Macavity paced angrily in his cavern. He just paced, hating the Jellicles with all his heart.

He hated what they did, he hated the happiness, he hated the love, he hated Chrychaesa, and he loathed and despised Munkustrap.

He had hated him from the very first time he had laid eyes on him, while Munkustrap was a young kitten.

Chrychaesa had been useful to him, but Nakcheem blew it.

All of his ingenious plans, those on which he had been scheming and plotting in to get Demeter back to him had failed.

He had to get Chrychaesa out of the way. But how?

An idea came to him and he laughed evilly and then turned to get the outline of the plan.

Chryssie ran along the edge of the cave to where Munkustrap was. Where was he? If he wasn’t in the cave she could say that he had learned how to disappear as well as Magical Mr. Mistoffelees.

She found him sitting in thought in the center stone. She sat behind him, not noticed and just watched him.

She then draped her arms lazily around his shoulders. He turned around and looked at her and then relaxed and allowed her to kiss his cheek.

"Why are you back here?"

"I was thinking."


"Just thinking. If Macavity is Jellicle why is he against us?"

"That’s a good question to which I wish I had answers to. Who knows what happened way back when. I have a feeling it was way back before our time Munkustrap. Why are you so curious about Macavity?"

"He’s just been very quiet these past few months, that’s all."

"Munkustrap? Do you have a human family?"

"No, I don’t. I need to be here, where I won’t become a lazy cat. I need to have the feeling I can help cats."

"You help us all here." He smiled up at her and took her paw in his. "Your paws are so little compared to mine."

"Well, I’m still little."

"Yes you are." He said and kissed her paw.

"Chryssie? Where are ye lass?"

"I’m in here Skimble." She said and Skimbleshanks approached carrying a piece of paper.

"Here lass, this is for you."

"Dear Chrychaesa, our dear Daughter, Please come home to us, we miss you terribly. It has been years. You may bring home Munkustrap and Demeter with you if you like, but come home. Hurry home, darling. Love, Papa and Mother."

"Well how do you like that? They want you to come home and their actually letting you bring home Demeter and Munkustrap."

"Well I think that’s very kind of them. Would you care to go Munkustrap?"

"I’d be delighted."

"All right then, you can ask Demeter if you wish."

"I’ll go and do that now." Munkustrap then went out to look for Demeter. Chryssie then looked at the paper again and frowned a little.

"What is it lass?"

"They must have learned to read and write for the last time I remember my parents, they could do neither."

"Well maybe that’s what they wanted to surprise you with."

"Yes but even so, I feel like this doesn’t make sense for look at the style of writing. It seems to be the kind that has been written for a long time, you know, the cat has been in graphology for a long time."

"Maybe they got a friend to do it."

"Yes perhaps, I mean, my parents know many educated cats."

"That could very well be it." Skimble said thoughtfully.

"Well then Skimble, I’m going home, and this time, I’m going to make it home too." He smiled and they walked out of the cave.

Chryssie started early and met Munkustrap and Demeter coming up the path way. She smiled at them and then scampered on ahead, as frisky as Etcetera and Jemima at play.

She seemed to fly in the air as she happily leaped as if to some invisible music. She then turned and tackled Demeter.

"Hah, hah, got you!" She said and wrestled with Demeter. They were giggling like little kittens.

Demeter then got up and continued on her way.

Chryssie then tackled her from behind and they went happily rolling and tumbling, in play.

They seemed to be soaring and they went happily dancing and playing down the path stopping here and there to wait for Munkustrap who was like a parent.

Chryssie, though, got him into the spirit of things by knocking him off his feet and then played like Etcetera and Jemima did. She then teased him by standing behind him and gently tugging his tail, when he tried to whirl around to snatch her, she just moved with him and stayed behind him.

Then Demeter started bothering him in another side and he was helplessly being bothered left and right. He sat down and covered his face, but they could hear him laughing. They then started tickling him and they did it gently enough so that they were playing with him. He was laughing. When he had had enough he cried in a helpless fit in laughter

"OK, OK, now that’s enough!"

"Are you sure?" They asked.

When he nodded again they let him up and they continued merrily on their way.

But for Munkustrap the fun was far from over. He tackled both Chryssie and Demeter at the same time and they tumbled down a hill into a shallow river.

Demeter tumbled in first and Chryssie and Munkustrap followed shortly after. Munkustrap saw a place where he could stop and let the queen tumble in.

