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Updated at 25 April, Y2K

A special welcome tribute to you guys and gals, and millions of appreciation from the webmaster himself, Kevin towards you all for browsing into this CyberSpace.

        First of all, a few messages from the webmaster himself regarding this CyberSpace. There's nothing very special and extraordinary about this CyberSpace. But I hope you all like it or recommend it to your friends instead! From this CyberSpace, I can assure you won't leave disappointed. I'm sure there were things here that interested you.

        Well, in this CyberSpace itself, you can have some first hand experience on things that I have put up here, such as meteorites, deep thoughts, jokes, X-Files, MP3s and useful utilities. I hope you all enjoy it. Everything here were free and you can do what you like. Browsing into each of the links would be a great idea for exploration and highly recommended.


My Biodata
Bleem! Emulator
Deep Thoughts Collection
Interesting Pictures
MP3 Galore
Useful Utilities
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CyberSpace Extra

        I've included two Java features for you to have fun with. Well, what are you waiting for? Take a look at it then...

  Challenge The Computer                    Play TicTacToe with the computer.
  Who's Looking?                                 Someone is looking at you...
  Eliminator                                                   A game to test your brain power.

        After you had taken your time browsing and visiting the CyberSpace, I hereby really hope that you can take some more time signing the Guestbook. The webmaster really need feedbacks and would surely appreciate it. Hopefully, the CyberSpace can be updated often and bring more browsing fun for visitors. Anyhow, we browse the Internet for fun rite?

        Finally, thank you for visiting and more thanks yous' if you would kindly sign the Guestbook...Have a nice day! And please come again...

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