Victoria sighed to herself. She was going to miss Chryssie. Munkustrap all ready did, because he was all to himself, and wasn't very happy. He was very quiet, and nothing was said between himself, and other the cats.
Why would Chryssie leave like that? Surely it wasn't homesickness. Was it? She sighed again, and Plato who was beside her, lifted his head up.
"Is something wrong? You're sighing."
"Yes, well I'm just not sure why Chryssie had to leave like that. Not even saying goodbye either. It just doesn't make any sense at all. I can tell everyone is going to miss her. The kittens, the toms, the queens, everyone will. She surely is a nice queen, and she makes many cats happy. I miss her a lot too, because she felt like a relative of mine, you know? I look at her like she was a little cousin, or a little sister."
"I know. She was very special. I think she had to go because of her reasons with Munkustrap."
"Do you think they were serious with each other?"
"It looked like they were soul mates, but they can't get it together. She knows he loves Demeter too, so I think she was reassigning her place with him, under Demeter and his relationship. But I think that she is trying to forget him now, and move on to others. But once again, I think that would not be possible, because I don't think she'd risk all that she has for that cat. It's a very torn relationship between them."
"Yes, if only more toms would act like her. Then all of the queens would finally have a proper gentleman."
"Hey wait a minute! I'm a gentleman."
"I said 'More toms'. That doesn't mean that I was including you in that category."
"You scared me for a minute there." Victoria paused a minute, looked at him, then nuzzled him. She felt a small purr escape her throat, as she felt his cheek running along hers. Then her head came to rest at his shoulder.
Plato was one of the only ones she'd feel confident with. She felt as if she knew him very deeply, and that he wouldn't hurt her in any way. He was the only one that she felt that she could truly confide in, of all the male cats, except some.
Soon, she may settle down, just as soon as she outgrew her kitten hood. She was on her last year. Soon, it would be just him and her, and maybe a couple of kittens. Maybe kittens will soon be present, but not that quickly.
Victoria was a queen, and a very graceful one at that. She always stood tall, and erect, and was very proper.
Cassandra had noticed that Victoria was very proper, and was surprised about it. It almost matched her graceful, exotic, elegance. There was only one thing about Victoria that bothered Cassandra.
Victoria didn't trust many male cats. Though they almost always took a liking to her, which was something Cassandra didn't like.
In fact, the only ones Victoria trusted were the kittens, Skimbleshanks, Mistoffelees, and Plato.
It was too bad, because Cassandra had taken a fancy to Plato, and thought that he was a powerful, handsome, tom that she could keep for her own. Cassandra had tried to win him over several times, but Plato always thought that she was flirting.
He always teased her back, and missed the obvious fact that Cassandra found him interesting and attractive. It was also evident that he had eyes for another cat, though he would not tell her who it was exactly. He would always tell her that the particular cat was his queen, to whom he had pledged his life into serving, and would obey her every desideratum.
Cassandra would always get frustrated at his dreamy eyed fantasy, and would flounce away in disgust.
Victoria smiled easily. She rolled over, out of Plato's arms. He sighed slightly. He wasn't happy that she had to leave him. She crawled over to him, and kissed him, as an apology. His arms went around her shoulders, and just held her there for a little time. Oh, she wanted to lie back down again, but she withdrew and got to her feet. She then left his cave and walked around to see who was up.
She felt lucky to be surrounded in cats she knew, but still she kept her distances from them. The males always took a fancy to her, and she tried to make it seem that she was aloof and superior to them. She hated doing it, because she was always warm and feeling to any cat, but she wanted to protect herself, because she was scared around the cats that liked her. She thought they wanted to hurt her.
She saw Mistoffelees was awake, and cheerfully wished him a good morning. He only groaned.
"What's the matter, Mistoffelees?"
"Oh, disturbing dreams last night, that's all."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, but I can't remember them now, it was so far away."
"Well, as soon as you remember, come talk to me."
"Will do. Ahh, here comes Asparagus. Believe it or not, you two act exactly alike, well sort of. You aren't a gentleman's queen, and well, he's not a queen's tom."
