Murphy has bought Avery many things and when she's at FYI, she gets a package. It's a Der Wunder Blocken (I'll check the closed captioning spelling of it when I get a chance). Basically its just a block of wood that she spent $49.95 for from a catalog (I'll check that too.) Jim reminisces about Christmas gifts from his childhood, like a woodburning kit and Corky makes fun of it saying something like "Sure. You'll wunder why you paid $50 for a stupid block of wood!" (I saw the episode two weeks ago I'll check these things by the time I make the archives.) Next Murphy takes Avery to a store to see Santa (she even researched to find the most realistic looking Santa) but the one that was there had a heart problem and is in the hospital. Instead they have a less realistic Santa (who "hee hee hee's" instead of "ho ho ho's"). When the Santa asks him what he wants for Christmas, Murphy has bought him everything he said (including a bear and a coloring book). Everything except a "Power Ninja Demon." (She asks the Santa if he actually said Der Wunder Blocken....) She did not anticipate that Avery would want it. She asks the Santa where she can find one and he tells her that everywhere is completely sold out. Murphy tries everything including calling (as far as I remember) the manufacturer saying she wants to do a story on the Power Ninja Demons and could they maybe send her one (they sent the last one to Diane Saywer(?) they say). Meanwhile, it is the FYI Christmas party. Corky is mad that she has just recieved an envelope, but when she opens it she finds plane tickets to Louisiana. Her secret Santa was someone from travel. Miles mentions that no one has given him his secret Santa present. Murphy then reaches in a desk, grabs an office supply, puts a bow on it and hands it to him.... She forgot about it because she was searching for the Power Ninja Demon.
She finds out that a toy store in D.C. is going to get a shipment of them. She goes there, butts her way to the head of the line and gets sent to the end. Then she says that they're above the room's maximum capacity and its a fire hazard to try to get people to leave.... The delivery man comes. They all fight for the toy. Murphy does not get one.
Now on Christmas morning, Avery is opening presents. Murphy tells him that Santa has something called back-order and that he'll recieve a Power Ninja Demon in a few weeks (provided that the elf with the bad attitude took her order right). But Rita points out that there's another present. Avery opens it and its a Power Ninja Demon!!! It is from Eldin. The note attached says something like "Heard these are big in the States. Here in Spain they couldn't give them away." The episode is over.
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