Daniel In Singapore - April 98

Canto Mini-concert

Date : 27th April 98

Time : 7.00p.m.

Place : Singapore Canto Disco Pub

This was DongDong's first activity with his fans after arriving Singapore that afternoon.Although it was just only a small concert in Canto Pub,but very fun though!I remembered the first song he sang was "Mind Game"(mandarin version),he was practising that song that afternoon and my friends and I were outside Canto Pub waiting for him.......well,guess how many times he practised that song?...........almost 20 times.......gosh!At the actual performance,he was dancing with two female dancers,not as good as those in HongKong of course!That night,FM 93.3 DJ,Zhen Rong was there with DongDong.Zhen Rong,our most popular DJ in Singapore(The one standing beside DongDong in this picture).Heehee,this picture was taken by ManMan,myself.

That night he actually sang quite many songs like "Tie Xin","Xin Shang Xin Tong Bu Tong","Now and Forever" and "Can't Help Falling In Love" in an unplugged manner,and also not forgetting "Only You In My Heart"(The Heart Already Knows")....and so on!That day was also the first day when Danieland Singapore was set up!

DongDong looking for his Juliet

Date : 28th April 98

Time : 10.30p.m.

Place : Singapore Celebrities Asia(Cineleisure)

That picture above was taken on the 28th April 98 in Celebrities Asia.

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This site is here since 5th October 1998.
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