+ chicken little's plea +
my story
the original story | the real story | henny penny | ducky lucky | goosey loosey | turkey lurkey |foxy loxy | conclusion
my name is chicken little. most of you don't know the real truth behind my story and i'm sick of hearing about it so i'm here to set the record straight. that's right...straight from the chicken coop. for those out there who don't know the old story here it is.
Narrator: Chicken Little was in the woods one day when an acorn fell on her head. It scared her so much she trembled all over. She shook so hard, half her feathers fell out.

Chicken Little: "Help! Help! The sky is falling! I have to go tell the king!"

Narrator: So she ran in great fright to tell the king. Along the way she met Henny Penny.

Henny Penny: "Where are you going, Chicken Little?"

Chicken Little: "Oh, help! The sky is falling!"

Henny Penny: "How do you know?"

Chicken Little: "I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head!"

Henny Penny: "This is terrible, just terrible! We'd better hurry up."

Narrator: So they both ran away as fast as they could. Soon they met Ducky Lucky.

Ducky Lucky: "Where are you going, Chicken Little and Henny Penny?"

Chicken Little & Henny Penny: "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! We're going to tell the king!"

Ducky Lucky: "How do you know?"

Chicken Little: "I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head."

Ducky Lucky: "Oh dear, oh dear! We'd better run!"

Narrator: So they all ran down the road as fast as they could. Soon they met Goosey Loosey walking down the roadside.

Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Goosey Loosey "Hello there. Where are you all going in such a hurry?"

Chicken Little: "We're running for our lives!"

Henny Penny: "The sky is falling!"

Ducky Lucky: "And we're running to tell the king!"

Goosey Loosey: "How do you know the sky is falling?"

Chicken Little: "I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head!"

Goosey Loosey: "Goodness! Then I'd better run with you."

Narrator: And they all ran in great fright across a field. Before long they met Turkey Lurkey strutting back and forth..

Turkey Lurkey: "Hello there, Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, and Goosey Loosey. Where are you all going in such a hurry?"

Chicken Little: "Help! Help!"

Henny Penny: "We're running for our lives!"

Ducky Lucky: "The sky is falling!"

Goosey Loosey: "And we're running to tell the king!"

Turkey Lurkey: "How do you know the sky is falling?"

Chicken Little: "I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head!"

Turkey Lurkey: "Oh dear! I always suspected the sky would fall someday. I'd better run with you."

Narrator: So they ran with all their might, until they met Foxy Loxy.

Foxy Loxy: "Well, well. Where are you rushing on such a fine day?"

Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, Turkey Lurkey (together) "Help! Help!" It's not a fine day at all. The sky is falling, and we're running to tell the king!"

Foxy Loxy: "How do you know the sky is falling?"

Chicken Little: "I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head!"

Foxy Loxy: "I see. Well then, follow me, and I'll show you the way to the king."

Narrator: So Foxy Loxy led Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, and Turkey Lurkey across a field and through the woods. He led them straight to his den, and they never saw the king to tell him that the sky is falling.

first off, i never talked like that..i mean jesus i don't live in a nursery rhyme world. is anyone seriously that repetitive? if so they should be locked away forever with regular shots of heavy sedatives. and that stupid fox wasn't kidding anybody. anyone who believes he lured me and my "friends" into his den should be treated in the same way as the person who talks like they're in a nursery rhyme. it goes against every single one of my animal instincts to follow, or talk to, or get within a 50 mile radius of a fox. do you seriously think a chicken could be that dense? lets hope not.

now i know that everyone thinks i'm a moron and a disgrace to the chicken race because i thought an acorn was a piece of the sky, but all that was made up by the evil coorporations such as the tobacco industry, buswieser, and the people who signed nsync. the truth must come out and this is it.

so one day i was bored and decided to go for a stroll. not a big deal, it's something any chicken might do. so i'm walking along and i see this fine looking rooster nearby. now i was never a shy gal so i go over and make my move. i go up to the rooster and strike up a conversation. after a while i decide it's time to let him know i wouldn't mind sharing my nest for the night. i ask him, "if it was the end of the world would you hold me in its last moments?" now this rooster, although fine looking, wasn't the brightest headlight on the highway. so he says, "what are you talking about the end of the world? the world isn't ending. the world is never going to end. how would the world even end? it's not possible." like i said, he wasn't the quickest thing you've ever met. so i say, "hey the sky could fall." now while he's processing this bit of information, that imbasil henny penny, who had listened to only the last line of the conversation screams, "the sky is falling? we have to go tell the farmer!" that's right, it was a farmer not a king. duh people. i'm a chicken, and i live on a farm. i don't frolick through endless meadows of posies and sunflowers. i live on a farm, in a coop with the rest of the egg producers. so that stupid hen drags me away from my fine specimen of a rooster, convinced that i said the sky was falling and that we had to go tell joe (the farmer).

so the idiot henny is running back to the barn, dragging me behind her, and we come upon the rest of the morons one by one, each one of them not listening to me, and adding to their own hysteria. so one thing leads to another and then we come upon that stupid fox. he had snuck into the farm again, trying to, obviously, steal away some chickens. the moron troop doesn't blink an eye and tells him everything. now foxes are sly animals, but he didn't have to use any of his cunning to get these simpletons to follow him to the fence where he did the rest of nature a favor and disposed of them. gruesome, but true. i however, not being "iq imparied" like my unfortunate comrads got the heck out of there while the fox was tied up with other affairs.

