
4/4 - Whew! Its been a LONG time since my last update! Well, in about the middle of February right as I got the time to start working on this page some more, something happened and I was banished into net oblivion! So I am finally back! Ooh, and there is something really important I want you all to check out, the Monthly Steele Drawing Contest. Well, it isn't exactly monthly yet, but if I get enough people to submit pictures, I'll keep it going! I am still working on the image gallery, so not all of that is up yet. I did finally fix some broken links too. Also, I think I might put up a fan art gallery, but I am not positive on that yet. Well, anyway, please consider submitting pictures to the gallery! Thanks all!

12/28 - GREAT NEWS! For Christmas I got some screenshot software and I have taken all of the pictures of Steele that I could possibly get! I have a few of them up already on my image page, but I haven't really had the time to work on them all and get them all up. I have 125 images so far, and that is from the beginning to the end of the movie, and later I am going to go back over it and try to get more images. Also, I am looking to put up a fanart section probably, a survey, and background on the Balto characters, and my own fanfic characters. Oh! Speaking of fanfic, I have just been sitting around with no inspiration so I wasn't doing any work on it recently, but last night something kicked in me and I couldn't stop writing. I was up until about 2 a.m. working on nothing but the 'fic. Its only half the way done, but at least I know where I am heading with it. Before I didn't really know the exact plot I wanted. So if my writing inspiration continues like this, it may be done by the next update.

12/17 - Well, first of all I have added this updates page. And I want to thank SilverSpirit for correcting my error in my introduction. Check out my apology (now taken down) for that. I finally put some links up on the links page. Not many though. I am thinking of moving the webrings onto that page since they are in a way links too. Also, in case anyone cares, my first fanfic is 1/4 of the way done. I know I am taking a while, sorry, but I just have not had much time to be able to work on it. It seems to be pretty skimpy too, it just isn't turning out the way I want it to. But oh well, I'll do a couple drafts of it anyway.