"Are you saying my Plato isn't a gentleman?" She felt a little wave of anger quake through her, and she stared at Mistoffelees.
"No, Victoria, I didn't mean that at all. I mean, Plato is rather a gentleman in fact, it's just the other gentlemen you can't handle. You were young when you were absorbed with Tugger, but he is just a kitten model, and his image will wear off when they get older, and you just fell into that crowd." Victoria smiled at the memory of herself screaming like teeny little boppers at the hip-swaying Rum Tug Tugger.
"Yeah, I was a classic when I was little."
"Hey, now don't forget I'm not much older then you."
"Oh yes, nine months to be exact."
"Don't you trust Munkustrap?"
"Sure I do, we just don't talk much."
"To be discreet, never at all, except when you were adopted into the tribe."
"Yes well, at least we talked. Satisfied?"
"Uh-oh, I've gotten the queen angry. Sorry, I'll see you later." Victoria looked after him.
Silly Mistoffelees, she thought.
He thinks I am mad at him. Oh well, he'll learn soon enough that I'm not. I think I'll visit Skimble. Lets see what that jolly orange elf has to say along with formal conversation.
She found Skimble happily humming a tune, and working on something.
"Skimble?" She said softly.
Skimble gave a little cry, and tossed the thing he was working on into the air, and jumped to his feet, looking alarmed.
"Ahh Victoria, Don't scare me like that lass. For a minute, I thought you were trying to scare the life out of me."
"Beg pardon, Skimble."
"So what can I do for you this fine morning, lass?"
"Oh, I'm just going around and talking to everyone. Have you had strange dreams lately?"
"Well, no. Why do you ask, lass?"
"No particular reason, except that Mistoffelees had a strange dream that he couldn't remember."
Skimble thoughtfully stroked his chin.
"Well lass, maybe he is just dreaming, and maybe he is doing what Tantomile and Coricopat do with their strange dream thing."
"I wouldn't have anyway of knowing what goes on in that Mistoffelees', Tantomile and Coricopat's heads at times."
"Tell me something lass, would you be kind enough to do me a favor? Do you see that?" Skimble pointed to the thing that he was working on.
"That is your railway vest."
"Yes, I tore it yesterday. The train had a little rough edges."
"Oh, you're not hurt are you?"
"Me? No lass, bless your heart, not a scratch except for this old vest here. I asked Jellylorum to repair it for me, but she has to work with the kittens. She has to help Jennyanydots watch them. So, if you could kindly take her place, I would be most grateful, so I can get my vest repaired and the kittens could spend some time with you." Skimble smiled a little as he told her,
"Jellylorum and Jennyanydots say that the kittens have been wanting to spend a little time with you, because they think that you have been busy, and didn't want to look after them, so I think it will be pleasant for all, you, me, the kittens, and Jellylorum."
"I would be happy too." Victoria walked to the place where Jennyanydots usually would be.
"Oh, come in dear."
"I want to help you with the kittens, so Jellylorum can be free to help Skimble out with mending."
"Yes, his vest is torn, so he would like her to help him fix it."
"Oh well then, that's all right." Jennyanydots nodded, and then curled up.
"Tell me Jennyanydots, do you think that Chryssie really will come back to the next Jellicle Ball? Will she be escorting Old Deuteronomy?"
"I'm afraid my dear, that I can't tell you what I don't know. But if I know Chryssie, I think she will return. She has made too many dear friends here."
"Right, I think she'll be back. I believe I'm the first she-cat she talked to."
"I believe you are, at that."
"Well, where are the kittens playing?"
"Just out there, by the washer."
When Victoria approached, the kits and kittens all cheered, and danced around her.
Pouncival back-flipped, and then pretended to be a prince.
Tumblebrutus knelt on one knee, and pretended to be awaiting instructions.
Admetus went into a very low bow. The kittens all curtsied.
Jemima pretended to be a lady-in-waiting, and Etcetera was as she insisted to be, the court jester.
Electra was a servant to the foe. Exotica was that foe that they faced.
Victoria could think up many imaginary games for them to play, some held their interest long, and some short.
