MeLiSSa's ReaL SPeCiaL
MuSiNGs & SuCH...

"Attack, Dickie...Attack!!!!!" - That Blind Girl commanding her Guide Dog (Dickie) to sic Demons from Hell in The Beyond.
"We gotta grab that Tall Dude and stomp the (blank) outta him!!!" - Reggie the Ice Cream Man, Phantasm.
"Don't **** with me." - Snake Plissken, Escape from NY. (Okay, THAT's my favorite quote ever!)
"Dummies, dummies, dummies..." - That eye patch-wearing scientist on the TV in Dawn of the Dead ('78!)

Listing every movie seen, for 8 straight years, and continuing to do so, b/c I want to:

Dec. 07: Creature from the Black Lagoon trilogy...Star Wars...Fight Club...Don Rickles: Mr. Warmth...The Hills Have Eyes (06)--Didn't hate it as much this time...A Christmas Story (of course)...The Fog/The Howling (thanks, AMC!)...Suburbia (1984)...(1/2 of)Legend of Billie Jean...Christmas Vacation...Blazing Saddles...Rising Sun...Die Hard...Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (really?)...Dreamgirls...Final Destination...Saw/Saw 2...(1/2 of)Bad Day at Black Rock...

Nov.07: Fletch Lives!...Jungle Fever/Do the Right Thing...(1/2 of)Raintree County...Infamous...Notorious...Rebecca...Children of the Corn (always on AMC)...Saturn 3...The Quiet Earth...The first 4 chapters of Centennial(!)...Texas Chainsaw: The Beginning...A Face in the Crowd...The Hustler...Jaws (for reals!)...Close Encounters...The Quick & The Dead...The Hand (aka My Bloody Hand!)...Deadly Friend (WiTS?)...Eyes of a Stranger...Return of the Living Dead...Strange Behavior...Ravenous...Evil Dead...Psycho...The Birds...Vertigo...Satanic Rites of Dracula...

Shocktober 07: The Howling...Friday the 13th 3(D)!...The Black Hole...The Wicker Man re-make (bleh!)...Psycho...The Fury (hotel room viewing)...Going to Pieces: Rise & Fall of the Slasher Film...end of Natural Born Killers (prison interview/riot onward)...The Tingler...Sleuth (Olivier & Caine yelling at each other)...Borat (why?), twice...The Born Losers (I heart Billy Jack!)...House (comm.)...It (commentary)...Rear Window...The Bad News Bears (the 70's South Park)...Ransom (Mel G. as a suicidal control freak)...

Sept. 07: Vertigo...Tales from the Crypt/ Vault of Horror...The Burning...Cujo (", dog")...Justin Timberlake HBO Concert (!!!)...The Company of Wolves (Never stray from the path)...From Beyond (I'd never seen it before--!)...The Mephisto Waltz...And Soon the Darkness...War of the Worlds (original)...Inside D. T. doc...Sleepaway Camp (ha-ha!)...Army of Darkness...Once Upon a Time in the West (for the millionth time!)...The Black Dahlia (bleh)...Hollywoodland...Superman Returns...I will always love Easy Rider...Twin Peaks: Season 2 (I had NEVER SEEN the finale before!)...Bug (weird 70's 'smart killer insects' movie)...

AuGuST 07: Master of the World...House of Wax (50's)...Jaws 4-ever...Halloween...Halloween 4 (I'd never seen it from beginning to end!)...Killer Klowns from Outer Space (makes me laff)...Day of the Dead...Dracula Prince of Darkness (Christopher Lee & Friends commentary)...American Psycho...Tombstone...Stir of Echoes (fingernail ripped off--ewww!)...The Host...The Last Man on Earth...Masque of the Red Death...The U.S. vs. John Lennon...

July 07: Slap Shot...Batman (AMC trivia version)...The Notorious Bettie Page...For Your Consideration ("the Brown Diaper Co." ha-ha!)...Daughters of Darkness...Night of the Living Dead w/ the commentary on...Vampyres...Horror Express...Plague of the Zombies...Scarface...Creepshow 2...The Exorcist...Friday the 13th 3-D!...One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest...Sicko...Clash by Night (Tough Dame Barbara Stanwyck)...Eddie & The Cruisers...Children of the Corn (for the Isaac/Malachai commentary)...The Godfather (b/c you have to watch it 1nce a year) & Part II...Swamp Thing...Slums of Beverly Hills ("We Want the Funk")...Jesus is Magic...Little Miss Sunshine (bleh)...I Bury the Living...J.C.'s The Fog...Trauma (Argento)...Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me...Race w/ the Devil (commentary)...95 Miles to Go...

June 07: Episode III/Star Wars back-to-back ("Noooooo!")+Empire (which should be on that new revised AFI list, dammit!)...Beverly Hills Cop/II (HEE-hee!) olde The Wicker Man ("Corn Rigs & Barley")...Audition...The Prowler...Used Cars ("Your hair is the same color as these tires")...The Anniversary...Hell Night...Swimming Pool (wth?)...The Fox (unintentional hilarity)...Vacation...Meatballs w/ the commentary on...Slither...Flesh & Bone...,Something Wicked This Way Comes...Theatre of Blood...Witchfinder General...The Beast Must Die...Morons from Outer Space...

