Welcome to my page. If you don't know me already than you're just some ignorant shmuck, because I'm the one and only Tony Clifton, the greatest entertainer in the entire world.

There have been some folks who decided to impersonate me and take advantage of my success to make themselves a career. They are nothing but a miserable bunch of lowlife bastards.

Here you are going to learn the truth about myself, my talent and my innumerable hits. You can hang around for as long as you like because it's free. My agent found this Geocides thing where I don't have to pay a cent to have a great looking page like this. I actually didn't make the page, it was my agent's kid who is very good with them computer things, but he had a lot of creative input from me.

So, now sit back, enjoy the ride into my fascinating world, and remember that I always DO IT MY WAY!


 I Do It My Way!

 This Tony Clifton Webring site is owned by Tony Clifton.

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