Chrychaesa sat on the trunk of the car, sunning herself. She felt sad and lost, because she had lost one who had not even experienced real love. Rawtawny, the only one like Munkustrap. She just felt awful for him. Demeter noticed she was not herself, she was downcast. Demeter knew about Rawtawny but she had thought that Chryssie hated Rawtawny.
"Chryssie, what's the matter? I know you are finally free of Rawtawny."
"No, Demeter. It's not that I'm upset about. I finally found the real Rawtawny, and he learned to love like you two. I had finally found the cat that was the most like your Munkustrap, and then I lost him. My chance of love and I wouldn't have to keep you and Munkustrap apart anymore. We could all be happy and in love at the same time. But Macavity had to kill him."
"At least you got the chance to say goodbye."
"Yeah, that's the only good thing I got out of it."
"You'll find him someday. I promise you that. Now, I want to give you a special job. I have finally found a family that wants me. I am going with them for a few days. They are going somewhere east. I want you to take care of Munkustrap for me. I hear that he hasn't been doing too well lately either, so maybe you two could keep each other company."
"All right Demeter."
"Thank you. There's Mistoffelees, why not you say hello to him, and Asparagus is with him too. They would be happy to see you. You should go around, talk to cats, become close, all that kind of stuff. You can't always hang around me and Bombalurina."
"All right, I'll do that." Chryssie got up and walked over to Mistoffelees and Asparagus who were talking. They looked up and saw Chryssie walking towards them.
"Oh boy, here she comes." Asparagus said nervously.
"Ahh, nothing to worry about, watch. Good Morning Chryssie."
"Good Morning Mistoffelees, Good Morning, Asparagus."
"G-g-good morning." He said, wringing his tail.
"Don't mind him," Mistoffelees said as Chryssie looked at Asparagus in a manner of curiosity.
"He is just a little sluggish this morning."
"OK, so how are your power studies coming along? Learn anything new?"
"Yes actually, I learned how to limit power so I can keep going and I won't have to recharge by sleep so much."
"Ah, so that's why you sleep when you have used a lot of power. Asparagus, tell me a little about yourself, you haven't said much ever since the first Jellicle ball."
"W-w-well there r-r-really is-isn't much to t-t-tell I'm af-af-afraid." She smiled gently at him, and he wrung his tail even more and he started to shake.
Poor Asparagus, thought Mistoffelees. He just doesn't know how to handle pretty kitties, the poor thing, he's so shy. Wait! I know what I'll do!
"How would you guys like to dance?"
"What do you mean dance?" Chryssie asked puzzled.
"Well, I have been dying to see pair dancing and well I was wondering if you two would like to do it." Asparagus looked like he was about to have a heart attack.
Mistoffelees! he thought.
What are you trying to do? Hey, maybe she might want to dance... Pearls of laughter interrupted his thought. Chryssie was laughing hysterically.
Oh, I see she doesn't like me, he thought sadly. Maybe she just thinks that I'm too dumb to dance with her. Oh man I probably am too.
"Chryssie why are you laughing?" Mistoffelees asked with a slight hint of anger in his voice.
Is she making fun of Asparagus? he thought angrily.
"Oh, poor Asparagus, he looks so sad." Chryssie said when she had stopped laughing.
"What's the matter Asparagus?" She put her hand on his shoulder. He stiffened at the touch and whispered
"Why were you laughing at Asparagus?" Mistoffelees asked hotly. Chryssie sprang back as if Asparagus had burned her.
"I wasn't Mistoffelees! Really I wasn't laughing at Asparagus, heavens no! I was laughing at the fact that I can't dance and since Asparagus here is such a great and beautiful dancer, I'd probably land flat on my face. Trust me, in my mind that's a funny sight to see." Asparagus relaxed a little and Mistoffelees cooled down instantly.
"All right then I suppose that Asparagus should show you, with my help. Come on." He started to drag Chryssie and Asparagus off by the wrists.
"Come on, Mistoffelees, I am nowhere near the level that he is. I can barely dance by myself without hurting another or myself."