When it was a short day, then she was more than happy to play games with them, and sometimes if they were good they'd play the human game, Dodge ball, with Etcetera's ball. That way, everyone got to play. Victoria always was outside of the circle, because the last time she was in, no one could beat her, so she wanted to be fair.
She would divide the kittens up evenly, four against four, and they would play happily.
Sometimes, she would play tag with them, or hide and go seek, though she was frequently "it." She didn't mind, she loved to play with them. She loved to be with them, or with Plato. Those were the happiest times.
Plato was so good to her. He loved her, she knew, and nothing could come between them. Plato was her tom. She was his queen, and she knew it, too. She was happy. He made her happy, and she was all that he wanted. She could remember every little detail about him. That made him seem perfect. The softness of his fur, the feel of his strong arms about her, he was so mighty in fact, that he could crush her, but he was always so gentle. Then she remembered that she was with the kittens, and continued.
"Hello kittens, what would you like to do?"
"Oh, Victoria! We would like to play D-d-.." Pouncival struggled with the human word.
"Dodge ball?"
"Yeah, that's the word! Can we play? Please?" She was engulfed by little tiny pleas.
"Well, where's Etcetera's ball?"
"Etcetera has it."
"May we use it, Etcetera?"
"Sure, it would be a pleasure!" she said and started happily bouncing and prancing. She pranced so highly, that she fell over. The kittens giggled. Etcetera got up, and handed Victoria the ball.
"OK now, who didn't go into the circle last time?"
"We didn't!"
"They didn't!"
"All right then, get in there." The kittens were so honest with her, she was very grateful for that.
Soon the teams had lined up, and started happily playing the game known as Dodge ball. It got heated, and soon they were playing for dear-life. Soon they calmed down, and continued to play nicely, until sunset.
Later that night, Mistoffelees tossed and turned. He kept dreaming, dreaming about Chryssie, terrible dreams.
He woke up, and started breathing hard. He couldn't understand what it meant. What is going on? He wondered.
What am I seeing? What is going to happen? He couldn't sleep for the rest of the night.
Early that morning, Plato rose to find Victoria. She hadn't come to him last night, and so, as a good tom in love should be, he was worried about her. He missed her, and was worried that she was in trouble. He went off in search of her, at the junkyard. There he found her in a mass of wiggling kittens. He smiled as he looked at her. She was so beautiful. Even with kittens surrounding her, she was a beauty. He had just left his kitten hood behind him. She was one year behind. He propped his elbow against the car trunk, and rested his chin on the palm of his hand. There he just gazed at her, with the look of love.
Cassandra slinked up to him, and whispered
"Good morning." in a very appealing tone. He looked over, startled.
"Good morning, Cassandra."
"I see that you are looking at the kittens. Why?"
"Oh, just wondering how they can stand each other."
"Oh really, well why not you look more towards a queens way, hmm?"
"What queen's way is this, Cassandra?" Cassandra just tossed and twirled her tail around.
"Oh, that queen's." he said, sarcastically. "Sorry to disappoint you Cassandra, but you are two years out of kitten hood, I am one. It will never work."
"Well, how do you know? We could be a match made in the Heaviside. These things do have a tendency to work. I mean, look at Chryssie and Munkustrap. He's five years out of his kitten hood, and she's still in hers."
"Not by our standards Cassandra. She has proven that she is too old to be a kitten."
"How did she do that?"
"She did all the things a grown cat would, and well, you figure it out."
"But still. Why not give you and me a chance? It's still early yet. We could cozy a tad and get to know each other better. Besides, Victoria isn't out of her kitten hood, and you still see her. Wouldn't you prefer someone older?"
"Sorry, Cassandra. How many millions of times have I told you, that I already have her as a queen?"
"Yes, but sometimes even soldiers get rebellious."
"Betray My Queen!? Are you nuts? Or have you been in the catnip too long?"
"Now that you mention it, I think I want some cream. Join me?"
"No thank you, I don't feel like getting drunk today."
"Oh, but where's your spirit of adventure. There has to be a first time for getting drunk. Trust me, it's fun, and you won't feel a thing."