Chryssie saw it too and she wanted him to have no such pleasure so she grabbed him by the shoulders and they both catapulted into the light river.

They hit the water with a splash and they came up. They saw Demeter all ready on shore drying herself off.

"Aah Demeter!" They both shouted and started throwing water at her.

"Aww guys!" She squealed and laughed at the same time.

"I’m a cat for Heaven sakes! I’m not supposed to get wet!" but they pulled her in anyway. She screamed a little and then plunged into the water.

Actually Demeter was happy for the swim for it was a hot dry day and she needed to cool off.

Chryssie stood wading in a shallow pool and she saw Munkustrap and Demeter coming toward her with sly smiles.

"Guys, what are you smiling for? Guys?" They then started splashing her with water, she could see nothing but the smiling and laughing faces of Demeter and Munkustrap and water. She covered her eyes, then fell backwards tripping over a root.

Munkustrap wondered where she went for she didn’t come up for a while, all he felt were powerful currents knocking him off balance. Then Chryssie exploded from the water right behind him, scaring the color right out of him. He cried out

"Woah!" as did Demeter and they both dived under and came up a few yards away. Chryssie was laughing her head off.

"Very funny." Demeter said with a grin on her face.

"Well said, Demeter." Munkustrap said with the same grin.

"I sorry, won’t do it again. What are we? Part Water hound? Lets get out." They all swam towards the bank.

Munkustrap lifted a paw down to help Demeter, then offered one to Chryssie. He accidentally slipped and lost his grip on her.

She fell back into the water. She then sat up and she was sitting in knee deep water, for her knee caps were just above water level.

"Sorry about that. I slipped. My fault."

"Yeah right, no kidding. I’m going to have a sore bum for weeks." He waded in again and helped her up. This time, he got her over the bank without dropping her. She walked stiffly and her tail didn’t have the graceful swing.

"What’s the matter?"

"How does it feel to have a partly pulverized tail?" She said and touched her tail gingerly.


"No you’re not, now come on let’s get going. Maybe I can go sit on some ice or something."

"I didn’t mean it, it was an accident." Munkustrap said to Demeter.

"Don’t take it personally, she’s only teasing you."

"Oh. She needs to work on her sarcasm then, because I thought she was serious."

"You didn’t see that little grin she had on her face."

"Oh, Chryssie-cat fools Munk again."

"You tried."

"I know." Chryssie then looked behind her and saw Munkustrap distressed.

"Oh, it’s OK Munkustrap, it was just bad sarcasm. Oh, coming up is Forest de Mundo."

"Forest de what?"

"Forest de Mundo, I had a really good friend here and she used to call it Forest de Mundo. She always had silly names for things and people, like she called Mother, Ma and she called Papa, Pappy. She called me Little Chicketa, though I have no idea what it means. She referred to the Pollicles, Pekes, Pugs, or Pums as Woofs. Once again I have no idea what it means. Anyway, back to Forest de Mundo. She said that there were great beasts in here like lions."

"Or Tigers?" Demeter suggested.

"Or bears?" Munkustrap threw in.

"Ye...Ho my!" she looked at the forest in astonishment.

"What happened to all the trees?"

"They grew, nothing to be afraid of. Don’t forget that you haven’t been back here for a while and life continues on without you."

"I know that, I just wasn’t prepared for it. Come on, this way." She led then with expertise through the forest and they soon came to the long grassy meadow where she had first met Old Deuteronomy.

They walked through and soon found her lake. They were walking along side it when Demeter grabbed Munkustrap’s and Chryssie’s paw and jumped into the lake.

"Oh Demeter not again!" Chryssie wailed. But Demeter had no intention of letting then out until they were dripping wet or at least until she had dunked them a few times. That’s all she wanted.

But they all were glad to cool down.

Chryssie remembered so many things and yet there were so many things new to her. There was her tree, and there was the garage. She saw everything had changed and apparently the old Peke whom she had lived with since her growing up had had puppies.

"Great, more Pekes to contend with."

"Lucky you." She then approached her old garage.

There were her parents. They had gotten old but they still had their beautiful coats and they were still physically active. They rushed towards their daughter and embraced her.

"Oh dear, you finally came home. Come, come, we have to eat. It was a long hard journey and you must be exhausted... dear? Why are you all wet? Why are all of you wet?" She looked at one cat to another and noticed their dripping fur.

"Oh we fell into the lake." Chryssie said quickly.