"That's not so. I saw the figurative dance you did with Victoria and it was beautiful and routine, I demand to see you two dance." He led them to an open space, away from the other cats. He sat down and ordered,
"Now dance." He got up again and pushed Chryssie towards Asparagus who caught her.
"I-I-I'm not very good at this."
"Yes you are, it's me who isn't. Lets bomb on him shall we?"
"Good idea."
"OK, take me, let's pretend that we are going to do this, but we turn and run instead."
"When you say three."
"Got it." They stood close and in opening dance position. Then she whispered
"One- Two- Three!" They both rushed off, back to the other cats. Mistoffelees just sat there flabbergasted. They started laughing out loud at Mistoffelees expression.
"Did you see his face?"
"I sure did, wow, what a look!" Asparagus continued laughing but stopped instantly when he remembered he was with Chryssie. He then lowered his eyes to the ground.
"What's the matter Asparagus? You were happy not even a few minutes ago."
"M-my moods change fast I guess."
"No, I think you're shy."
"N-no I'm not, I just don't feel myself when with queens."
"That's called SHY, dear. What do you have against queens?"
"Well they make fun of you when you screw up."
"Not true. Actually we can be a whole lot nicer to mistakes then the toms are."
"Pretty ones hate losers."
"Are you a loser?"
"Are you pretty?"
"Oh wow. You would say you're not pretty because of a shy cat."
"Well look at me. Am I pretty? No, pretty discreet. I am nothing like Victoria or Bombalurina or Demeter."
"Oh, no you're very pretty." Chryssie looked up at him with a smile on her face. He realized what he was saying and looked down sheepishly.
"Hey, don't be embarrassed. It's nice to say someone is pretty."
When Chryssie and Asparagus reached the open, they noticed the cats in a circle around something. They approached the area where they saw a cat that looked very much like Chryssie.
"Am I seeing a taller version of myself?"
"Oh, hello there, I'm Testra. Ahh there she is, hello Chrychaesa. It has been a long time."
"Have we met before?"
"What's going on out here?" Munkustrap came out of the cave where he had been playing with the kittens.
"Oh Chrychaesa, you really must introduce me to that cat."
"Why? Should I know you?"
"You don't remember me? Oh that hurts. I am your older sister." "My what?"
"Oh Chrychaesa, didn't Mother or Father tell you of me?"
"No, they didn't."
"Well since she's family, welcome to the tribe." Munkustrap greeted.
"Chryssie I need to see you." She followed Munkustrap into his den.
"OK, now is she really your sister? She looks just like you."
"No, she isn't. I am the only one of my family. See, I was the eldest of my litter and well, I believe my younger brothers and sisters perished during birth. She can't possibly be my sister because I was the eldest. Besides, does she look to be a little older then me? No she looks about Bombalurina's age. She isn't two like me."
"So who is she?"
"I don't know, I just don't know."
"Chrychaesa, introduce your sister to your friend." Testra came up from behind.
"Oh sorry, this is Munkustrap, Munkustrap, this is..."
"Testra and a pleasure it is to meet you. I hope we can be as good friends as you are with my little sister."
"Yes that would be nice." Munkustrap said pleasantly but under his breath he murmured
"Though highly unlikely." Chryssie smiled but she thought,
Who is this cat that wants to impersonate a relative of mine?
That night Chryssie stopped by Munkustrap's cave to say goodnight. She heard voices and crept in. There she saw Testra and Munkustrap talking. She then walked into the light.
"Oh there she is, wondering where her sister was. All right Chrychaesa, I'll go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow Munkustrap. Come on Chrychaesa show me where you sleep."
"Uh, right this way." She led her to the little comfortable cluster of newspaper, dried leaves and a small bit of velvet that was her bed.
"Oh thank you Chrychaesa, that would be quiet nice, and away from the rain too."
"Oh, you're welcome." she said then soon heard Testra snoring.
Dirty rat catcher, she stole my bed, she thought miserably.
Well I hope Munkustrap won't mind having company tonight if he already doesn't have it.
She made her way back to Munkustrap's cave where she saw him resting comfortably. Munkustrap heard her footsteps and saw her come in.
"Yeah, it's me."
"What's wrong with your burrow now?"
"False sister took it."
