Don't Be Surprised If the World Hates You
"If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you...But all these things they will do to you for My name's sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me." -John 15:18-21
Sometimes following Jesus Christ is not the most popular thing to do. Sometimes following Jesus may mean we will be treated like "the odd man out." Being a Christian may mean we will experiance persecution and rejection. The world persecuted and rejected Jesus Christ, and so it may treat us the same way. That doesn't mean the we should go around with the "victum complex" or look for trouble. God can give us supernatural favor. But it is important to know that there will be times when to stand up for Christ will mean opposition.
Nina's Footnotes
Have you ever noticed when you start talking freely about God people seem to become very quiet or very abrupt? It's like the name of God or Christ is forbibben! Sometimes it really feels bad to be rejected by the people around you because of your openess toward God. Or you wonder, "Do I talk about Him too much?". You will never talk about Him too much. Online it's kind of hard to talk about the Lord because people arn't seeing you in Him, as they might in person.
Please don't let people intimidate you to stop talking about Him. Like Romans 1:16 says, "Do not be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes." Yes, there will be people in your lifetime who will persecute you for His sake, if it's in words or actions or practically anything. But, by freely talking about Him to all people, there just might be that one person who hears it and the Word touches their hearts. It's worth it just to have that one person turn to Him. Let God's Holy Spirit flow through you always, and don't worry about the persecution. We'll be with Him one day and not even have a distant memory of all that happen to us on Earth. You will, however, see again the person who just may have listened to you when you mentioned His name.
If you have anything to add to this subject, please email me and I'll post it on your request!