"Until the cream has worn off. Then you have a headache, and you wonder 'What in Heaviside was I doing to myself'. Sorry Cassandra, I have no interest in getting drunk with you."
"Suit yourself." She angrily paced away.
Victoria woke up amidst the bodies of the kittens. They were wriggling and twisting. She heard little sighs of content, and she realized that she had survived a sleep over with the kittens.
Victoria wriggled out of the mass of kittens, and walked over to a very tired looking Mistoffelees. She didn't see Plato, and she wondered where he was.
"Good morning. Did you sleep well?"
"Victoria, I hope you aren't making a joke."
"Well, no. I was merely being courteous."
"Well Victoria, something is weighing so heavily in my mind, that I have no time to be courteous."
"Well, kindly tell me. What is weighing on your mind?"
"Well, every night I see....." suddenly, Jemima came running, with fear in her eyes.
"Victoria! Mistoffelees! It's Arsenic! She's in the yard! She's wounded! Munkustrap is already there, and he's not allowing her to come forward until everyone is there. Come with me, please!"
Victoria and Mistoffelees followed Jemima. There, surrounded by a circle of wary cats was Arsenic, making no move for an attack. She just stood there, and she was very still.
Victoria noticed that she was bruised, and bleeding. Still, there is something phony about her, Victoria concluded.
"I have a request." Arsenic said, when all the Jellicles had assembled.
"I wish to stay here, for protection." All the cats started whispering amongst themselves.
"It could be a trap for Munkustrap." Victoria whispered to Mistoffelees.
"Yes, considering all the times she tried to kill him."
"Please, Please, listen to me! I was abducted by Macavity when I was a young kitten, and all my life, I have known only evil. I found that my ways are wrong, and I want to repent." Arsenic put her head down, and smiled a little.
"I found it out because there was a little kitten, which had fallen down. To hush him up, I picked him up, and put him on his feet, and he smiled at me and quieted down. From that moment on, I felt good that day. Then I realized that what I did was called kindness, and the only thing that I had been using to make me feel big, was insults and lies. I knew I wanted out. I found my way out of Macavity's lair." She raised her head, and her expressions grew tight.
"But Nakcheem saw me, and beat me, trying to get me so weak that I couldn't go. He didn't succeed, nothing could have kept me away from a chance to be in goodness and harmony. He nearly beat all nine lives out of me. I really wish I can join here, and be safe and happy." She pleaded to Munkustrap,
"Munkustrap, I tried to kill you on order of Macavity. I was forced to do it. I always never really wanted to, but Macavity would torture me, and I've heard so many awful sounds coming from the dungeon."
Thunder struck, just of a thunderstorm, and she crouched and shook.
"Please, let me stay, I want to repent!" They could see tears streaming down Arsenic's face, as she cried out her grief.
Munkustrap's hard, cold set face softened, and he allowed her to join the cats.
"You have convinced us Arsenic, though surely there has to be a name other then Arsenic we can call you." Arsenic thought a moment, and said
"Testra, in honor of Chryssie. Where is she now?" Munkustrap stiffened and turned away, saying as Mistoffelees looked at him,
"She went home, to her farm. She'll be back the next Jellicle Ball." Victoria knew that he was hiding the pain in his voice. Demeter heard and realized it too.
Then Munkustrap walked to his cave. Mistoffelees looked after him, sympathetically. Munkustrap passed by Mistoffelees.
"Don't worry Munkustrap, You'll get her back. From the way you feel, I bet she is feeling the same way."
Munkustrap patted Mistoffelees' shoulder once, then walked into the cave. Demeter ran in after him, and didn't return immediately out.
"He must want her to stay." Victoria said to Plato, as he came up from behind her.
"Yes he must, otherwise she wouldn't be staying such a long time in there."
"He must need her very much now, for Chryssie meant a lot to him."
Plato started to put his arms about her, but then a voice surprised him, and made him drop them.
"Ah hah! I thought I might catch you with someone."
"Oh no, here comes Cassandra again. Victoria, she wanted me to get drunk with her this morning!"
