Night Before Christmas
 Twas the night before Christmas
On earth and in heaven.
Not a creature was stirring,
Except, of course, Alvin.
The house had been crazy
All through the week.
The front room was closed up;
He MUST take a peek!
The family was sleeping.
The house was so still....
He had to be careful
And use all his skill.
Alvin crept to the door,
Looked around and above.
Then he took a deep breath
And gave it a shove.
What happened next
Gave the 'gator a shock!
The door slowly swung open...
They had forgotten the lock!
In he ran quickly
Eager to see
What was the big secret?
Could that be....a TREE ?
He slowly moved closer
His mouth opened wide.
"Who would have thought it?
A forest....inside!!"
He stood and he stared
Not daring to stir,
Then slowly crept closer
To the towering fir.
It stood in the window
So tall and so true;
In it's branches lights twinkled
Red, green, yellow, and blue.
All silver and gold
Were the garlands and wreaths
Dazzling his eyes
As Alvin stood there beneath.
At the top was a star
And an angel with wings.
Colored glass and icicles...
All kinds of strange things.
 Alvin tried to look closer
He wanted to see!
So he gave a great jump
And climbed up the tree.
He inspected each ornament
Fancy and plain
All the while nibbling
At each candy cane.
Then suddenly above him
Came a BANG! and a THUMP!
And lots of little tappings.
Alvin's heart gave a jump!
"Oh NO!" thought the 'gator,
"I'm done for! I'm dead!"
 He crept deep in the branches,
His heart filled with dread.
"They're awake! Oh No!
If they find me they'll skin me!"
But just then, with a THUD!
Something fell down the chimney.
Alvin peeked through the branches
His eyes opened wide.
Something was out there...
And it was coming inside!
He stared and he stared.
What could it be?
He stared at the fireplace....
And what did he see?
First shiny black boots,
Then legs...then the rest.
There was a man in the fireplace!
Now who was this guest?
Alvin looked and he saw
A man all in red
With a beard white as snow
And a hat on his head.
"This man seems familiar,
He has a strange look....
Hey!!! I saw him on TV!!
I'll bet he's a crook!"
Alvin crawled out on the branch
The better to see.
Then came a SNAP! and a "Sqeeeeeeeek!"
As he fell from the tree!
When he opened his eyes
He was flat on his back,
And the man, he was smiling!
"Now what's THIS in my sack?"
"Never you mind!" Alvin said;
"Now you listen!! See here!!
"It's alright," said Santa,
"I come every year!"
"Each Christmas Eve
My reindeer and I
Hitch up the sleigh
And ride through the sky
To bring lots of presents
For girls and for boys
Dolls and games
And clothing and toys!
"And now...what's your name?"
Santa said with a smile.
"Why...I'm Alvin!" came the answer,
"Can you stay a while?"
"Ho ho ho!" Santa laughed,
"Of course! It isn't so late!
And look! A nice glass of milk
And cookies piled on a plate!"
"Let's get all the presents
Arranged 'neath the tree,
Then we'll have a nice treat,
Just you and me."
Santa emptied his sack
And Alvin ran to and fro
Arranging each package
And straightening each bow.
And when it was done
Alvin gasped at the sight.
Wrappings glowed softly
And lights twinkled bright.
"What a good helper you are
My little green friend!"
Santa said with a smile.
Alvin's chest swelled no end.
"And now...our reward!
A nice little snack!"
Santa sat in the armchair,
Alvin perched on the back.
Together they feasted
As the hour grew late.
Until at last not a crumb
Was seen on the plate.
"And now I must go,"
Santa said, "But no fear!
I'm always around
At this time of the year."
 Alvin grew sad
But Santa said "You worked so hard by yourself
That I hereby do name you
An honorary elf!"
Santa pulled out a hat
All white and red
And, with a smile and a pat,
Perched it on Alvin's head.
Alvin squealed and he wiggled
His chest swelled with pride!
Santa went to the fireplace
And stepped back inside.
"Goodbye my Elf Alvin!
And be of good cheer!
We'll share cookies again
When I come back next year!"
With a nod and a wink
Santa stood on his toes
And then...ONE-TWO-THREE!
Up the chimney he rose!
"Merry Christmas Santa!"
Alvin said with a squeak.
Then he burped...and he yawned...
And lay down for a sleep.
When the family came in
They found Alvin there
With his hat on his head
All curled up in the chair.
He stretched and he yawned
As he opened his eyes
To see all the family
As they gasped in surprise.
"Merry Christmas!" he squeaked
As he straightened his hat.
"Just see what we did!
Just look at all that!"
He stood and he stretched
Then leaped from his seat
To dart 'cross the room
And stand at their feet.
"Merry Christmas!" he squeaked
'Midst the ribbons and paper.
"Merry Christmas from Alvin
Santa's new Elfagator!"
The End
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