
Okay heres a Spoiler for the next couple of episodes.

And here's an even juicier morsel, confided by series cocreator J.J. Abrams: 'Felicity...[uneasy pause] will have sex before the end of this year.'"

Felicity and Noel Begin to Explore the Sexual Side of Their Blossoming Relationship in the ``Gimme an O!'' Episode of ``on January 19 Felicity has returned from Christmas break with one thing on her mind -- losing her virginity -- in the ``Gimme an O!'' episode .. Back at school, Felicity heads straight to Noel's room and announces very matter of factly that she thinks they should add the dimension of sex to their relationship, especially since she is still a virgin. A very flustered Noel drops his brand new computer, sending it crashing to the floor. Determined to go about this the ``right'' way, Noel offers to get tested for STDs and Felicity visits a bookstore to check out books on human sexuality, as well as the student health center for contraceptive devices. The next day, with calendars in hand, Noel and Felicity officially ``book'' a date for their big night. The big night arrives and Noel's room is aglow with candles, one precariously close to a half-dead Christmas tree. As things heat up between them, Noel's door swings open revealing two friends with Noel's repaired computer. Shocked to see their R.A. entwined in bed with one of his advisees, they drop the computer and it crashes to the floor again. Amidst the chaos, a candle is knocked over, setting the dried out tree ablaze. Noel manages to put the fire out and he and Felicity both realize their romantic evening has crashed and burned -- at least for now.
THAT FICKLE FELICITY IS FINE BY WB By Virginia Rohan The San Jose Mercury News: December 24, 1998
Sometimes, you just can't win. When Felicity tackles a serious topic such as date rape, the show is praised, but faintly damned for being so heavy. If, however, WB's freshman college drama boasts too many carefree story lines about dating and relationships, it is blasted for going light on academics. (The show airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on Ch.20.) “YYou can't please everybody, Keri Russell, 22, who plays college freshman Felicity Porter, says cheerfully. I know so many people who want it to be funny. Then, I know so many people who watch the fun episodes, and they want it to be serious. I personally like the more fun and heartwarming episodes. When we read scripts, I say, Oh, I am so glad we're laughing again.
Post-Christmas On this particular day, she's in the thick of filming a post-Christmas-break episode. “EEveryone is coming back after being home for a month, Russell says, adding coyly, I can't tell you particulars, but I definitely have some involvement with Noel. Noel Crane, played by Scott Foley, is one of the two hunks in Felicity's life. From their first meeting, it's been clear that Noel, her student resident adviser, has a thing for Felicity. Felicity and Noel first kissed at Thanksgiving, and in a studying-for-finals episode they kissed again (and again and again). We are obviously going to be dealing with Felicity's sexuality in the next few seasons. We actually have some really funny episodes coming up about safe sex, says Russell, who strongly implies that those scenes co-star Noel. It's all about condoms and reading about sex. Felicity will have a funny approach because she's so academically inclined - she wants it to be all black and white. “FFelicity itself is hardly a clear-cut success story. Despite the huge pre-debut promotional push, Felicity has gotten off to a slower start in the ratings than fellow newcomer Charmed, which didn't get nearly as much hype. (Overall, Felicity tends to finish in the bottom quarter of the Nielsen list.) “TTo be totally honest, I'm not completely savvy to all the ratings, Russell says.I'm pretty happy with the way it's going. I wouldn't want it to be Friends. I'm rather be like Party of Five, which kind of started out slower and gained in popularity. The WB, which has ordered a full season of Felicity episodes, claims to be happy, too, especially about the show's steady growth among women 18 to 49.
Barometric friends What's more, Russell says she can tell the show is catching on, because all my friends care about what's going on. Everyone's so passionate about it. She is also heartened by what she reads on the official Felicity Web site, established by executive producer J.J. Abrams, who created the show with Matt Reeves. “JJ.J. reads it every day, and he brings me in and we scroll through the comments, Russell says. It's amazing, because almost all of it is so positive. I've had a totally different fan base for this show than other shows I've done. People who come up to me are so cool. Russell defends Felicity's waffling between Noel and Ben, the high school crush she followed across the country in the opening episode (and who is now started a romance with Felicity's friend, Julie). Ben is this childhood fantasy. I know people who are married with kids who still hold onto their college crush, she says. And Noel is right there in front of her. The available guy.

There will be a Special 2 Part'er that involves a Guy from Felicity's Past coming back and putting her in the same situation she put Ben in, Apparently there is something Shocking that will Unfold too.. Ben will get a Job at Dean & Deluca's Felicity see's Tangi's Boyfriend kissing a stranger.. Julie gets her Birth Mothers address and trys to get up the nerve to go see her Ben goes on a Vending Machine Crusade
SPOILERS January 14, 1999 - An upcoming episode will feature Julie and conflicts that arise dealing with her encounter with her birth mother. Source: The San Jose Mercury News
In The San Jose Mercury News, (December 24, 1998), many spoilers were let loose. They include: 1.)"Everyone is coming back after being home for a month," Russell says, adding coyly. "I can't tell you particulars, but I definitely have some involvement with Noel." 2.)"We're obviously going to be dealing with Felicity's sexuality in the next few seasons. We actually have some really funny episodes coming up about safe sex," says Russell, who strongly implies that those scenes co-star Noel. "It's all about condoms and reading about sex. Felicity will have a funny approach because she's so academically inclined - she wants it to be all black and white."
In Entertainment Weekly, (December 11, 1998 issue) it said, "In future episodes, Felicity and Noel advance in their intra-dorm desire, while Ben and Julie deepen their friendship. And here's an even juicier morsel, confided by series cocreator J.J. Abrams: 'Felicity...[uneasy pause] will have sex before the end of this year.'"
The end.

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