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    Learn more about the mysterious and wonderous universe you live in. This website is very educational and will leaving you wanting to know more about science and how things work.
    Carl Sagan was one of the greatest scientists of our time, and this series reflects that.

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Reviews and ratings of the 5 most recent movies I've seen. My rating system for the movies will be:
Highly Recommend -- Recommend -- Average -- Dreadful

(10/21/06) Before Sunset (DVD) Recommend+ (8) - I didn't know this was a sequel to 'Before Sunrise' which was made back in 1995. Same actors portray the same characters 9 years later. That is good they were able to get the same actors to do that. Even though this is a sequel, it stands on its own very well. You do not need to see the first one at all to know whats going on. Simplistic movie with some strong messages about life and love. I thought it was quite moving.
(10/25/06) The Prestige (THR) Recommend+ (8) - Saw this in Bricktown with my girlfriend monday night. Two good leading actors. Great storyline with twists and suspense. Overall good movie quality. Cant wait for this movie to come out on DVD.
(11/02/06) Saw 3 (THR) Recommend (7) - Excellent third installment of this franchise. We find that Jigsaw is still clinging to life, and with the help of his female assistant, still terrorizing people. If its possible this movie managed to have a little more gore than the first 2 did. It also flashes back to the first two, mainly the first one, to tell parts to the story that we didnt see the first time around. Saw 4 is in the works and will be out in time for Halloween 2007!
(11/02/06) Monster House (DVD) Recommend (7) - Great kid oriented movie. Animation looked very real at times and the camera movement and animated movement seemed very natural unlike other computer animated movies. Some adult oriented humor as well.
(11/09/06) Cars (DVD) Recommend (7) - Good movie by Disney/Pixar. They keep turning out these animated masterpieces, and while this movie isn't as good as Finding Nemo or Toy Story, and in my opinion not even Monsters Inc, it is still a good movie.
*(DVD)=Watched on DVD / (THR)=Watched in Theater / (#)=TheGoo's IMDb Rating
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