Romeo & Juliet World - Site #001

-Welcome to "Romeo & Juliet World - Site #001". This site is called this because of three different Romeo & Juliet sites of mine, and this is the very first one of them. I am updating right now, setting up my GeoGuide and bringing you lots of info on Romeo & Juliet. NOTE: I have no copyright rules. Borrow any item you want. My directory contents three different adresses: BourbonStreet/Delta/6899 (linked on this site), FashionAvenue/6964 (pictures only) and this site you are currently reading. Visit BourbonStreet, it is really great (you can e.g. sign the guestbook or see what webrings I am a member of)but not completely updated yet. Enjoy my work and BYE!

If you would like to print, contact me!

-my Romeo & Juliet site with a Photo Gallery, quotes and lots more. Not completely updated.

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The Verona Beach Ring

This Verona Beach Ringsite is owned by Aura M.

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