"I slipped and I grabbed him, but he wasn’t expecting it so he grabbed her and she wasn’t expecting it either so we all kind of went swimming."

"Really." Her mother said with a look of surprise.

"All right then, but you are getting into blankets and curling up around the fire. The master lets us in now since the master’s mistress died."

"Oh, what a shame." They walked into the house and saw a enormous burning fire place. There were blankets and a few toys.

"Now here you go loves. All nice and warm."

"Mother? How did you manage to write the letter?" The lady looked at her husband with a slight trace of fear in her eyes and then said cheerfully

"One of our good friends did it for us."

"Who was it? They had nice handwriting."

"Oh one who lives far off, but came down for a visit. He left after he finishing writing it."

"Oh I see. But you didn’t supply me with a name. Who was it?"

"Oh dear, stop asking useless questions, Curl up and go to sleep." She then left with her husband. Demeter soon fell asleep with the warm glow of the fire. Chryssie lay awake for some time

"Can’t sleep?" Munkustrap asked. She heard him shift in his blanket and face her.

"Not really, I’m still puzzled, I mean, they wouldn’t think that handwriting was important even if it was by a friend. So why are they keeping it from me now?"

"Chryssie you ask excellent questions that only time would find out for you."

"I’m sorry Munkustrap, I didn’t mean to start rattling off my mind, it’s just that little mystery keeps bothering me."

Chryssie had her back to the fire, and the heat soothed the dull aching in her back. She could hear Munkustrap crawl closer and he rubbed the small of her back.

"How’s your back doing?"

"Better, it doesn’t hurt as much anymore."

"I’m glad." He then moved from the small of her back up, and down with a pressurized stroke.

"Munkustrap, you keep doing that and I’ll be asleep before you know it." He merely smiled and continued.

She soon drifted away by the constant stroke and the heat of the fire. She knew he was done when the clock chimed one when she felt the small little kiss on her cheek. She heard him slid away and soon heard low murmurs which was barely distinct.

"Working with Chryssie?"

"Yeah, her back was still hurting."

"Well at least you got her to sleep. Poor thing, I think we wore her out today."

"Yeah we did." Then all fell silent. Chryssie out of the corner of her eye could see Munkustrap lovingly kiss Demeter a good night then curled up in his blanket.

The hour was three. Chryssie heard the clock chime and realized the fire had gone out and she was cold. She started to sit up to get it going again but froze and quickly lay back down when she saw a candle hovering over Demeter.

She quickly sensed something was wrong and then crawled over to Munkustrap and dragged him out of her blanket into hers. She then "replaced" Munkustrap with one of her best pillows.

Then deciding that that procedure was not enough to keep Munkustrap safe she moved her blanket and him in a dark corner of the room. She saw a dim outline of a cat with a poker advance toward her pillow and run it through. She then saw the figure clearly. It was Macavity. She stepped out and cried

"Who’s there?" Macavity looked at her and blew out the candle.

In the darkness she could barely make out Macavity’s figure disappear into the shadows and he was no longer there. She rushed to Demeter and saw her sleeping soundly.

She lit the fire and then dragged her tired body over to Munkustrap and then made herself wake him. He awoke with a start to see Chryssie leaning over with a frightened look in her eyes.

"Chryssie, what is it?"

"I saw Macavity. He took a poker and ran the pillow through, it was terrible."

"What? How did I get over here? What’s going on Chryssie?"

"I awoke because I was cold and the fire had gone out. I saw a candle and at once I had a dreadful feeling, like a warning. I dragged you over here so you would be safe and replaced my pillow in your spot. Macavity took a poker and ran it through!"

"Let’s see here." He crawled over to his spot and when Chryssie started to make the fire, he said

"Don’t start it, he’ll see me. Chryssie, come look at this." She crawled over to him and looked over his shoulder.

Sure enough there was the hole where the poker had gone through. It was right through the heart.

"That could have been you Munkustrap." Chryssie said with a worried tone.

"Yes, I know that could have." Munkustrap said nervously.

"That means we have to be careful."

"Maybe we should alert your parents."

"No, there’s nothing their old bones could do about it. Macavity could probably kill them easily."

"Then what should we do?"

"We should stay with Demeter. Especially tonight. Let’s light the fire and stay in the shadows. Lets see if he comes out again."

They picked Demeter up and held her in the shadows. Chryssie lit the fire. Then she pretended to leave the room, but really crawling behind the furniture towards Munkustrap and Demeter. She stopped beside them and She and Munkustrap made themselves comfortable for a long night of watching and waiting.

