sakadumi: Ok, Hello and welcome to the debate of Diet vs. Regular Sodas...
Krust off: Yes, I'm Pro-Regular
Krust off: While SHE is Pro-*gagag*
sakadumi: and I'm pro Diet...
sakadumi: which means that I'll be skinnier than she is
Krust off: HEY!
Krust off: I'm not FAT
sakadumi: What?
Krust off: I'm festivly plump
sakadumi: thanks to regular...eww...
sakadumi: too sweet!
Krust off: Sugar is good
Krust off: Good is sugar
Krust off: Yum!
sakadumi: for what? Increasing the belt size
Krust off: no, for increasing my insanity
sakadumi: but isn't sanity good?
Krust off: NEVER!!!!!!!
Krust off: Neverevereverever!
sakadumi: Yo! Never say Never ok?
Krust off: I didn't say never never
Krust off: I said never ever
Krust off: so HA!
sakadumi: yah but you did say it! So THERE!
Krust off: Oh.......shuddup
Krust off: Hmm......we're getting off
sakadumi: *eeeee* I dun wanna
Krust off: .........bite me
sakadumi: *crunch*
Krust off: Womens and mens! I have proof that diet DOES affect your eatting habits!
sakadumi: how?
Krust off: ........nevermind
Krust off: ANYWAZ
Krust off: I think that Reg is sssssssooo much betta cuz it is
sakadumi: Diet is better for you, and if it don't taste good... GET UZED TO IT!!
sakadumi: Sugared, which increases hyperactivity
Krust off: Which is good
Krust off: insanity is fun
Krust off: sanity is not
sakadumi: which is NOT good cuz it makes all those who are hyperactive already worse
Krust off: Nu uh!
Krust off: So :P
Krust off: So there you have it
Krust off: I win
Krust off: HAHAHA
sakadumi: :p youself
Krust off: :P***************
Krust off: MWAHAHAHA....*fades to black*
Krust off: the end
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