroom!"

A man independent… wearing a bib?!

"Shirley won the contest!"

"Are you my best friend or what?" "What?" "Nervermind" "Okay… yes" "Yes, what?" "Yes, sir?"

"I'm gonna slash your iguana from ear to ear" "If Jeffrey receives so much as a paper cut, your moths are dead meat, buddy!" "Moths ain't meat, pal!"

"It's delicious" "And nutritious" "And they are fortified"

::snort:: "…there won't be sunshine in Milwaukee without you tellin' us we stink"

"What're you wearin' a suit for?" "This is my Sunday suit" "That place is closed on Sunday… that's when they wash the women"

"If anybody asks, we're Brew Meisters"

"I don't believe he did it again!"

"…garbage has always been there for me…"

"…you're not my friend anymore…"

"Why don't ya get a picture you kissin' Fabian on the cheeks"

"What I don't know about cars they could fit in a manual"

"After the wrestlin' match, the midgets took us to a tini luau"

"We saved her life, that entitles us to see her naked" "Out!"

"Shirl, I thought you said they'd never find us"

"Len, you've moved up in the world. Last time I saw you, you was in a garbage can"

Look, Shirley's been visited by the Lone Ranger & the Devil… that's an odd combination, but then again Ralph & Potsie dressed up as them, too

"Squiggy, will you take those horns off?" "No…"

"Who're the guys in the Superman suits?"

"He ain't such-a-much. He didn't even remember to bring a blanket with 'im to the beach" "Maybe he thinks she's a grunion"

"Hello, lovers!" "Hi"

"I'm… possessed …some devilish urge covers up my arm…"

"Either gimme your name or I'll hang up the dumb phone… Shirl, it's your mother"

"I can resist you" "She'll do anything I tell her"

"Boy, whoever invented this musta had one weird & twisted mind" "Hello" ::scream:: "You nearly scared the pants off me!" "All in a day's work, Laverne"

"We know there's love in your hearts the way you do that sexy scmazel song…"

"I can go, I can stay" …I think he stayed

Squiggle, the sad clown & Lenardo, the juggling stooge

"Daddy's little girl…" "P U"

"I had some great weddings… lousy marriages, but great weddings"

"::laughing:: Peanut butter & jelly balloons…"

January 30, 1978 PEOPLE Magazine Cover -- The Boys From Nerdsville Are Slick City Off TV"

"Lazlo's Place will no longer be know as Lazlo's Place… it will now be know as…" "Dead Lazlo's Place"

"…your burg-u-lar is a dog"

"I can't move in with him… my brother-in-law needs me around the house"

"…he made me serve snacks to his friends… 'scuse me sir, care for a cheese ball'?"

"frpl" "What's wrong wit' your mouth? Show me where it says 'frpl'"

"…we got beaks & tallons in this one, a pint of cartilage…" eww…

"Don't ever go shoppin' with 'em… he made me push him in the cart while he yelled 'whee whee!'"

"Shirl's gonna be okay…" ::notice they're holding hands & separate::

"Let's spreadout & look for Shirley"

"Oh, my little heart!" "I never touched it"

"He's Dee & I'm Dum" "I'm Dum" "You're both morons so shut up"

"Ah, beer… muddah's milk" I wonder how Laverne's getting' along with ol' Biff" "She's havin' a great time, she's out wit' the man of the year" "That was a lie" "It was a great lie"

"Fire, fire, fire! Someone get a net! Here come the firemen to get the fire wet… shpsh go the hoses, ding go the bells…

"He was lyin' to you, too" "You lyin' to me?!"

Michael & David

"You can't beat me up, you're a girl" "Carmine Ragusa's a boy" "But Carmine ain't here" ::Shirley opens door for Carmine:: "::gulp:: Hello"

"We've come to buy your jeep"


"Show business is like a lifeboat, Squiggy, only the talented women & children survive" "What does that make me?"

It's The Water

"In the mood for a little heavy floating?"

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