Chryssie sat in Munkustrap’s lap and leaned her back against him, but always she was keen and alert. After a few hours he asked

"Are you tired?"

"No, this was like a night ratting job my family and I had to do."

"I don’t know, you look sleepy."

"I’m hanging in there. Just an hour or two to sun up."

"What time is sun up?"


"All right." He then settled down, making sure that Demeter was close by and holding Chryssie on his lap.

Chryssie felt like the night was an eternity and that she wished it was over quickly.

Munkustrap must have felt the same way for his tail lashed every once in while, which for him was a sign of impatience. Then they saw it, the golden glow coming in over the horizon. Macavity had not shown up again.

They knew that he wouldn’t dare try to catch them in the daylight. Too many activities where they could be noticed. They both knew the most dangerous times were at night.

"Good morning kitties how are you this fine morning?" Mother had come in and she seemed surprised at Demeter’s presence. She also stifled a gasp when Munkustrap appeared behind Chryssie.

"Sleep well?" She asked apprehensively.

"Better than you could possibly comprehend." Chryssie said sweetly. She then turned to Munkustrap and said in a low voice.

"Tell Demeter that we had problems sleeping last night, then we’ll figure out a way to catch forty winks."

"Good idea." Munkustrap said and then Demeter woke.

"Oh, hello you two. I hope you had better sleep then I did, because I had the most awful dream last night. I dreamt that Macavity was here and was standing over me with a candle and then he blew it out for no reason. After that I was OK. Boy, you two look like you haven’t slept in days, what’s wrong?"

"Oh, my back started to feel like it was clenched and being ripped to pieces."

"And for some reason I couldn’t get comfortable, I just was hot then cold, then I just didn’t find that one position, so I was tossing and turning all night."

"Oh, I see. Well, I’m sorry you can’t take naps, otherwise you’d have no chance of getting sleep tonight."

"OK, OK, Demeter." Chryssie said miserably. But her mother needed Demeter to help her for a little while, so Munkustrap and Chryssie took the opportunity. They napped under the shade of Chryssie’s tree. They slept from noon until three, where they woke up.

"Well at least that will hold us until morning." Chryssie said.

"Come on Munkustrap, we have work to do." They entered the house and Chryssie showed him where she had seen Macavity disappear. They saw nothing but an old mirror and an oak frame.

"I don’t get it. How could he have disappeared like that?"

"I’m not sure, but one thing’s for sure, I definitely feel a draft."

"Yeah, there’s cold air flowing from this one." They placed their paws on the mirror and they started to push on the frame.

"Munkustrap! Chryssie!" A sharp voice exploded behind them. They turned to see Chryssie’s father walking quickly toward them.

"Get away from there! Boy you two gave me a fright! This is a valuable antique and not to be used as a scratching post."

"No Papa, I just wanted to see it, because I haven’t seen it."

"Well I suggest you look somewhere else because this one is too valuable to be toyed with."

"OK, geez, straighten out your whiskers. We didn’t mean any harm." "Now why, don’t you two run along."

"All right. Where’s Demeter?"

"With the Mrs."

"Oh gee, well thanks Papa." They walked away.

"Hmm. I don’t like the way your father acted. I mean, I don’t think a cat would get that uptight about an antique."

"Hey, that’s my father and you don’t know him."

"But still I think he’s hiding something."

"Munkustrap, are you suggesting that My Father is working for Macavity?"

"Well it seems pretty likely doesn’t it? I mean, why are they both so secretive, and why did your mother have fear in her eyes when she saw me and surprise when she saw Demeter?"

"I guess she’s not used to seeing us there."

"My foot!"

"Munkustrap, my parents wouldn’t work for Macavity! They hate him and all his ways, and they would rather die then work for him!"

"I still think you’re making a mistake Chryssie!"

"Munkustrap, I thought you trusted my parents more than that!"

"Why didn’t they come then if they felt a strange presence?"

"They were in another room!"

"Well then why.."

"Munkustrap I don’t want to hear this!" She said and walked away.

Munkustrap began to examine the mirror again and noticed there was a small lever camouflaged in with the wood work. He gently tugged at it and the mirror swung open. There was a long tunnel. He took a deep breath and stepped inside.

He wandered down a little and then froze when he heard voices. He listened but could hear no footsteps and continued on. He then heard the voices distinctly and saw Macavity below him, and he was talking to two cats.