"Oh, that bites doesn't it. All right, come on." Chryssie gratefully snuggled up against his soft fur.
"So what were you talking about with Testra?"
"She described her life and explained how she was taken away at a young age, and she says she's surprised that you don't remember her."
"Well, she for one doesn't have my family's air, that's for certain, and she sounds so evil. There is no possible way to tell. I mean, my parents don't like to talk about what had happened. In fact, I think they've given up and just let me go. I mean you'd think I'd be home by now."
"Well, I am glad you're staying with us."
"Yes. I think I'm happier here too."
"Well, I'm glad as I said before."
"I'm happy being, not only here but here with you too." Their eyes made contact and he knew she was being serious. She was fighting another battle.
"Well, I like having you with me." She knew he was fighting and losing too.
But it just didn't seem like time to care, they didn't want to but they knew they had to. Chryssie sighed a sigh of content and laid her head down, so she could hear Munkustrap's steady breathing and beating heart. Munkustrap put his arm around her shoulders. She moved her head so it was on his collarbone and put her arm around his waist, then fell asleep.
She awoke with a skittish sensation of being watched. She got up and looked around, though she couldn't see anything, she just couldn't shake the feeling. Munkustrap noticed she was gone and saw her skittish around the room.
"Chryssie what's the matter?"
"I get the feeling we're being watched."
"I don't."
"Yeah, it's probably just me, but still I always get this way when something is going to happen." Munkustrap got up and walked to her. A thunderclap struck and she yelped out,
"Holy catnip with.."
Another thunder strike
"Leaping' goldfish!" Munkustrap smiled and then put a paw on her shoulder.
"Do you always get this way when it comes to thunder?"
"Well let's just say I don't like things that take me by a loud surprise."
Munkustrap moved in front of her and wrapped his arms around her. She remembered the feeling of his gentle and massive paws around her, and the feeling sent shivers running down her spine. He felt the shiver and smiled a little.
Chryssie allowed her arms to go about his shoulders and they just stood there, waiting for the shivers to stop and enjoying the others touch. Through her skin, Munkustrap could feel Chryssie's heartbeat speed up slightly.
A crash of thunder erupted and he could feel her hold on him tighten. Lightning reflected off her eyes and face, and she looked white and afraid. Chryssie had looked at him when the lightning flashed and it bounced off his features, so much that it startled her. He gave her an affectionate press to remind her that it was only him.
She took a step closer to him. Then she pulled his head down, whereas he tilted her chin up. They gave each other sweet kisses, each growing more passionate. Through her mind she thought of how something this wrong could feel this right. He was thinking the exact same thing though he felt as if he could never stop kissing her sweet lips.
She felt light and heavy at the same time, floating and falling, but she couldn't stop. Passion and pleasure drove her on. She wanted to stop but she couldn't because his kisses were too intoxicating, so much in fact that they overwhelmed her. They were soft, warm, everything the most perfect kiss could be, hardened with the growing passion. He held her so tightly in his arms, and she felt as if she belonged there. What a strong hold he had on her. It felt as if she could break away if she wanted but at the same time it felt like a lock and key.
As soon as it had begun, it was over. They both summoned enough will to tear themselves from each other. But they stayed in each other's arms, gasping for breath, and weak.
"What came over us?" She asked breathlessly.
"I couldn't tell you." He said as breathless as she.
That kiss was over, but she wanted more. But he probably wouldn't give it to her. It was hard enough on him then her, but they both were weak in the knees and unfeline cravings for more kisses, and passion came between them.
She felt so weak she wanted to sit down, but she was afraid her cravings would come again and they would lead each other into something worse then what they had just experienced. She forced herself to stand though her knees were buckling. She rested her head on Munkustrap's shoulder and she could hear his heart pounding. He could feel hers and felt the constant pounding as well.
He's such a devil cat, I want more of that sensation he gave me. Just even a slight taste.
How does she do it?
Chryssie looked up into Munkustrap's face. He looked at her as if he was dying to know a secret. She could also see the hot passion in his eyes, and she could feel that he was struggling to distinguish it. She wasn't going to let him this time. She wanted just another taste of that passion he had locked up inside his heart.