"She really likes you, I can tell."
"Boy, at times like this, I wish I were Mistoffelees. Maybe so I can disappear, for a while."
"Hello. Oh, Victoria, I didn't think that you would be here... May I talk to Plato, please?"
"What about, Cassandra?"
"Daily gossip, news, questions asked, and on and on."
"Well, now that you mention gossip Cassandra, Jennyanydots has been dying for someone to chat with, and I figure that she's a good one to start with." Victoria suggested.
"Doesn't she have Jellylorum to talk to?" Cassandra asked.
"Well yes, she does, but I think it may be good for her if someone else talks to her for a change."
"Well Skimble is over there now, so I can't do that. Please, I would really love to talk to Plato."
"Oh, hold on Cassandra! I see Jellylorum needs a hand with the kittens. Go help her. Go on." Victoria cleverly caught Jellylorum's attention, and pointed to Cassandra.
"Oh Cassandra, I am so glad you volunteered. It's a chance for you to do something around here. Come along, come along." Cassandra went, glaring at Victoria.
"Well, that was close. For a minute there, I thought I was going to be stuck in flirtation city."
"Well, I think that I saved you from that one, didn't I?"
"Yes, you did, and I'm mighty thankful for that." He then put his arms around her, and she leaned into him. He then looked up, and said,
"Here comes Mistoffelees. Boy, does he look like he has something urgent on his mind."
"I wonder what the matter is." Mistoffelees came toward them, and started to walk with them. He then said,
"I have to tell you of my dream." They both paused to listen.
"No, not here. I also have to tell it to Skimble and Jennyanydots. Then I can receive advice, and counsel, from all of you." Plato and Victoria agreed. Then Victoria, Plato and Mistoffelees hurried off, and met Skimble and Jennyanydots at her trunk. They all sat down.
"All right. Now Mistoffelees, what's this all about, lad?" Skimble asked, kindly.
"Yes dear, tell us what has been distressing you."
"For the past week, I have been having the very same dream every night. It has been puzzling me very much, and I have no idea what to make of it." He took a deep breath, and began.
"The dream is dark at first, and then I see Chryssie, sitting over Munkustrap and crying. Munkustrap is very still on his back, and nothing is moving. Flashes of red come, and Chryssie looks up. She looks over that way," he said and pointed to his left.
"and nods her head. Munkustrap then sits up abruptly, and looks about. Chryssie kneels, and tells him something. Then it all blacks out for a little while, then I see Chryssie's face. Gold light is flashing all around her. She is standing with her back to the gold light, and she cries and cries. The gold light is growing brighter, and soon, I have to squint my eyes. Though what I see before I close my eyes, is Chryssie starting to change, and then I wake up." The cats sat thoughtfully, and was unsure of what to say. Victoria froze in fear. Maybe something was going to happen to Chryssie. "It could be that maybe the Everlasting Cat is trying to tell you something?" Skimble guessed.
"It could be possible that she may be chosen as the next Everlasting Cat." Jennyanydots suggested
"That seems possible, Jennyanydots, except that I have a feeling of dread when I see it, you know? I get the feeling that this isn't something to be happy about."
"Why aren't you telling Munkustrap this, dear?" Jennyanydots asked.
"He could do something about it."
"Yes, but Jennyanydots, would you really think that it would be a good idea to tell him? Look at him, he's so in love with her, and he is already downhearted that she left. I don't think that it would be good for his health if we told him what I see."
"Good point, lad."
"Hey, Testra! What are you doing here?" Plato shouted, at Arsenic who was peering into the window.
"I-I was just wondering where I could stay for tonight."
"Use Chryssie's basket. You seem to like it very much, and she isn't going to be there."
"Oh, OK. Thanks." she said, and crept off.
"I don't trust her, not at all."
"Yes, I don't either. She just seems too secretive to want to repent. How long had she been standing behind, listening in like that?" Plato asked.
"Oh, I don't know lad. I only saw her when you did."
"Well, she shouldn't have heard much. She especially shouldn't have heard about the dream. Our voices are much to low to hear."