"Yes I know that I didn’t finish but tonight I promise that Demeter will be with Me, Munkustrap will be wandering around Germany somewhere and Chrychaesa will stay at your farm."

So that’s the plan, Munkustrap thought.

"Chryssie was exploring the mirror with Munkustrap a few minutes ago. I had to get in through the clock." Munkustrap heard Chryssie’s father’s voice and then heard her mothers.

"And I had to get in by the dishwasher. That isn’t very clean Macavity."

"Hush she-cat, I have not time for wife household matters. Tonight will be the night."

"Agreed. The sooner, the better. We want you out of here Macavity."

"All in due time." He said.

Munkustrap turned and ran down the passage, and then slipped through the mirror again, closing it carefully behind him.

I have to tell Chryssie, though how to get her to believe me, Munkustrap thought then raced to find Chryssie.

He glanced at the clock and noticed it was five-thirty. He had only an hour until sun down. He then noticed that the farmer was really worried and he was bent over something.

Munkustrap looked over his shoulder and saw the mother Peke lying on the ground, dead. The fur at the neck was ruffled and mangled. Then he raced off to try to keep Demeter from seeing it.

He saw Demeter lying lazily on Chryssie’s tree branch and happily talking to Chryssie. He tried to put on the happiest expression and joined them.

At once Chryssie turned cold but she wouldn’t let Demeter see it.

At least she was giving him the dignancy to keep their little contention a secret.

The dinner bell rang and Demeter happily jumped off the tree branch and headed towards the house. Munkustrap walked with Chryssie and said in a whisper

"Chryssie you have to believe me, they ARE working for Macavity, I know it. In fact I saw a door on the mirror antique. Your father was hiding that from us."

"I don’t believe you Munkustrap. These are the same cats that raised me and they would never do a thing so low."

"Would it help if I told you WHY they were working for Macavity?"

"No, because I don’t believe it." The parents sat the cats down to a beautiful dinner and they ate.

Chryssie didn’t have very much of an appetite because she was worried that Munkustrap may be right indeed. He had never lied to her, it just seemed to be a little far fetched.

She then heard something outside and took a look. There she saw the father Peke dead on the ground. She came back and whispered to Munkustrap

"Another Peke’s been stifled."

"That makes two today. Demeter doesn’t know about it?"

"She’s in the dark."

"Chryssie, you have to believe me."

"Munkustrap, no." They finished eating then curled up about the fire.

"Why don’t you believe me?"

"It just seems too far fetched."

"Really, well I don’t know about that." Just a few minutes later he was asleep.

Chryssie felt herself get drowsy and the heat from the fire was so inviting that she allowed herself to sleep. She awoke a few hours later by a sound of struggling. She looked up and saw Macavity then fleeing with Demeter draped over his shoulder.

Munkustrap came over, helped her to her feet and said

"Come on, we have to move." She followed him who followed Macavity’s candle. He stepped to the mirror and disappeared. Munkustrap found the lever again and he escorted her inside.

There they ran, until they came to the overhang on which Munkustrap had listened to the plotting of Macavity earlier that day.

"I have no idea what follows after this." he said and climbed down.

He then helped her down and they saw themselves amidst a cavern of stalactites and stalagmites. They looked like enormous icicles and jagged white teeth.

"Come on." Whispered Munkustrap and they picked their way through the icy teeth.

"Munkustrap, this place might have been untouched for years."

"I think not Chryssie. Look." She followed his gaze and saw a little red arrow on the side of a stalagmite.

"Looks like we found Macavity’s place right now."

"Right, and we just found you!" They saw two or three guards of Macavity and Chryssie’s mother and father.

"Take Munkustrap to Macavity, leave the girl alone."

The three advanced. Chryssie was back to back with Munkustrap and she said in surprised horror.

"You were right Munkustrap, they ARE working for Macavity!" She then knocked a guard away from Munkustrap.

Then one of them attacked him with a sword like weapon. Munkustrap fought well, but Mother knocked him down, allowing the guard to take a slice at Munkustrap and succeeding at cutting his arm.

Chryssie then knocked the guard hard into a stalagmite where he fell unconscious.

Munkustrap did the same thing to the other guard and they both nailed the third.

"Dear, we had better tell Macavity."

Papa said nervously as their daughter advanced on them. They then disappeared among the stalagmites.

Munkustrap sat for a little while.

"Munkustrap, I’m sorry, I didn’t think they’d do something this crazy. Please forgive me?"

