Tupac Amaru Shakur alias 2Pac alias Makaveli

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"The real tragedy is that there are some ignorant brothers out here. That's why I'm not on this all white or all black shit. I'm on all real or all fake shit with people, whatever color you are. The same niggaz that did Malcolm X, the same niggaz that did Jesus Christ, every brother ain't a brother. They will do you. So just because it's black, don't mean it's cool. And just because it's white, don't mean it's evil." - Tupac Shakur

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Tupac Rest In Peace

I still can't believe why
Tupac, ya didn't deserve to die
But now that you're gone
And some unnecessary job was done
I will keep ya alive in my heart and soul
Letting the whole world know, that's my goal
What kinda person ya was and was going to be
Yes, yes some day they will see
R U Still Down? [Remember Me]
                            -- Double J

Info about upcoming albums, also the new In His Own Words!

Tupac Amaru Shakur * Tupac Shakur * Tupac * 2Pac * Makaveli * 2pac * tupac * tupac shakur * tupac amaru shakur

Tupac Shakur: Double J's Information Gallery is an informative site on the live of Tupac Shakur by Double J Productions.
It has alot of Tupac articles, Tupac interviews, Tupac poetry, Tupac sounds, Tupac pictures etc.
It also gives you an inside on his unfortunate, tragic death.
Included is a complete Filmography and Discography. (Double J Productions was the first site to have this at a higher level, just take a look at otha sites and see that most have copied it from this site)
On this site ya find the original Tupac Books sub-page (Double J Productions was the first site to have a Tupac Books and Video's section) The sound-section offers some special Real Audio sounds feat. Tupac at Yo! MTV Raps.
With this site I try to give an objective approach to let ya'll see both faces of Tupac. The Good and the Bad.
The links section has reviews with every Tupac hyperlink.
I try to update this site as often as I can!!
To see what I've updated on this page, check the what's new section

Tupac Amaru Shakur * Tupac Shakur * Tupac * 2Pac * Makaveli * 2pac * tupac * tupac shakur * tupac amaru shakur

© 1997/1998 / Webmastered by Double J

Note for Webmasters all over tha world: I have put alot of effort into this site to make it a good one. Copying is easy, hey that's how I started at first, but just make sure when ya use my stuff, ya give me the credit for it. When ya copie stuff just put my name and url below the copied info or pictures, I would really appreciate it. For those who don't.., those I can't give any RESPECT!! So once again ya can use my info and pics, but do something with it, make it original, change it to ya own satisfaction. Be A WebMaster! Nuff Said... I'm Outta Here

Note for all tha Ladies out there. I love to see some mail from ya. Sent me a letter sometime, include a picture from yourself. Let me know who you are.


My URL: http://come.to/jjtupac

I got it for free at http://come.to