"Yes, but I have a bad feeling about her." Victoria said.
"She still seems too evil."
"I agree." Plato said.
"Victoria, we had better get to our place for tonight. It's gotten dark." Plato said. He offered a hand to her. She took it, and Plato pulled her up.
"Mistoffelees, we will give our advice tomorrow. We need to think about it tonight."
"You do so, Victoria and the rest of you. Thanks for listening to me."
"Our pleasure Mistoffelees, and don't worry. Everything will be all right." Victoria kissed Mistoffelees lightly on his brow, and said goodnight to Skimble and Jennyanydots. They nodded, and then started to take Mistoffelees to his place.
"I don't see why you had to kiss him." Plato said, as they walked to their place. He had a small humph about him, which Victoria knew he used when he was joking.
"Oh Plato, you do understand sympathy, don't you?"
"I have the feeling you were jealous."
"No, I just don't want you kissing anyone but me." He said lightly and casually.
"That's called jealousy, dear."
"Oh." He said, shortly.
She laughed and then curled up. He chuckled softly, and curled up with her. She kissed his cheek. He stoked her cheek once, and then fell asleep.
Plato had a dream later that night.
"Plato." Chryssie said, with a look of worry.
"Please, something is going to happen with Munkustrap if you don't do something. I feel cold, and deathlike around him." She frantically flinched, and skittishly walked to and fro. She kept trying to look out into air, as if to see something.
"Plato, please! Guard him tonight, please. I will be there soon. I have a bad feeling with HER. Please guard him. I tried to reach Mistoffelees, but I can't. It's like his mind is already filled with worry and dread. You are the only one I could see fit to do this." She looked very scared, and serious.
"Please, watch him in the dead of night, I feel the worst there. I can't shake the feeling that Macavity's involved in all of this. Please, I have to hurry, my time closes quickly. Please guard him, I beg you, watch him tonight. You know I love him with all my heart. Guard him, please guard him!"
Chryssie begged, and mist swirled around her. She looked afraid,
"Macavity! Leave me be! Macavity!" then the mist swirled around her, and Macavity's laugh echoed through the mists.
Victoria sat up quickly.
"What are you doing up?" Victoria asked Plato who was still with her. She was breathing hard.
"I was about to ask you the same question."
"About Chryssie warning us about Munkustrap, then disappearing with Macavity's laugh?"
"Yes, that's exactly it."
"Hmm, Chryssie sent us a nightmare. Do you think it was spontaneous, or do you think she's warning us?"
"She could be warning us, because I have never seen her that panicked. On the other paw, it could be spontaneous, because Mistoffelees had been getting really weird dreams and it could be spreading onto us."
"Well don't forget that she said that she tried to reach Mistoffelees, but couldn't because he was already in a state of trouble and unease. She also gave us the time that she was having bad feelings. I think she must be warning us about Munkustrap."
"Well, if we are going to be doing what she bid us to, we had better start now. I believe the dead of night is midnight."
"Now who is the one that Chryssie referred to as HER?" Plato and Victoria froze as the answer came clear to them. Chryssie had always hated her, anyway.
Victoria looked at Plato, and he nodded briefly. They both headed out, running as fast as they could towards Munkustrap's cave.
"We should have known. I thought it was a bad idea, but how could she put on such a display like that?"
"I don't know! She was crying and everything!"
"I bet she thinks that she is going to get away with this, Scot free! Do you think she's going to frame anyone?"
"No, because she hadn't tried to make anyone look like they had done something wrong! I think she's just going to hit and run!"
"Very unladylike, if you ask me!"
"Victoria, this is no time to be proper!"
"Plato! We are going to need help. Lets get Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser."
They stopped by the place where the "Notorious couple of cats" lived. They saw them in a little bundle, and Victoria stepped over to Rumpleteaser, and gently shook her.
"What? what? EEEEKKK!!!" Victoria leapt back a little bit, and then said
"Shh it's me, Victoria."
"Oh Victoria! What are you doin' scarin' me in the middle of the night? That was worse than sneakin' up behin' me!"
