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Kelvin in May 2001

May 2001, without a doubt, was the most eventful month this year, and quite possibly within all four years in Pinetree. In the beginning was Music Tour in Oregon (May 2nd to May 5th), and in the middle was GRAD (May 17th to May 18th) and finally at the end was the District Jazz Night (May 25th). Particularly special about this year's Jazz Night was that it was held at Pinetree.

A special thanks to Angela Lee for scanning all these pictures!

Note: thanks to a crummy camera and poor camera skills, mostly by other people ;), many of the pictures may be out of focus, and some have red streaks (camera's fault). Oh well.

Music Tour 2001, Oregon
Mo taking a picture of me taking a picture of him taking a picture of me... ...
Wendy, Cindy, Sylvia and June on the bus.
Me standing in front of a pristine little creek.
Big group at the same location.
Another group picture on a bridge, taken from the other side of the road.
Freaks... ...I mean our three tour teachers: Mrs. Thompson, Ms. Tuyttens and Mr. Bryson. On second thought... ...yeah, freaks. =)
Me at the amazingly beautiful Pacific coast on an amazingly sunny and windy day.
Group picture taken from below. What the hell is Gary doing?! EWW!
Sylvia ruining a great picture by ducking out at the last second. What were you doing, Sylvia?! We may never know.
Two bun jiao pros trying to ford the river.
Absolutely stunning picture of Cindy at the beach, ruined by the dreaded red streaks. Dammit!
Several freaks trying to look cool at the top of the beach dunes.
Our table at pizza night. I am strategically positioned to be streaked in red. =(
Another table picture, this time with food on the table and me slightly outside the red. James seems to be trying to molest me, thus explaining my weird expression.
Me navigating a bumper car at pizza night.
Me jumping off a swing at night, preparing for the inevitable face-plant on the sand. Dramatic effect seriously reduced by mediocre photographic skills. Oh well.
Blurry picture of the Pacific College jazz band at their dress rehersal.
Another blurry picture of the tenor sax soloist at Pacific College.
Great picture of the Grade 12 tenor sax players in Portland: me, Gary and Maurice. Oh yeah!
Wendy and her American friend at the top of the escalator, and the Nike© Girls (June, Cindy and Sylvia) in their orange shirts below.
Picture of the streets of Oregon on an overpass, with me trying to fit in below. It didn't really work, so I look blurry. ;)
Me in an extremely apprehensive mood in bowling. I think I guttered that ball. =p
Group picture on the bus. Who's that freak in front? Oh that's me. June looks pretty good, though.
Another bus group picture. My freaky appearances are reduced by the contrast to Gary's absolute hideousness. ;)
Group picture at the Seattle Experience Music Project.
Big group picture outside bus after we returned to Coquitlam.
Me, Gary and Cindy taking time out from owning Biology 12 to take a picture together.
Argh the glare! Blinding white caps donned by the SWONG, Mo and Eapen.
Wendy, Sylvia, Cindy, Joyce Chung and June after tour.

Grad Dinner & Dance 2001, Four Seasons Hotel
Cindy and I taking time to take a picture during Bio class, just a few hours away from Grad.
Limo group picture at Lafarge Lake.
Another group picture at Lafarge, this one slightly better centred.
The girls on our limo. Jessica is busy trying to fix her hair.
Our limo and its driver, Ronn.
Group picture at the Four Seasons Hotel lobby.
Almost the same group picture, but notice the arrival of Whiteboy at the bottom there. Also notice that he's not looking at my camera. =(
Me and Ms. Chalmers, my AP English Lit teacher and undeniably the wisest person in all of Pinetree (Ms. Chalmers, not me).
Our table at grad.
Mandy and Wilson. Aww... ... ;)
Me and Gary in an unbelievably blurry picture and Gary also looking away from the camera. I think Gary's good at ruining pictures. ;)
Mo, Jon, Wilson, Phil and me.
Me and Sean O'Coin. Notice that if he did a serious face that this picture would be okay, and it'd be okay if I did a weird face, but we kinda messed up and now it looks even more weird! Haha!
Me and James, probably the only person more evil than myself and usurper of tenor sax solos and French fries. =)
Nice "family" portrait with Mo, Ryan and the SWONG.
Gary and Angela Lee. Aww... ... ;)
Me and Jules, jazz tenor sax player, my hard-working calculus student and Ms. Citizenship too.
Me and Eileen go WAY back!
Angela Ling and I. Height difference has been dramatically reduced in this picture. Sorry Angela. ;) Hey at least you're wearing a qi-pao, which is undeniably the prettiest thing that girls can wear. Asian pride!
Me and Mr. Murray.
Rear half of the returning limo.
Front half of the returning limo.
The cake at After Grad, before its complete destruction. Note that the "cut" there is unavoidable: they're actually two separate cakes. I think the left was vanilla and the right was chocolate. Mmm chocolate... ... =)
Hyung catching some much-needed z's in the early morning hours of After Grad.

District Night of Jazz 2001, Pinetree Secondary School
Concession freaks: Mo, Gary and Wilson strut their merchandise.
Senior Jazz Band, viewed with the rhythm section in the front.
Another picture of the Senior Jazz Band.
A closer look at the wind section of the Senior Jazz Band. Manda seems to have been the only one aware of the camera.
Me in Vocal Jazz.
Me again in Vocal Jazz, this time actually singing.
Big picture of the Vocal Jazz ensemble.

- Kelvin Chan -
My Old Page