This fanclub was founded in January 1997 by Cathy Mayo from Vancouver; She created the fanclub-Newsletter - its set-up-pictures and mottos for each issue you can find on this and the previous page - as a way of promoting a young actor in Vancouver who she was very impressed with. She set it up prior to the
first convention in Vancouver, so that when the fans gathered
and had a chance to meet Ryf for the first time, she was
ready! She was a great salesperson, and many at the convention
caught her vision of just what Ryf will accomplish in his
When, because of personal committments, Cathy had to drop out of the fanclub, Lois Balzer completed the three-year-cycle.
Back issues of the fanclub-Newsletter are no longer available. If you still got one, consider it a collector's item.
Take a look at the topics that were dealt with in the fanletter.
Issue 1
Mai 1998:
Sentinel Con '98 Highlights
New Heights by Carmen Medina - an essay about winning "the flight" with Captain Ryf piloting.
My Flight of Fancy by marlene becker - another brief description of a terrific plane ride with Ryf at SentiCon
Issue 2
August 1998:
Ryf's summer plans
Future of the Sentinel and Detective Rafe next season
Introducing Ryf's mother, Pamela Perry
Q&A from the fans as well as letters, comments and lots of pictures
Issue 3
December 1998:
Limited edition, individually numbered art print of Ryf by Warren Oddsson
Up-to-the-minute News on The Sentinel
letters and comments
Introducing the Sentimental Christmas CD
members' bios
Couver Con memories
the Dos and Don'ts while visiting the set
Issue 4
April 1999:
Q&A about the "Cigar Club", colleagues and favorite episodes
commenting on acting and being a Stand-in
Cathy's birthday flight - pics
The Stratford Festival Theater
crew talk
Issue 5
September 1999:
Q&A on working in Vancouver on "Seven Days"
commenting on Sentinel-episodes "Real Deal" - owies
"Most Wanted" - taking over a stakeout - owies
"The Sentinel by Blair Sandburg" - getting shot at
and covering a cute South African accent
Issue 6
December 1999:
wrapping up the Club -
some Detective Rafe Moments
fanletters, editor's notes
and lots of terrific fotos on set and personal