May 07: The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane...Once Around...Macabre (Italian turkey)...Jarhead...Midnight Express...The Omen'06 (WHY?)...I heart Phantasm...Another Day in Paradise...Trespass...Death Hunt...The Born Losers...Domino...The 40 Year Old Virgin...
April 07: Saturday Night Fever...Psycho II...Exorcist III (thanks, AMC)...Papillon...Lost: Season Two...Phantasm III (ugh, WHY?)...The Fly/Return of the Fly ('w/ Vincent Price')...Flesh & Blood: The Hammer Heritage of Horror...Robocop...United 93...Vigilante...House of Wax'05 (I'm a little embarassed about that)...War of the Worlds'05 (WHY?)...Halloween (late nite w/ commentary on)...SSSsss...Shock Treatment...A Bucket of Blood...The Car...Land of the Dead (love it, for some odd reason)...

Mar. 07: Full Metal Jacket (R. Lee Ermey in your face would be the scariest thing EVER!)...Alien 3 (WHY?)...Fight Club (edited,w/commercials,on a fuzzy station, but I was still drawn in)...Sisters...They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (well that was depressing!)...Night of the Living Dead/ The Crazies (starring 'Scientist on the TV in Dawn of the Dead'!)...What's the Matter with Helen?...TV Junkie...The Prestige...Return of the Jedi was on when I came home from the bar & was just the right thing to watch, ha-ha...Airplane! will never not be funny...Cherry 2000...California Split...Something New(!--I actually watched a romantic movie?!)...Event Horizon...

Feb. 07: Frogs (nature strikes back)...American Beauty...Urgh! A Music War (Police 'Roxanne' 1980 vs. 'Roxanne' 2007=THEY still RULE)...Get Crazy (Lou Reed!)...Pennies from Heaven (fascinating)...Hud...Jet Li, Unleashed!...The Talented Mr. Ripley...Class of 1984 ("When does a dream/become a nightmare?")...Evilspeak (ha!)...Final Destination 3 (in a bad movie mood)...Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (again)...Fatal Attraction (should have used that ending where Michael Douglas goes to jail for killing her!)...Die Hard(!)...It's Alive!/ It Lives Again (Larry Cohen commentary)...Part 1 of Stephen King's It...The Big Chill (only like the Wlm. Hurt & Meg Tilly characters)...Silkwood...King Kong (05)--draggy in the middle but really good...Saturn 3 (Harvey Keitel & Hector the Robot!)....Poison Ivy (1992 is looking very 'long time ago'!)...Scream (I used to hate it, but it ain't bad)...My Little Eye...The Man Who Fell to Earth...

Jan. 07: Q: The Winged Serpent...Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (hadn't seen it since 1990?!)...The Descent...back-to-back showings of The Exorcist on AMC (trivia version!)...It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World...Ravenous...5 minutes of The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires...Cutter's Way...Times Square...Secret Honor...Coffy...Blade Runner on AMC (while perusing BR websites!)...SpiderMan 2...

(NoTe: I saw a dude who looked JUST LIKE THAT recently...freaked me he'd walked off the set of my film The Harlan Van Towne Story!!!)

Oh My Gawd...People cover, Summer '06.

R.P.M.: Records Painted by Melissa (ha!)
Mia Fudge's DVD Collection, heavy on the Horror and the 70s and Rock Movies.
My handle is Pink Nightmare.
My Phantom of the Paradise/Meatloaf Synch!!
My Other Movie/Album Synchs
Diary of a Doodle Chronicler (Never Updated!)
The Cinema of Loneliness--(Updated for 2006-2007!)
Rated "M" (List of every movie seen in '06!)

"And when I search a faceless crowd/ a swirling mass of grey and black & white/ They don't look real to me/ In fact, they look so strange"
-The Stones, "Salt of the Earth".

The Return of the Rock Fans, Melissa Josephine Brown, c. 2002.

Links to other sites on the Web

Coast to Coast AM--Art Bell forever!!!--NOTE: I haven't listened since Ramona passed on...
(I hope) You're watching Turner Classic Movies.
Snopes: Urban Legends and Rumors--My all-time favorite website!
DVD Talk: Talkin' 'bout DVDs...
When did yr. favorite TV show Jump the Shark?
Ex:"The Weather Channel never jumped and never will."
Mobius: Intelligent Discussion for Euro/Cult/Horror/Scifi Fans!
Dread Central: Horror Fandom!
Internet Movie Database: Tons of Fun!
Video Watchdog: For the Truly Geeky Film Fan!
Directed by Brian "the Maestro" DePalma
Directed by Steven (Duel, Jaws, Close Encounters) Spielberg
The Terror Trap: I (heart) Old-School Horror.
Roger Ebert:"It's not what a movie's about, but how it is about it"
The Art of the Movie Poster (Drew Struzan rules!)
Classic Horror Film Board: For the Monster Kids!
I am the Galaga Queen!!!
The Paramount Theater: Classic Movies Last All Summer Long...
The Alamo Drafthouse--(my CHURCH!)
The Alabama Theater: Long live the Showplace of the South.
Birmingham Rewound: Growing Up Southern in the 70s Nostalgia!
Fangoria = My Tiger Beat.

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