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RMS TITANIC.....What Really Happened?

No one knows what really happened on April 14, 1912, the evening the "unsinkable ship" struck an iceberg and plunged into the Atlantic, taking with her the lives of 1500 passengers and crew. Through scientific evidence, eyewitness accounts, and the recent discovery of the wreckage itself, many have tried to answer this question. With this in mind, I have put together a collection of facts, survivors testimonies, photographs, and articles, all relevant to RMS Titanic, her passengers and crew, none of which completely solves the mystery of that fateful night, but perhaps will serve to separate fact from fiction. However, the only true answers lie at the bottom of the sea.

The images on this web site are quite large. To insure the quality of these original photographs, I have opted not to greatly reduce the size of these images, thus resulting in longer load times. Thank you for your patience.

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This Page Last Updated On 14 May 1999

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