SO02495_.WMF (13964 bytes)Dickens' Christmas CarolSO02495_.WMF (13964 bytes)

Charles Dickens' short novel, A Christmas Carol, has been filmed in many versions. During any Christmas season you will usually get a chance to see most of these versions. Here's your chance to select your favorite version and an All-Star cast. Simply click on the radio button for each category and SUBMIT your selections!

Please select one movie / character   from each category!


( To see a large view of the video box click on it)

Cc35.jpg (27745 bytes)

Cc38.jpg (32482 bytes)

Cc51.jpg (29174 bytes)

Cc84.jpg (29284 bytes)

   British 1935         MGM 1938            British 1951          1984 (T.V.)



Cc62.jpg (32143 bytes)

Cc69.jpg (30453 bytes)

Cc82.jpg (33503 bytes)

Cc93.jpg (40780 bytes)

    Mr MaGoo's ...  Scrooge (Musical)         Mickey's ...             Muppet ...


finney2.gif (12632 bytes)

owen2.gif (11419 bytes)

scott2.gif (11705 bytes)

sim2.gif (8318 bytes)


Favorite Tiny Tim

tt38.JPG (15934 bytes)

tt51.JPG (16598 bytes)

tt69.JPG (13555 bytes)

tt84.JPG (12906 bytes)

    MGM 1938            British 1951            Musical 1969               1984 (TV)


Favorite Bob Cratchit

bob38.JPG (13934 bytes)

bob51.JPG (13040 bytes)

bob69.JPG (14006 bytes)

bob84.JPG (10535 bytes)

      MGM 1938            British 1951          Musical 1969             T.V. 1984


Ghost of Christmas Past

gcp35.JPG (13693 bytes)

gcp38.JPG (12062 bytes)

gcp51.JPG (14805 bytes)

gcp69.JPG (16243 bytes)

      British 1935             MGM 1938             British 1951          Musical 1969


Ghost of Christmas Present

cpres35.JPG (17599 bytes)

cpres38.JPG (20990 bytes)

cpres51.JPG (15740 bytes)

cpres69.JPG (15508 bytes)

       British 1935             MGM 1938         British 1951             Musical 1969


Ghost of Christmas Future

gfut38.JPG (14510 bytes)

gfut51.JPG (12479 bytes)

gfut69.JPG (15918 bytes)

gfut84.JPG (13002 bytes)

      MGM 1938             British 1951              Musical 1969         T.V. 1984


Favorite Marley's Ghost

mg38.JPG (13335 bytes)

mg51.JPG (11579 bytes)

mg69.JPG (13550 bytes)

mg84.JPG (13622 bytes)

    MGM 1938             British 1951         Musical 1969             T.V. 1984

Write - In Votes / Comments

Happy Holidays and Thank You Very Much for stopping by!!

A Christmas Carol(1910),Movie Storyboard

Current Leaders (July 1,'00)

Favorite Versions:1951 and Scrooge the Musical

Favorites:Alistair Sim, Tiny Tim 1984 & 51, Bob 51 & 84

Christmas Past 1951, Present '51, Future 1951, Marley '51

capital3.gif (19808 bytes)e-mail me at Steve Ashworth (