To start things off, my name is John. I live in St. Louis, Missouri, and I'm a full-time student at Webster University and I work at Comic City on Watson Road.
Oh yeah, and I love slasher movies. I always have loved them. I grew up in the 1980s, the glory days of the slasher genre. I can recall the years when a new teenage horror flick was released every weekend. I watched Freddy and Jason die multiple times in the theater, and I mourned their passing each time, for each time I feared it might be the last.
What makes slasher movies appeal to me so much? Well, to tell you the truth, I don't really know. I suppose it has a lot to do with being a teenager. Even as a kid, I was always interested in teen-themed material, and now that I am presently living as a teen, I suppose that interest is just heightened. Also, slasher movies are a throwback to my childhood. Some people will never forget where they were when Kennedy was shot and killed--me, I'll never forget where I was the day Freddy Krueger died his "final" death.
I don't know why, I just love slasher movies.
As, I assume, you do as well--or else, why would you be here? Just curious? Well, I'd like to think there's something here for just the casual fan as well as the true gore-hound. See, by creating this site, I'm hoping to build a place that will eventually become to the most thourough, up-to-date, informative, and fun site on the net for fans of slasher movies.
There's a number of other slasher sites (check them out via my links page), but none of them quite match up to what I envision the ultimate slasher site to be.
That's what I hope to make this site into--the best it could be. That means that if you've got a question about a certain slasher movie, I want to have the answer to it on this site. But, almost as important, I want you to have fun finding the answer, and hopefully find out a lot of information you never planned on finding.
Of course, this page is entirely maintained by me, and is therefore subject to my own human errors. I've tried (and continue to try) to make sure everything here is accurate, but I know I'm bound to slip up sooner or later if I haven't already. That's where you come in.
If you have any information you think would be usefull--comments, questions, slasher news, opinions--anything, just please pass it along to me by sending me some e-mail. I look forward to hearing your input.
Lastly, let me stress that I intend this sight to be fun. I rip on some of the movies pretty harshly, but that doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy them. Remember, these are just my thoughts. And honestly, even bad movies can be really fun--so if you read an opinion here, don't consider it the final word. Go out and check out these movies for yourself. Trust me, they're probably sitting there collecting dust on your video store shelf, just begging someone to rent them. Have a good time...
....just don't do it alone!
Enjoy the Site,