This part of the website is for all the stuff we just... couldn't put anywhere else. Or rather stuff of it's own. This part of the website will prove to be the most fun. In the coming months this section will contain a lot of really nifty things. We have a couple of ideas already. It's going to be most fun.
No bells, no whistles just the script.
Ric Olié Online Comic: Olié Oop!
Sneak Preview
It's about time we came out with our very own comic. I promise all those who subscribe to our mailing list (for the comic) a wonderfully hilarious email every.. so.. often. The actual comic won't be ready for a while (Sorry). However, it's never too early to subscribe.
Ric Olié Winamp Skin
Click the picture to download the ZIPPED files. If you have no idea how to intsall Winamp skins, or you don't have Winamp. Go to and listen to what the folks there have to say.
Ric Olié Fan Art
I wanted to dedicate an entire secion to fan art, I didn't want to make it part of the images section. It's far too special for that. So...
Ric Olié Fan Fiction
I plum thought I'd die and go to heaven beofre someone brave soul would submit some fan fiction... I guess I was wrong huh? New section entitled Fan Fiction. Isn't that special.