"Right and havin' 'er scare me off t' the 'Eaviside?" Mungojerrie groaned. "You two, we need your help." Victoria said, and quickly explained the dream
to them. Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser followed the dream carefully, and tried to make sense of it.
"Oh what an 'orrible dream!" Rumpleteaser sympathized.
"Right, now what do you want us t' do?" Mungojerrie asked.
"Just help us. Come with us, right now. Please?"
"What for? It's only eleven forty- five."
"Eleven Forty-five!" shrieked Victoria, Rumpleteaser, and Plato.
Then, they grabbed Mungojerrie, and hurried off into the night. They ran quickly, and soon reached Munkustrap's cave in the junkyard.
They dashed inside. Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser weren't with them. They were a slower then they were due to Mungojerrie, and they couldn't waste anymore time dragging him along, so Rumpleteaser had told them to go on ahead.
They reached the mouth of the cave, and before they went in, Plato wrapped his arms around Victoria, and kissed her. It sent shivers through her spine, like they always had.
"What was that for?" she asked.
"Just to let you know that I love you."
"Oh, well I love you too and you know It." she said and felt hot with shyness. Then Plato and Victoria crept inside.
There they saw Munkustrap, who was sleeping restlessly. He seemed to be having a nightmare.
"Oh come on Mungojerrie! We 'ave t' get movin'." Rumpleteaser said, without bothering to hide the annoyance in her voice.
"I don't see what all the fuss is about. I' was only a dream wasn'it? You think i' was real."
"I' was 'cause I trust them like a Jell'cle cat should, and I think we should take a look."
"Rumpleteasa', I think you're lettin' all this scare you." She sat down in a huff, and then said flatly
"Well if Munk'strap or any otha' cat dies, I get t' say i' wasn't my fault for not bein' there, but Mungojerrie's"
"Oh stickin' the blame on me ain't you? Well come on, don't jus' sit there, we 'ave to move!."
"Move where?"
"Down t' Munk'strap's cave so I won't be tried for murda' if the Poll'cle Police Dog eva' finds me out." He then ran out. Rumpleteaser smiled, and ran after her brother.
Victoria and Plato stood around and then saw Arsenic hovering over Munkustrap suddenly, like she appeared out of nowhere. Right before their eyes, all the scratches and bruises on Arsenic's body melted away, and revealed a well taken care of coat.
"So it was Nakcheem's magic!" Victoria angrily whispered. Angrily, she paced the ground, and the anger welled inside her so, that she couldn't stand it.
She then threw herself at Arsenic, who was about to deliver the fatal scratch.
Arsenic angrily received Victoria. Three guards appeared, and Plato attacked one.
"All right we're 'ere! This is Mungojerrie reportin' 'ere with you tonight an' I'm ready for a bawl!"
Mungojerrie announced, and threw himself headlong into a fight with a guard.
"I'm Rumpleteasa' headin' right at you! You got your match cut out for you!" she shouted, and attacked the remaining guard with much vigor.
In his dream, Munkustrap saw Chryssie.
"Munkustrap, wake up! Please, this is not a dream, it's real! Please, I miss you, and I love you. My darling, your life is in danger. Listen to me, Arsenic.. she's going to kill you! I can't be there to stop her. Please, Munkustrap, my darling, wake up!" She looked so afraid.
Chryssie was pleading with him, then the mists swallowed her. He woke up with a start, and realized that he was in a battle, in his own cave.
Victoria was battling Arsenic, and Plato, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser were dueling it out with guards.
Then Mistoffelees entered his cave quickly, followed by Alonzo and Asparagus.
Asparagus received a guard who had plunked an enormous hat on his head. He pushed it up over his eyes, and picked up the guard and threw him right into Arsenic.
Victoria quizzically looked over at Asparagus who looked nervous, then tipped the hat at her with a nervous grin. Then he went into battle with another guard.
Victoria shrugged, and then started attacking another guard who was advancing on Plato. She had never fought as fierce as this in her life, or whichever life she was on. But she felt angry at the cat she was battling, for even thinking about hurting her Plato.
