Coneflower's Comments on Newsies Quotes

I think this is self explainitory, but what the hey. On with the show!

"When you get up, it's time to get up!" -Kloppman
~ "Uh…I think we know that if we get up, we are up" ~

"So, how'd you sleep Jack?" -Mush
"On me back Mush." -Jack
"Ha ha. Hear that fellas? Hear what Jack said? I asked Jack how he slept and he said 'On me back Mush.'" -Mush
~ "Can he get any stupider? But that's why I love Mushie!" ~

"No. Who says you're faking it?" -Jack
~ "If I didn't know what he was talking about, that would be EWW!" ~

"5-1 that Cowboys skunks 'em. Who's betting?" -Racetrack
~ "Skunk them, ay? What an image!" ~

"What do you think you're doing?" -David
"Runnin'!" -Jack
~ "Uh…duh David! If you see someone running, wouldn't you automatically know they're running?" ~

"See you tomorrow, Cowboy" -Morris
"You're as good as dead, Cowboy." -Oscar
~ "Now if ya think about it, Jack fighting the Delancey's everyday and they always lose, are they as stupid as they look?" ~

"So, didja miss me Weasel? Huh, did you miss me?" -Jack
~ "Gee Jack, I didn't know Clint Eastwood was your hero." ~

"Look at this, 'Baby Born With Two Heads'. Must be from Brooklyn." -Racetrack
~ "Just think, Spot Conlon with two heads…dang that's disturbing! 'I'm Brooklyn!' 'No, I'm Brooklyn!' " ~

"Are you accusing me of lying kid?" -Weasel
~ "I don't know, should I trust a guy who's greasy and stick his fingers in his mouth?" ~

"Cowboy. They called him Cowboy." -Les
"Yeah, I'm called that and a lot of other things…" -Jack
~ "Oh really? Like what Jack? I could list a few..." ~

"Les, and this is my brother David. He's older." -Les
~ "Les, have ya looked at your brother lately? Or are you on something?" ~

"Wait. Who said anything about being partners?" -Davey
~ "Like Davey would say that!" *snorts* ~

"You're getting the chance of a lifetime here, Davey. You learn from Jack, you learn from the best." -Crutchy
~ "AHHHH! No comment!" ~

"Well, if he's the best, then how come he needs me?" -Davey
~ *smacks head* "HOY!" ~

"Now, when I created the World…" -Pulitzer
~ "Joe, babe, I think you need to sit down." ~

"My father taught us not to lie." -Davey
"Well, mine told me not to starve, so we both got an education." -Jack
~ "Jack, you mean a ed-gi-ma-cation don't you?" ~

"You were in jail?" - Les
~ "Les, did you hear him? He said he was!!!! *mutters* The child is on something" ~

"Oh, you are good. Oh yes, this kid is really good. Speaking as one professional to another, I'd say you have a great future." -Medda
~ "Quoting Medda herself, 'HE'S ONLY A CHILD!'. Well, an evil child, but still! Medda needs to get out more. *ahem* That didn't sound right." ~

"Come on, Les, you wanna shine me shoes for me?" -Jack
~ "I think this is the part that we find out Les also has a hearing problem." ~

"So what makes the headline good?" -Sarah
"Oh, you know. Catchy words like maniac, or corpse, umm…love-nest, or nude. Excuse me. Maybe I'm talkin' too much." -Jack
~ "For once I wish Jack would not stop talking so Sarah wouldn't be able too!" ~

"Yes." -Sarah
~"She sounds almost confused when she says it!"~

"Remember that hot tip I told you about? Nobody told the horse." -Racetrack
~ "That's all your fault, Race! You were the one who was suppose to tell the horse" ~

"I know we need to make more money. That's why we're here, to find out how to make more money." -Pulitzer
~ "Is that all that man thinks about?!" ~

"Are you out of your mind?" -Racetrack
~ "You asking me this question. Well, of course, I'm out of my mind! muhaha..." ~

"Some of them don't hear so good!" -Race
"Well then we'll soak 'em!" -Jack
~ "Does that mean we can soak Les?!" ~

"David. David as in David and Goliath?" -Denton
~ "That has to be the worst pick up line" ~

"Well, so's your old lady! You tell Pulitzer he needs an appointment with me!" -Jack
~ "I wonder what they were talking about?" ~

"Yeah. So, Jacky-boy. I've been hearing things from little birds. Things from Harlem, Queens, all over. They been chirpin' in my ear. Jacky-boy's newsies is playing like they're going on strike." -Spot
~ "So, I like this scene, but I still can't find the fasination everyone has with Spot!" *shivers* ~

"They're waiting to see what Spot Conlon is doing, you're the key." -Davey
~ "Oh how convenant, Spot has a key around his neck and he's the 'key' to the strike. *hits head* These production people, I just don't know what to think about them." ~

"Where's me picture? Where's me picture?" -Spot
~ "Hoy, if I was Jack I would of just smacked Spot with my fist and knocked him out." ~

"I never heard of him, honest! It's this brain of mine, it's always making mistakes. It's got a mind of it's own." -Crutchy
~ "Counting the brain he has and the mine of the brain he has plus the one he thinks with ((if you get what I mean)), I say Crutchy is the most intelligent person in that office" ~

"You got no brains. Why we starting to fight each other? It's just what the big shot's wanna see. That we're street rats! Street rats with no brains." -Jack
~ "Go get Crutchy! He has two and one to grow on!" ~

"Push me!" -Davey
~ "Uh…no." ~

"Sit. Know what I was doing at your age, boy? I was in a war. The Civil War." -Pulitzer
"Yeah, I heard of it. So, didja win?" -Jack
~ "Oh, if only Jack knew that ole' Joe was really just an ambulance driver" ~

"Are you bribin' me, Joe?" -Jack
"No." -Pulitzer
~ "Uh duh! Jack maybe stupid, but he isn't an ignoran-moose like Joe thinks he is. Now Les, that's ignoran-moose" ~

"And guess what I done to his sauerkraut, huh?" -Crutchy
~ "Let's hope Crutchy didn't use his third brain...if you get my drift." ~

"Stop it! Les! Stop, you're hurting him! No!" -Sarah
~ "I think that's what the point of beating Davey up. And why did she call Les?" ~

"Close the window! Close the window! Go home! Go home! Go home!" -Pulitzer
~ "Like all those people, who are shouting, can hear you on top of a sky scraper. Joe, use your head for once not your obsessive compulsive disorder to repeat words over and over again." ~