Welcome To The Official and Original
Shadows of the Night of Cleveland
is a


Our meetings are located in the Cleveland, Ohio area, getting together once a month at The Brookpark Library to watch DS videos and related movies. We update the members on upcoming events, going on DS-related trips the annual DS festivals, and lots more! For information regarding membership or questions about the group, send us an e mail.
Meetings from 1pm - 5pm
Brookpark Library -
For updated meetings and activities, please contact me by e mail below:
e mail: clevelandshadows@yahoo.com
For information on the next Dark Shadows Festival go to www.darkshadowsfestival.com
Our members have taken pictures at the DS Festivals of the original actors, writers, producers and many others involved in DS in it's original run. These pictures the members of this club took at the festivals and other events spanning several years. We have added a link to some of these pictures, and hopefully they will change every few months. Because it takes a long time to scan and upload them, especially non-digital camera photos (from film-type cameras) it will be a while before they can be individually scanned and uploaded by either me or my assistant. Thanks, assistant, you know who you are! Right now, other responsibilities keep me from uploading any new photos.  Dark Shadows fans in the Cleveland area who are interested in attending our monthly meetings at The Brookpark Library, 6155 Engle Rd. in Brookpark, Ohio can click on the icon below which launches an interactive Yahoo Map of the location for Brookpark Library:
Remember to check back at this site frequently, since the dates are changed frequently and depending on membership decisions by our votes, we may add or change items on this webpage as we go. (President and webmaster, Shadows of the Night of Cleveland)

Please contact me by e mail above concerning summer and other activities.
We have annual picnics in summer, we have been to Lawnfield (President Garfield's residence in Mentor, Ohio) and other locations such as Stan Hywett Mansion in Akron, Ohio. If you have any ideas of any outings with a Dark Shadows theme, please contact me by e mail.

Shadows of the Night Pictures:
If you like to see some of our pictures from past events

click here