Jack Frost

Director: Michael Cooney

Writer: Michael Cooney

Starring: Scott MacDonald and Christopher Allport

Body Count: 10

Review: One thing that I can say about this flick is that the cast must have had a good time making it. Of course, that good time must have ended as soon as they saw the finished cut, which could qualify as one of the dumbest flicks that has ever seen the light of day.
Granted, Jack Frost can be fun to watch with the right frame of mind and the right crowd, but overall this is just a great big joke of a movie. A killer is set to be executed and escapes when his transport collides with a chemical truck. The truck spills its highly experimental contents on Jack, turning him into a living snowman. Jack then goes about terrorizing the people of the town where he was caught, leading up to a confrontation with the town sherrif who apprehended him. Along the way there's some of the worst lines I've ever heard, but there's also a really good sense of campy fun (particularly involving the sherrif's secretery. This chick is great). But by the end of the film, the jokes just start to seem really lame (which they are) and the movie really dumb (which it is). It's an hour-and-a-half that you will never get back, but one which will leave you with great jokes to tell your friends for days to come ("What's the difference between snowmen and snowwomen? Snowballs!").