Catarina - 01/16/00 03:40:53 My Rate my page 1-5, one as being good and 5 as it sucks!: 1!!! Do you read Batman Comic Books?: no Do you like Batman: I love him <3 Why?: he is facinating | Comments: Your site is the coolest i have ever seen! |
terry herrmann - 03/08/99 22:34:02 My Do you read Batman Comic Books?: no Do you like Batman: liked him in younger years also robin Why?: he was cool when i was a kid but now im to old | Comments: |
John - 01/31/99 16:16:53 Do you read Batman Comic Books?: yes Do you like Batman: yes Why?: He's Cool! | Comments: Your page kicks ass! I love it, keep up the good work. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
melissa - 09/23/98 02:22:15 Rate my page 1-5, one as being good and 5 as it sucks!: 11111111111111!!!! Do you read Batman Comic Books?: no Do you like Batman: sorta Why?: because you do Why Not?: im a girl | Comments: your page is really cool i like it |
Chris Herrmann - 09/13/98 17:18:22 My URL: My Rate my page 1-5, one as being good and 5 as it sucks!: #1 Do you read Batman Comic Books?: Yes Do you like Batman: Absolutely Why?: He is the greatest | Comments: This is a test! |