98° Adoption Agency

All you have to do is cut-and-paste the HTML code underneath the desired member of 98 Degrees that you wish to adopt. I don't think I really need to tell you this, but these are not legal adoptions. Just because you cut-and-paste an HTML code to your site does not mean that you are legally the guardians of any of these members. Well, thanks a bunch and have fun! By the way, if you 'adopt' a member, make sure to e-mail me, okay?

Adopt Jeff!

<A HREF = "http://surf.to/98_hotspot" target = "newframe"> <IMG SRC = "http://geocities.datacellar.net/jesstimmons98/adopt_jeff.jpg" BORDER = 0></a>

Adopt Nick!

<A HREF = "http://surf.to/98_hotspot" target = "newframe"> <IMG SRC = "http://geocities.datacellar.net/jesstimmons98/adopt_nick.jpg" BORDER = 0></a>

Adopt Drew!

<A HREF = "http://surf.to/98_hotspot" target = "newframe"> <IMG SRC = "http://geocities.datacellar.net/jesstimmons98/adopt_drew.jpg" BORDER = 0></a>

Adopt Justin!

<A HREF = "http://surf.to/98_hotspot" target = "newframe"> <IMG SRC = "http://geocities.datacellar.net/jesstimmons98/adopt_justin.jpg" BORDER = 0></a>

Copyright 99/00 - J/J98
