(Endearing yet self-effacing picture of me here. Coming soon!)

Welcome to Scottybboy's little corner of the web. Did you know the integrity of the web depends on the resiliancy of every strand?

This is especially true about the world wide web, because there's a lot of crap out there. My mission is to only unload the best crap onto you...no, no, you're welcome!

Don't believe me? Read what the critics have to say:

Scottybboy's new site is almost as good as fat girl porn! -- David Waxler, Fat Girl Porn Magazine
What can't Scottybboy do? What will he think of next? -- Phillip Fine, www.rhetorical?.com
I have nothing to say... -- Anonymous

Unsolicited responses, I assure you. So, without further ado......

Here's my brother's cat:

I give you the cat because it's the only picture I found easily and can use without fear of copyright infringement. Of course, the residuals I have to pay the damn cat are enormous, but that's another story.

My brother is more of a computer geek (I use the term with reverence) than I and he's got some good stuff on his page, including a Family Feud quiz and more than you ever wanted to know about Dr. Seuss. Give it a looksee.

Or let me know what you think of my site so far, and be gentle, don't make the cat cry.

You've come to expect a little more from your website than just pithy humor and bad porn (except for fat girl porn, of course.)

Each week I give you the Keen Observation of the Week. Little factoids cooked up in my noggin to help you along on this journey called life. I won't guarantee they'll change your life, but if they don't, maybe you're just too dumb to live. Hmmm, have you thought of that?

As an extra special bonus, you also get the Keener Observation of the Week. Various tidbits about an actress you may faintly recognize and go "Isn't that Mimi Rodgers? Did she have breast reduction surgery?" Hopefully this site will clear up this common misconception.

This just in....

SWEN News -- news so backwards, it just might be true:

White Supremact Movement Stunted by Too Many Ugly Chicks
I'm ready for my close-up Mr. Gates
Cats Barter Three of Their Lives In Exchange for Ability to Breathe Underwater
Faulty Wiring Blamed in Death of Three; Wiring Sent to Bed Without Supper as Punishment

As this site is partially funded by government funds, it will take a while to get it running correctly, if ever. However, it means I can put up dirty pictures and call it "art". So, y'all come back now, hear!

Number of huddles masses yearing to breathe free:

These guys aren't payin' my rent...yet, but they're cool anyway. So give 'em a shout out and tell 'em Scottybboy sent ya:

Yahoo ESPN IMDB Power Yoga