Chryssie asked and knelt by him. She looked ashamed at herself and she wouldn’t look at him.

He lifted her face and said quietly

"There is nothing to forgive. It’s hard to think that one’s parents would betray it. You did the right thing and gave them the benefit of the doubt, but unfortunately you were off."

"Does it hurt?" She asked, meaning his cut.

"Oh, only a scratch that’s all. Don’t worry about me."

"I have to worry about you." She said and took one of his resting paws from her face and kissed the palm and then the fingertips. She then just held his paw. He lifted her chin and kissed her once. He then kissed her cheek held her for a few moments.

All around them the stalactites seemed like jagged teeth. Munkustrap and Chryssie felt a rumble coming from beneath them and one of the stalactites fell, crashing into a few stalagmites.

"Come on, we have to move." Munkustrap said suddenly and stood up.

"We’re in trouble if those things start breaking off." Together they continued.

"Macavity, what is the meaning of this? You never said that you would try to kill the boy!"

"I’m altering the deal." Macavity laughed and then said,

"Make sure that Chrychaesa and Munkustrap do not get out of that tavern alive."

"What!" The mother nearly shrieked. Her father gasped in surprise.

"And how would you like it done sir?"

"Cave in, or stalactite dropping."

"No Macavity, we won’t let you do this!" Papa yelled and then started advancing toward Macavity and his goons.

"There’s a perfect way." Said Macavity and as soon as they both got close enough, threw them against the wall of the cave.

Mother let out a scream as she hurtled through the air and crashed to the ground.

Munkustrap and Chryssie raced along the maze of stalagmites when they heard a scream. They found a cave and raced into it, in case some of the stalactites gave way.

"Munkustrap, it came from this direction. It could have been.. " they both looked at each other with sheer alarm as they both said

"Demeter!" They dashed through the opening to see Macavity climbing up a latter.

Demeter was slung over his shoulder, and guards were circling below. In a corner they saw Mother and Papa lifeless.

"Mama, Papa!" Chryssie screamed.

The guards immediately attacked.

Munkustrap fought as hard as he could and saw a sword not in use.

Macavity was nearly at the top of the latter and he threw the sword with all his might.

The sword landed in the rock above Macavity and the rope snapped.

He fell and Munkustrap caught Demeter.

Chryssie was desperately trying to keep the guards away from him. Munkustrap tapped her on the shoulder. She told him to wait a few moments and then she knelt by her parents. Rumbling started to echo through the caverns. Chryssie took one last look and she and Munkustrap ran through the caves.

"Mama, Papa, I swear Macavity will pay for what he’s done!" She said and ran after him.

There was an enormous rumbling and the stalactites started to fall. Munkustrap and Chryssie ran and ran. They reached the exit and climbed up.

A stalactite fell just where they had been.

They ran through the passage and through the clock and got themselves outside. They saw a form leaping across the meadow and knew Macavity had survived.

They set Demeter down and Munkustrap noticed that Chryssie was sobbing.

"Oh Munkustrap, Munkustrap, They’re gone, my mother and father, they’re gone." She fell into a fit of hysterics.

"Oh Everlasting Cat who’s next?" She demanded then fell into a sobbing heap. Munkustrap took her in his arms and let her cry. He only cradled her and held her close. Soon she seemed to calm down.

He looked down and realized she was dreaming away her sorrows. Demeter woke and saw Chryssie in Munkustrap’s arms. She walked up and asked

"Munkustrap, what happened? Why are we outside?"

"Shh. Chryssie has had a heartbreaking night. She just lost her parents to Macavity." The whole story came pouring out and Demeter just listened.

"Then we’ll go back in the morning." She said.

"First thing at dawn."

The trip back to the Jellicle site was a long tiring journey and none of them were happy. Chryssie least of all.

When they returned to their place all the cats happily greeted them. They all took the greetings with light faces but heavy hearts.

Chryssie seeing no comfort anywhere else took refuge inside Munkustrap’s cave, where he comforted her with Demeter long into the nights.

"You will live here now, with us. We will love you."

"I know Munkustrap, I know and I really appreciate all of this. This will be my new home and the cats are all family. You and Demeter most of all for no one else suffers as much as we suffer."

Munkustrap then enfolded her in his arms and held her close and safe. She was grateful and prayed to the Heaviside that she wouldn’t lose him, her dear, sweet Munkustrap. He was her love, council, and friend.

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