Based on the novel by Valerio Manfredi, The Last Legion begins chronologically in Rome with the crowning of a boy, Romulus Augustus (played by Thomas Sangster), as Caesar. The Goths soon overwhelm Rome, and their leader takes his place on the throne. After the Goths capture Romulus, their leader decides to exile him to Capri. Loyalists rescue Romulus, hoping for a comeback, but all the legions declare their loyalty to the Goths except for the one in Britannia, and the Emperor of Constantinople refuses sanctuary to Caesar. Accordingly, a small group of loyalists head for Britannia. The film, directed by Doug Lefleer, is bookended by a tale told by Merlin (played by Ben Kingsley), who in Rome was called Ambrosinus, to a boy by the name of Arthur (played by Rory James), a clever tale indeed that contrasts those of principle with mere opportunists. MH
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