Deirdre Williams

Height: 5 feet 7 inches

Weight: 155

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Brown

Age Range:30-45

Union Affiliations: None



A Pound of Flesh--JJ Binder-- (premier) Durham Centerstage, Durham, NH

Nunsense --Sr. Robert Anne--Hackmatack Repertory Theatre, Dover, NH

Death of a Salesman--The Woman--The Edwin Booth, Dover, NH

Lend Me a Tenor--Maria--Hackmatack Playhouse, Berwick, ME

Blithe Spirit--Elvira--Hackmatack Repertory Theatre, Dover, NH

I Remember Mama--Aunt Trina--Hackmatack Repertory Theatre, Dover, NH

Rocky Horror Show--Magenta--Seacoast Repertory Theatre, Portsmouth, NH

City of Angels--Alto, Angel City Four--Hackmatack Playhouse, Berwick, ME

Once Upon a Mattress--Princess Winifred--Hackmatack Playhouse, Berwick, ME

Vanities--Mary--Hackmatack Repertory Theatre, Dover, NH

Little Shop of Horrors--Ronette--Hackmatack Playhouse, Berwick, ME

A Midsummer Night’s Dream--Hippolyta--Hackmatack Repertory Theatre, Dover, NH

The Foreigner--Catherine Simms--Hackmatack Playhouse, Berwick, ME

Blithe Spirit--Ruth--Biddeford City Theatre, Biddeford, ME

The Fantasticks--The Mute--Hackmatack Repertory Theatre, Dover, NH

Family Crisis Center
VP Film and Tape, Portland, ME

A Day in The Life-Concord Savings Bank
Schlemeil Waitress
VP Film and Tape,Portland, ME

A Winner Every Minute- Tri-state Megabucks
Smiling Winner
Sean Tracy, Portsmouth, NH

Term Limits in Maine
Smith-Atwood, Portland, ME

Bangor HydroElectric
Curious Homeowner
VP Film and Tape

Questions-Hardy, Wolf, and Downing
Injured Person on Phone
VP Film and Tape

Commercial Voiceovers
MediaOne Advertising, Portsmouth , NH

Commercial Voiceovers
WMUR TV9, Manchester, NH

Narrator, Tutorials and Browser-based Documents
VIS Development, Waltham, MA

Currently working as a Rock Disc Jockey in Seacoast NH and Traffic Reporter for WBZ, Boston, also photography, landscaping & gardening, drawing, lettering signs, repairing appliances & toys, operating power tools, climbing utility poles, jazz piano, can drive any car, truck, or van.

    On-Camera Acting-The Studio at Collenge/Pickman, Boston, MA

    Dramatic Literature-University of Southern Maine

    Music Theory and Voice-University of Hawaii

    Improv, Mime, Jazz Ensemble-West L.A. College

    Radio Broadcasting, Drawing-L.A. Valley College

Vocal Skills:: Proficiency in most American regional dialects, many Euorpean accents, cartoon character-style voices, excellent parts singer (low alto- mezzo) and FLUENT DOG BARKING.

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