This is me a long long time ago.  I was born in New Orleans Louisiana, but a month later, me, mom and dad moved to Houston, Tx.

That's me in a tube floating down a river in New Brunsfels. (Not sure how to spell it)

I was born April 10, 1978.  So, yes, that makes me an aries.

I've played basketball all my life.
This is a really old pic. (like from 8th grade or something.)  Now I just play for fun with the boys up at college. They're a lot more fun to  play with any ways.  They don't get an attitude like girls do.  Girls play dirty.  And yes, that means I still do too when I play with the boys. :)  I have to. Gotta hold my own, ya heard me!

This is a pic of me and my dad. Everytime I got out of the bath tub, I'd lay on his stomach and we would both fall asleep. :)

I've always had some kind of "thing" for motorcycles.  And I guess I owe that to my step brother Josh. But you'll see what I get into now at the bottom of the page.

This is my baby.  It's a 900cc ZX-9R Ninja.  And let me go on record by saying that it scares the crap out of me.  So what I'll end up doing is giving it to my boyfriend and buying a 750cc.  It's tight though.
You can't see it in this pic, but I had "Ruff Riders" put on the side of it on the bottom.  My fellow "riders" would understand that.