She pulled his head down, taking him by surprise and kissed him again. It was light, but soon he realized what she was after and then gave it to her again. Once again she felt several different sensations. Was all this his passion? Or was there more of it? She couldn't be sure.
Munkustrap felt through her kisses that she was searching for something. Was she searching inside him, he had to find out. This curiosity was just driving him crazy, what was she searching for within him, what was she trying to find? Then he relaxed and started wondering if there was something that he was missing inside this volcano of rapid frenzy. Could he have missed the deep well of passion.
Chryssie felt that he was searching inside. She had had enough. She pulled back.
"What am I missing?" she murmured.
"You were searching for something."
"As were you."
"Did I miss anything?"
"No, I'm just tired."
"As am I." Relaxing, she released her hold on him and backed off to her place on the floor. Sensing no possible danger of feelings with her since the kisses were radical enough, he dropped down beside her. Together, they cuddled close as the thunder still rang in their ears and fell into a deep sleep and dreamt of nothing since they were together.
Chryssie awoke again and noticed it was still dark, and the rain was coming heavily. She stretched and felt Munkustrap close. He felt her stretch and knew she was awake. Munkustrap looked up and saw her just sitting there thoughtfully. He sat up also and leaned his back against the stone. She looked over at him and smiled slightly. He smiled back and asked,
"What are you thinking about?"
"Oh, her? Hm, well what is there to think about? She's Jellicle, and she doesn't seem to cause any threat to anyone."
"Yeah, I know but still, something about her doesn't seem right."
"Well," he said, draping his arm on her shoulders
"we'll take care of her if she causes any problems."
"Right. Rather stormy for morning don't you think?"
"Yes, it's miserable out."
"I hope Demeter beat the storm."
"She did. She mentioned what camp her family was going to and well, they beat the storm for three days."
"Lucky queen. I'm going to start going around and see if any cats need help or company. OK?"
"All right. I'll start around shortly, and Chryssie, be careful of thunder."
"Ha, ha, ha." She laughed sarcastically. She started with Skimble.
"Hello there Skimble, do you need or want anything?"
"Well no, Testra, your dear sister already took care of it lass. Now, why do you hate your sister so much?"
"Hate her? Since when have I hated someone I don't know?"
"Well she said that she looks up to you so much and that she tries to be friendly but you look at her like she wasn't feline."
"Trust me, she tries to be friendly, but to the wrong cat. Good day Skimble, if you need anything, I'll be around." She went from cat to cat asking if they needed or wanted anything, and they all said that Testra had taken care of it. Then they always asked her why she was mean to Testra. She said that she didn't know her repeatedly. She walked to Munkustrap's den downheartedly. She then saw him with Testra and she seemed to be upset.
"What's the matter? What's going on?"
"Etcetera reported her ball missing and Testra says she found it in your place."
"Well as you know, I was with you last night and you know that I made my rounds this morning."
"I don't know."
"Thank you Testra."
"Sure, just thought you might like to know about this, that's all. Chryssie, may I talk to Munkustrap in private please?"
"Fine, I'm going to go out for a little while anyway." She could not stop but hearing
"So, Munkustrap, can I see you later today, no wait, I promised Etcetera I'd play with her, tonight?"
"Yes, what for?"
"Maybe to talk about little sister and maybe to get to know each other better."
"Sure, I guess." He sounded cool as always. She marched out of his cave, growling as she went. She then left the Jellicle sight. She traveled a little way until she came to a great lake. There she just sat along the shores and just stared into the rippling waters as the wind blew over them.
She thought about Rawtawny and wished she could see his face again. Then she thought angrily about Munkustrap and Testra. Was he starting to love Testra? The idea gave Chryssie's heartstrings a hard twang and anger fiercer then she had known before bottled up in her.
Right now she didn't want to think and then just settled down for a little catnap. She awoke when she saw the sun falling and started racing to home. They would wonder where she was.
When she got home, however, all the cats looked at her with disbelief in their eyes. Some even took swipes at her.
"What happened? Why are you acting this way? Mistoffelees? Victoria? Plato? Asparagus?" They all looked at her but said nothing.
