* Celebrities *


Name: Backstreet Boys (BSB for short)

Names of Members: Kevin, Howie, Brian, AJ, & Nick (listed in order of age.)

Facts about them: Kevin and Brian are cousins who are from Kentucky. The rest of them are from Orlando, Florida. Nick is the youngest and the tallest of them all. Howie is the best dancer in the group. AJ always dresses weird, and Brian had heart surgery.

My Opinions: I think that they are a great band. I like all of their songs. I also like their style. My favorite BSB MTV is "Everybody" because it's unique, and has a Holloween scenario. My favorite people in the group are Howie and Nick. I don't care if people think Backstreet Boys are gay, I still think that they're cool.

Name: Britney Spears

Birthdate: 12/2/81

Zodiac: Sagitarrius

Favorite Color: baby blue

Songs: Baby One More Time, Sometimes, Drive Me Crazy

Facts: She's from Louisiana. She started entertaining others at the age of 4. When she became 11, she was in the Mickey Mouse Club. She's friends with N'SYNC. She dresses with style and she is 5'5".

My Opinions: I think that Britney Spears is cool. She is a great singer and she dances well. I like most of her songs, and I think that she looks better without all the make-up. That's about it. P.S. She's a sagitarrius, like me.


Name: N'SYNC

Names of members: Joey, Chris, Justin, JC, and Lance
Facts: Some of the members were in the Mickey Mouse Club. Justin is the lead singer. Lance was dating Danielle Fisher (Topanga in "Boy Meets World"). That's about it.

My Opinions: I think that N"SYNC is a great band. I like most of their songs, and I like the fact that they always do volunteer singing on TV. Justin is my favorite one. I think that Joey is funny. I also think that Chris is weird for doing that odd hairstyle. Although, I have to admit that on one magazine, when Chris didn't have a weird hairstyle, he looked rather cute. He looked better than Justin. Anywayz, I think that N'SYNC is cool, even though my brother hates them.


Name: Christina Aguilera

Songs: Genie in a Bottle, What a Girl Wants
Facts: Christina was in the Mickey Mouse Club, and she was best friends with Britney.

My Opinions: I think that Christina Aguilera is cool. She's a great singer, and she has a cool style. I like her song "Genie in a Bottle" the best. At first, I didn't really like the song "What a Girl Wants", but then I got used to it, and started to like it. So, that's it.


Name: 98 Degrees

Name of Members: Nick, Justin, Jeff, Drew

Facts: The band 98 Degrees is made up of 4 guys from Ohio. Nick is currently dating Jessica Simpson.

My Opinions: I think that 98 Degrees is a great band. They sing romantic love songs with an interesting style. After all, I did buy their CD. What I'm wondering is why people don't call them "gay" because that's what some people call Backstreet Boys and N'SYNC. * No offense to any of the bands or to the people who call them "gay". Anyways, I think that Jeff and Drew are the cutest out of all of them.


Name: Toy Box

Names of Members: Anila and Amire

Songs: Tarzan & Jane, My Best Friend, Sailor Song, Super Duper Man

Facts about them: They're from Scandinavia, just like Aqua. They haven't made it big in the U.S. yet, but they're famous elsewhere. They beat BSB's "I Want It That Way" in Holland. They met at a New Years Party, and that's how their band got started. They got the idea for "Tarzan & Jane" from the movie George of the Jungle. Anila teased Amire that he looked like George. They got the idea for "My Best Friend" from the fact that they were bf's. "Sailor Song" is kinda like Titanic and "Super Duper Man" is like "Lois and Clark."

My opinions: I think that they are really cool. Their MTVs are brilliant because it's more creative and unique than others. They're the new Aqua. If you're looking for something fun and different, check them out at Launch.com. Sorry, the picture I got isn't that good. If you liked Aqua's "Barbie Girl", then you should love Toy Box.