Tugger appeared, and saw Macavity's guards. He also saw Munkustrap, just sitting there. He knew that he had to be down there with him, or Munkustrap wouldn't have a chance. Why wasn't Munkustrap doing anything, taking cover, fighting, anything? Quickly he ran down, and took a seat next to his buddy. Then they saw Arsenic had a clear running shot of Munkustrap. Arsenic saw it, too.
Arsenic prepared to take the running leap that would end Munkustrap. But then she saw something flashing in her mind. She saw Chryssie sitting next to Munkustrap, and then Chryssie saw her. She leapt to her feet on the stone, and then took a leap, face and claws first towards her.
"No," Arsenic said, shaking her head.
"It's one of Mistoffelees' illusions. It isn't real. Besides, we have her. She is in training now."
She looked up, and saw the lion face of Tugger, with his claws out, leaping head first towards her. She screamed as Tugger's paws landed on her shoulders, and pushed her down. She got to her feet quickly, and she realized all the other guards had fled. She started backing away, warily.
"Arsenic is a good actress." Munkustrap said angrily as he stood,
"She is never to be trusted here."
"Arsenic!" Nakcheem appeared behind her.
"Come to me. The master has succeeded. We have her now, and she is under my control. The plans have changed."
"I wish he'd stop changing plans when I am trying to fulfill them!" Arsenic muttered. Nakcheem and Arsenic vanished.
"Why are you all, here?" Victoria asked.
"Well, we had strange dreams." Tugger said.
"We dreamt that Chryssie wanted us to protect Munkustrap, and we didn't know whether to believe it or not. We all got together, and talked about it. The midnight bell rang, and we realized that if we were to protect him, we were late. Then Chryssie appeared to us, like a ghost or something, and ordered us to go and protect him. That's why we're here now."
"Yes, we got that dream, only we went when we were told." Victoria said.
"I dreamt that she wanted me to wake up." Munkustrap said quietly.
"She told me my life was in danger, and that she loved me. She misses me too." He then smiled a little, and then lowered his head.
"Thank you all, for saving my life."
"We did it for you, Munkustrap." They murmured and then left. Jennyanydots and Victoria came and sat beside him.
"Dear, what were you smiling about?" Jennyanydots asked when all the cats, except for Victoria left.
"She called me her 'darling'. I'm going to see her, Jellicle moon or no."
"Would you care for company?" "
I would like that."
"Good, then I'll send for Plato. He can go along with you and Victoria." Jennyanydots stood, and then left.
"You really love Chryssie, don't you Munkustrap?" Victoria asked softly. Her first time, really talking to Munkustrap and she wasn't sure about how to act, or what to say. He nodded a reply.
"It's the same way with me and Plato."
"You and Plato are together?"
"Yes, we will be going for a year this week."
"You haven't settled yet?"
"No, we want to wait until I get out of my kitten hood. It should be next year."
"Congratulations." Munkustrap said, and stood again. Plato entered the room, and took Victoria's paw.
"Come on." said Munkustrap, and for the first time in weeks other then being with Demeter, he seemed happy.
They followed him, and soon they reached Chryssie's farmhouse. He knocked on the garage door, and Chryssie's father came out. He looked sad.
"I'd like to see Chryssie." Munkustrap said.
Chryssie's mother came to the door.
"I'm afraid Munkustrap, that you can't see her." she said, and looked down as tears came rolling down her face.
"Why? What's the matter?" Munkustrap said with worry.
Chryssie's mother took a deep breath, and said with a wavering voice
"Our daughter was catnapped just tonight."
Victoria, Munkustrap and Plato gasped. Chryssie's mother went inside, and returned with a scrap of paper.
Munkustrap took it, and read:
"Don't fear for your daughter, she will serve us well in the race against your kind, the Jellicles. You have taught her well and wisely, and that is greatly appreciated. You needn't tell the Police Dog, or your daughter will meet the price. You needn't tell Old Deuteronomy or his grandson, they will find out shortly. Macavity, the hidden paw."
"Oh no." said Victoria, and collapsed into Plato's arms, where she cried.

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