"Jemima? Jennyanydots? Bombalurina?" They all looked sad and heartbroken.
"Alonzo!" She cried out as the cat took a swipe at her followed by Quaxo and Admetus. She fell over and Skimble rushed to catch her. The cats looked at him and then he turned away. Then she saw Munkustrap and Testra, with their eyes cold and doubting.
"What has happened? What's going on?"
"Chrychaesa," That was the first time Munkustrap had used her full name. She knew that whatever had happened involved her.
"You have been seen with Macavity and are assumed a traitor to the Jellicles for associating with such a villain. You have been seen. Look out Chrychaesa, this is a warning."
"What? I... Munkustrap, you know I wouldn't do this!" He only stared at her with the coldest eyes ever imagined. Realizing that he was serious, she ran off into the back of the tribe grounds. There she stayed in the shadows and wept. How could she get out of this, especially since no one had seen her and someone had seen "Her" with Macavity. That's it! She raced to Munkustrap.
"Munkustrap, don't forget I am not the only cat who looks the way I do, Testra... "
"That's impossible."
"Impossible! How is that impossi... "
"She was with me at the time." She gasped. Munkustrap noticed the sheer look of horror in her eyes. He wanted to say something kind to her, but the evidence against her was too strong. Before he could say one word, she was gone.
Chryssie lay crying in the woodpile over the trunk of the car.
How could this happen? I am a very loyal cat, she thought.
And what was Munkustrap doing with HER?
"Rum Tum Tugger, what do you want? If you have charges against me then just hold your tongue I don't want to hear it."
"No, actually I wanted to be of some comfort." She looked up and saw his concerned face.
"Really? You mean out of the whole tribe, you are the only one who actually wants to talk with me?"
"Kind of looks that way doesn't it?" She motioned for him to take a seat.
"Tugger, I don't know what happened. I never even want to see Macavity. How could I associate with him if I wasn't even near him?"
"Lets not talk about it, lets just erase it from our minds. Like it didn't even happen."
"How can I not think about it when it happened and it happened to me?"
"Just let it go." He then moved close to her.
"Tugger, why do you believe me?"
"Just because I believe in you. I have seen you and I was the first one here, aside from Old Deuteronomy to meet you, so I have known you longest. I care deeply for my friends.. "
"This is too deep.."
"But mostly you." and he kissed her. It was nothing like Munkustrap, because with Munkustrap, she felt as if she was tossed in a cyclone. This was pretty mild.
Mild until Tugger was sure that she needed more of what was inside, then he poured out his passionate kisses on her. She felt his kisses grow more intense, but still she could think only of Munkustrap's kisses. Then she remembered the look of stone her Munkustrap had given her and how he allowed Testra to hang over him. She hated remembering, which made her try to forget Munkustrap's kisses and concentrate on Tugger's. They were warm and passionate and she could feel herself in his arms. Not caring she willed her arms around his shoulders. Soon their kisses died down and they only lay together in deep sleep.
All throughout her dreams she wondered if Munkustrap was as unfaithful as she to each other. She prayed not, and hoped that if he found out, he would forgive her. Tears of pain ran down her face because she was so devastated of Munkustrap's false judgment. Her "sisters" face flashed into her mind.
Testra, why was she connected into all of this? Chryssie then felt angry. She got up and walked around. Tugger came from behind and kissed her good morning. She smiled and then went into deep thought.
"Tell me what the matter is." Tugger urged.
"I'm still trying to see how Testra is framing me like this."
"What makes you so sure it's Testra?"
"Have you seen anyone else who looks like they hate me and wants me squashed like a little bug?"
"No but still, it could be a mistake, they probably have forgotten it by now." Chryssie turned and hugged Tugger. He would always be good to her but she and he knew that they couldn't have each other. She needed someone who could buckle down. He needed someone who was on again off again.
A screaming sounded through the silence and they whirled away from each other as Jennyanydots came to them. Not noticing Chryssie right away she screamed at Tugger
"He's sick He is just so sick! Oh, Tugger, Munkustrap is very sick, He may be dying! Oh, dear Munkustrap. Have you seen her?"
