Gene Marshall's Filmography
Here's a list of the films Miss Marshall has starred in to date.
- Blonde Lace -- 1941
- Sea Spree -- 1943
- The Black Ribbon -- 1943
- Red Venus -- 1944
- Blue Goddess -- 1945
- Crescendo -- 1946
- White Hyacinth -- 1946
- Voodoo Blues -- 1946
- Love's Ghost -- 1946
- Sparkling Seduction -- 1948
- Montage -- 1948
- The King's Daughter -- 1948
- Broadway Medley -- 1948
- Bird of Paradise -- 1949
- Monaco -- 1950
- Tango -- 1951
- Somewhere Summer -- 1952
- My Favorite Witch -- 1952
- Daughter of the Nile -- 1952
- Paris Moon -- 1952
- Rain Song -- 1953
- Destiny (never released) -- 1954
- Love For Sail -- 1954
- Bridge Club -- 1954
- Personal Secretary -- 1957
Onward to More Starring Roles:
Madra Lord
Trent Osborn
Violet Waters
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