Wow. That is one huge picture.
Hell yes he's an "Ace Pilot!"
So there is the card for Ric. Now I am not familiar with the game system... So I cannot tell wether he is a good card or what. I know that he is uncommon, which is a good thing. So he can kick some butt, but we already knew that didn't we.
So what is an Ace Pilot without a sweet ride? I tell ya, he ain't much. So here is a picture of his fighter. He used this to single-handedly take out hundreds of droid fighters. You see you thought the the other fighters in his wing were helping him win the battle. No, not at all. They were merely decoys. They took the flack and fire while he did the dirty work. All those droid fighters... It no wonder he didn't have time to take out the Droid Command Ship. Letting Anakin do it was just fine with him. Ric was getting tired of all this nonsense any way.
When you absolutely positively have to kill every droid fighter in your way...
Accept no substitute.
(A little hokey but hey.. sue me.)