No! Chryssie thought and immediately began rushing towards the camp. Tugger came after her. Jennyanydots noticed her and hissed warningly. Chryssie paid no heed. They reached the camp and saw all the cats around Munkustrap's den. They saw Chryssie and all started hissing at her. Jellylorum said
"There is the scoundrel now, returning to see if the work is done. You haven't killed him Yet Chryssie!"
"Jellylorum, she did nothing." Said Tugger coming to stand behind her.
"When did this happen?"
"Last night. She did it, I'm sure, being paid by Macavity Testra says."
"Jellylorum, she couldn't have done it last night. I was with her." Tugger blurted out. Jellylorum looked confused, as did the other cats.
"I stayed with him last night having no where else to go. Please, can I see him." Jellylorum saw the truth in her eyes.
"Yes, yes, my dear, take Tugger with you, they have Alonzo with him and he is very defensive now with you. Please forgive me."
"Jellylorum, I am not angry, I just want to see him now." The cats cleared away for her and she and Tugger entered the room. There, Alonzo looked up and started taking swipes and lunges at her. Then he pushed her roughly to the ground and pinned her. Tugger called,
"It's all right, Alonzo, she was with me last night, she didn't do anything." Alonzo let her up then backed down, though he still tried to intimidate her. She knelt beside Munkustrap who was sleeping. He looked as if he were having a nightmare. As many times before, she took his head in her lap and stroked his fur. Tears fell from her eyes. What could she do? Munkustrap's eyes opened. He thought he saw a cat gazing at him, but his vision swirled, and made him dizzy.
"Who is it?"
"It's me."
"Chryssie, I thought you had run away."
"No, I was on the outskirts." He winced in pain.
"Shh, it's all right. Relax. Tell me what went on last night."
"Nothing, I just had some water and fell asleep."
"Was anyone with you?"
"Testra only accompanied me to the water, but aside from that no one was with me." A small wave of guilt washed over her.
"You needn't worry that I did it, because I was staying with Tugger last night."
".. Never mind. How does it hurt?"
"A burning throughout my body, it's so hot and painful."
"Mistoffelees, do we have some of the flower left?" Mistoffelees who had crept into the room stammered
"Y-yes, we do."
"Bring it here."
"Oh but Chryssie do you know how to use it?"
"Just bring me the flower. Alonzo and Tugger, go with him." They realized she wanted to be alone with him. Alonzo was quite unwilling to go, but Tugger assured him if she could stay the night with him and he was still alive, she could be trusted.
"Why did you stay with Tugger?" Munkustrap asked when they had gone.
"Well, you wouldn't let me see you, and I got jealous of Testra so I had to stay away."
"You freely admit that you were jealous?"
"Well I did, didn't I?"
"Did you.. DO.. anything?"
"Well no, not REALLY special."
"Something went on." Chryssie knew she had to tell him the truth, but even so she knew it might hurt him even more.
"I only kissed him, that's all." Munkustrap sighed.
"I'm sorry, I think I'd better leave, I've destroyed you enough all ready."
"Well what about the thing you were going to do, with the flower."
"After I did that." She sent for Pouncival who came in as if he were expecting to be hit, slowly and ears down.
"Pouncival, I need you to run to my farm and gather water in this dish for me. Run quickly and pray you do not drop the water." He took the dish from her and backed off slowly as if expecting to be hit again then dashed off.
"I'm guilty I know. But now you know how it feels to be looking at you and Demeter from afar."
"I know."
"Please Munkustrap, don't hurt. I'll leave as soon as I'm finished here." Munkustrap looked off into space. Pouncival returned with the water. Then Mistoffelees, Tugger and Alonzo returned. Alonzo immediately checked to see if Munkustrap was still alive.
He was, just incredibly irritated. Then he started to doze off. Chryssie took the amulet in which the flower dust was. She sprinkled a little on her paw. She then whispered a special little prayer to it.
"Flower, you have done good and evil, I ask you to do good again. Please heal him, and make him well and strong. This cat I owe my life and heart to, though believes me he not. Give him guidance strength and wisdom for ever." She then dipped her paw into the cool water and stirred it gently.
