A Word from Your Host

Pippin lives on the East coast near the nation's capital. She shares her house with two cats. Pippin spent a year as an interviewer-reviewer for a DC area science fiction cable show called "Fast Forward". She lived in Minneapolis for a couple of wild years, where she associated with some disorderly, downright scribbly sorts. She has an art studio in her basement, and loves to draw, paint, and make jewelry. Pippin build this site purely to teach herself to write HTML. She hopes that no one is disillusioned by this overmuch.

Her motto is: "Live Faust...Die Jung..."

Pippin is not her real name, but you knew that, didn't you? Recently while shopping, she was told by a store clerk that she looked like Mary Poppins, only... bad. The notion of being a bad Mary Poppins amused your host immensely. And, since she has a cat named Pippin, she decided to roll those two names together to create a practically perfect internet nickname. Her actual name is not nearly so interesting.

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