so that's the real story. i was just out looking for a good friday night, when everything went wrong and now i'm blamed for the death of some stupid farm animals the the world is better off without. some would say i am being heartless, but i'm just stating the truth. but you've only heard part of the real story. now you'll get to know the real dufus's because no more will i let the whole world think that it was me who was the idiot.
henny penny

that stupid hen was the densest of them all. the ringleader in a sense, she always started all the trouble. she was always sticking her beak where it wasn't wanted and it lead to her ultimate end, which serves her right. she got what was coming to her. now her first name, henny, is easily explained. she was a hen. named henny. if you can't see the relation go check yourself into a mental hospital. the penny part isn't as easily explained. henny was a real ugly looking thing. she never had many feathers and all in all was just...yikes if you know what i mean. so one year during the depression, joe was hard up for cash and farm animals. so there's this pauper-lookin guy walking by and joe sees he has a hen on his cart. so joe says, "hey there, you wanna sell that hen?" it was a slow year. a very slow year. even henny looked like good eats at that time. so the pauper-lookin guy says, "sure, you can have her for a dime." now joe doesn't have a dime, and a dime was ten cents too much to pay for a hen like henny. so joe says, "i'll give you a penny," and that was it. the pauper-lookin guy got a penny, and joe's farm got henny. pretty sad, i know. in the end henny wasn't eaten because we found some pretty tasty lookin mulch to munch on until things picked up again.
ducky lucky

that's what they called him. ducky lucky. he was one lucky ducky, but it wasn't just lady luck looking him over the shoulder all the time. the untold story of ducky lucky was that he had a serious gambling problem. he was always dealing a game of poker or playing blackjack til the rooster crowed in the morning. and he always won. but like i said, it wasn't exactly fate. ducky lucky always said, "a duck can only make his own fate," and i guess he was right. i mean, in the end, he was stupid enough to get himself fated to be someone's dinner. but anyway that moron duck cheated so many times at every game and in every way possible that he eventually got caught. so when he was running with henny (with me being drug behind) he was running from what we farm animals like to call the "moo mob" or the cows that handle all the big cash. they found out lucky wasn't really that lucky and were coming to collect what was owed to them, so that ducky ran. stupid duck. he got what was coming to him, just like the rest of those idiots.

goosey loosey

goosey loosey sure held true to her name. that stupid goose was always sleeping around. she had about 7 different "suitors" and she had laid around 5 dozen eggs. those poor kids never got the love they deserved. so they were eaten for breakfast one day. so one day after one of loosey's "jobs" (times weren't too good and she needed some food ... or so she said) she's enjoying the payment (some seed) and she walks right through the fence joe put up and out into the wilderness. so finally she realizes that she's not in kansas anymore and is trying to find someone to ask how to get home or to nestle up with for the night when loe and behold comes me and the two other idiots and she joins us, figuring that joe will give her a little something if we report this very important information. another idiot. the story is sad and short, but true.

turkey lurkey

stupid turkey lurkey. that idiot should have been shot, plucked, and eaten for thanksgiving dinner a long time ago. ducky lucky and turkey lurkey worked together a lot on some things. when ducky didn't know which way to bet, lurkey would go a-lurkin' and find out the goods on the "real" odds if you catch my drift. when he and lucky weren't working together, lurkey still found things to occupy his time. lurkey's name should have been tom turkey because he was one sneaky peeping tom. between henny penny and goosey loosey (who never minded the peeping) turkey lurkey stayed pretty busy. when the moron troupe caught up with him, he was setting up camp for the night because he saw a flock of swans fly in for some rest before continuing south. and you people think i'm the one with the problem here?

foxy loxy

foxy loxy is like me. made out to be the bad guy when really she was the only other intelligent animal in this whole screwed up story. granted, she tried to kill me but, hey, a fox has got to eat right? i didn't hold it against her and now we're quite good friends. we even shared a nice turkey and duck dinner one night. but i got the impression that it wasn't actually a bud to bud dinner. foxy was getting a little frisky and a little too fresh for my taste. foxy isn't exactly a flamming heterosexual. and that's fine and dandy but this chicken is looking for a nice, strong rooster. viva la pflag and all that but my door swings one way. after a little less than subtle hints foxy backed off and just packed me some leftovers.

so anyway that's the real story. i know some of you are going to take it as a load of crap but c'mon...you know it makes sense. chickens aren't as stupid as you would imagine. think charlotte's web but with a chicken instead of the spider. we're good like that. so if you're a five year old kid reading this thinking that all of your dreams have been shattered, good for you. welcome to reality. that's right. the walls aren't bleeding and chicken little wasn't as stupid as you thought. if you're some bored teen or perhaps some adult ditching work i have one thing to say to you. get a life. good god you're reading about chicken little for god's sake, have you nothing better to do with your time? geez, some people. no wonder joe went crazy...he just sat on the computer all day. which is where i am now. slowly seeping into american culture and planning to take over the world..uh..i mean...cluck.

well apparently i'm more clever than i thought i was because i've had many requests from other misunderstood members of the fairy tale society asking me to stand up for them too since i seem to be the only literate one amongst us. so yeah you can click on the pretty blue words below to go to the next story behind the story.