The ripples in the dish started to glow yellow and soon were shining brightly. Then she lifted the dish to Munkustrap's lips. He refused to drink it. She called for Jennyanydots and asked her to help him drink. When she offered it to him, he drank willfully. He then smiled and Jennyanydots asked
"How do you feel Munkustrap?"
"Cooler, better and stronger."
"I'm glad. Where is Chryssie?"
"She's heading out of here." Chryssie said and walked towards the mouth of the cave.
"You are just going to walk out on him like that? You don't even want to stay and make sure he recovers nicely? Chryssie!"
"He doesn't want me here, so I am going. I'm sorry Jennyanydots, but I have to do what he wants." Jennyanydots watched her leave then turned back to Munkustrap.
"Why don't you want her to stay?"
"She loves another, so I want her to be free to stay with him."
"Do you really think I believe that? After all the sacrifices she has made to Demeter, to you and to herself, just so she could see you happy?"
"Jennyanydots, she stayed the night with Tugger last night and kissed him and everything."
"Still, don't you think that she had reason for doing that?"
"Yes... because she loves him." Jennyanydots tried to ask him more questions but he rolled around to sleep. Jennyanydots took off after Chryssie. She caught up to her walking slowly homeward.
"Chryssie dear?"
"Oh Hi Jennyanydots."
"Dear, will you come back to us."
"Why does it matter? He doesn't trust me anymore. He doesn't love me as he did if you can call it love. The bond between us just broke and it's all my fault."
"Tell me something Chryssie. Do you love Tugger?"
"So he told you did he?"
"Yes he did. He told me everything."
"Well I don't Jennyanydots. Not in that way, I never have. He's afraid of being tied down. He doesn't like it. I like someone who wants to stay with me and stay by my side. He just doesn't have everything that I need in a tom."
"Oh dear, you do love him. He just doesn't see it. Please, come back with me. Dear, don't forget Testra is still there."
At the name of Testra Chryssie stiffened.
"Do you believe I did those things. You believe I stole the ball? You believe the rumor of working with Macavity? You believe I was the cause of the sickness? The sickness wasn't caused by something gone wrong inside him, that I know."
"How did you find that?"
"I found this by the pool he drank from." She held up a bag labeled
"Rat Poison". Jennyanydots gasped,
"So he had been poisoned!"
"That's right."
"But by whom?"
"One thing is for sure it wasn't me. I could never do that to him."
"Right, you couldn't have."
"But what would that matter anyway? He doesn't want to see me anymore." Chryssie then turned her back to the road to the Jellicle site and started once more towards home.
"Now wait a minute! I've seen you two, and your kisses in the darkness, I have seen all the passion he puts into those kisses. I have seen him enjoy yours, so why wont you try to go back and see if you can have another chance at those kisses. Besides, if your premonitions are correct, then you have to be there to protect Munkustrap because everyone there doesn't realize he's in trouble."
"All right Jennyanydots you win. Come on we had better get moving." They both hurried back to the site. None of the other cats were awake. They both silently crept into Munkustrap's cave. Munkustrap was snoozing when he felt someone standing over him. He opened his eyes and saw Testra smiling and grinning over him. She had her claws held high in the air.
One well placed swipe with those things and I'm done for, he thought.
"So you are awake. Ha, ha, ha. Nice way of fooling you too. Your friend Chryssie won't be surviving long either. We have some of us waiting for her at the end of the forest."
"You don't know how well Chryssie can fight."
"Yes, I don't but Macavity does. That's why he has posted fifteen of our greatest fighters. There is no way she could escape. Your friend was innocent, it is I who stole the ball, and I who started the rumors about Chryssie using some of Nakcheem's magic. So it made an image that looked like Chryssie. Pretty clever wasn't it? And it was me who poisoned you. See now the mighty Munkustrap killed by Chryssie. Once you are dead we can make it look like your friend Chryssie had done it and then made it look like she ran away. Now cat-napping Old Deuteronomy will be so much easier and Demeter will be so depressed that she wouldn't care that Macavity took her or not!" She let out an evil laugh. An image appeared and Nakcheem guard spoke,
"Captain, in the woods we found a female two year old, who has the exact same description of Chrychaesa. She appears to have committed suicide."
"Excellent." The image faded.
"Well Munkustrap, you have driven your friends sorrow into insanity, She is now dead because of you. You should have let her stay and take care of you because it would have saved her life and yours. Oh and another thing, Munk, before I kill you, I work for Macavity, not Chryssie and I never was her sister. My real name is Arsenic."
She then prepared to strike. Munkustrap was in so much grief that he didn't even attempt to save himself. He was just pounded by guilt.
"No!" Chryssie lunged out of the shadows and attacked Arsenic head on. She then started to struggle furiously to keep her from Munkustrap.
All Munkustrap could see were different colored fur entangled and rages of fury.
Jennyanydots stayed with him in case Chryssie lost control.
Chryssie attacked Arsenic again and again, scratching and clawing and biting, trying to hit the weak spot.
All the commotion attracted the cats from outside in to see what was going on. They saw a cat fight and proceeded to break it up. Both Arsenic and Chryssie were bleeding, Chryssie being the smaller cat a tad more.
Alonzo started to reprimand Chryssie for attacking her sister when Jennyanydots shouted,
"No, Testra attacked Munkustrap! Testra really works for Macavity! She stole the ball! The Cat we saw talking to Macavity was one of Sachem's illusions, and it was Testra who poisoned Munkustrap, in fact Testra's real name is Arsenic! She isn't even related to Chryssie!" Then Testra's sleek beautiful form started to melt away revealing an old shabby coat and rib cage.
"Arsenic, abandon the plan!" Nakcheem said appearing behind her.
"You did well for your first run, now come."
"Don't worry Jellicles, this won't be the last time we meet. The Hidden Paw does anything!"
Arsenic threatened. Nakcheem then billowed up a smoke. When it cleared, Nakcheem and Arsenic weren't there. Munkustrap got to his feet and walked slowly over to Chryssie.
"Why did you come back?"
"Jennyanydots asked me too." He nodded and then walked out into the moonlight.
"Well, don't just stand there, go get him!" Jennyanydots, Jellylorum and Etcetera ordered.
Chryssie gave them a smile. Tugger gave her a push to get her started. She then took off after him. She found him sitting on a wall in a clear open space in the moonlight. Being the Jellicle that she was she walked up the wall and sat behind him. She tapped him on the shoulder. He looked at her and jumped down the other side. She jumped after him. He proceeded to run across the small grassy area. She ran right after him.
There he stopped at a lake. He looked and didn't see her. Then he sat down again. He then felt her presence. He looked around and just saw her there at the other end of the lake. She was staring at him. He was sitting in the shade of the tree so he was in darkness. She was under no tree and the moonlight bounced off her shiny coat making her seem to glimmer.
She then got up and started walking around to him. She stopped just outside the shade of the tree and looked at him. There was plea in her eyes. She didn't want to be left alone. That look she gave him seemed to tear his heart in two. He thought she loved Tugger. Doesn't she? He called to her.
"Do you love Tugger?"
"No." Her voice was soft, barely audible and it was so mournful and dispirited.
"Then why did you..?"
"Munkustrap you caused me anguish that day. You were so cold and unfeeling. I needed love then, but you wouldn't have anything to do with me. Tugger acted as if he really cared though we could never be together. What you are feeling now is what I go through everyday when you are with Demeter."
She stopped herself, she had let too much of what was going on inside her out, and to the wrong cat. She looked down. She had said too much. Munkustrap realized what she was saying, that she still loved him and that she hurt when she saw Demeter receiving what she deserved, but she still bore it in silence.
"I have said too much, I have to go back."
"Stay right there, Chryssie." She still turned.
"Chrychaesa." She turned back to him and looked at him as if to say,
"Well?" He stepped into the moonlight and walked straight up to her.
"Stay here. Stay with me, with us. We need to save each other Chryssie, from this guilt. Only together we can do that." He was forgiving her.
"Please Munkustrap." She whispered. He took her in his arms and only kissed her. It wasn't a passionate kiss, but it wasn't a cold and unfeeling kiss either. It would take them a long time to regain full trust in each other, but Chryssie and Munkustrap both knew, they would make it.

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